MovieChat Forums > You Again (2010) Discussion > one of the most IRRESPONSIBLE movies I h...

one of the most IRRESPONSIBLE movies I have ever seen!!

Okay, so I totally am the person who never understood why people go on sites just to bash a movie but having just seen this movie I felt instantly compelled to express my complete shock at how horrible and irresponsible this movie unfolded before my very eyes.

I just watched this film on Netflix and was at first excited to endulge in one of my guiltiest pleasures, the "chick" flick. But I just could not believe how horrible it just kept getting and getting.

How is this film irresponsible? Because it teaches that if you bully a person for four years and never own up to it (unless you get caught, of course) that not only do you get to marry the man of your dreams, but the family of the person you tormented will welcome you with open and loving arms.

Joanna's character is one of the most deplorable characters I have ever seen on film. Not just because she bullies someone (I actually agree that we do stupid and sometimes terrible things when we are children and should be forgiven for them if we are truly sorry) but because she willingly seduces the family of the person she tormented without telling them the horrible things she did to their daughter. If she truly had forgotten, then her actions would make sense. But the film tells us that she does remember she has been willingly withholding something incredibly important from them the whole time she was with Tim. She lied to her fiance and she lied to his family. She did it because she just wanted to be a part of a family? Okay, I could buy that but then she still continues to bully the sister even further. Just horrible!

Could the film have redeemed Joanna? making her truly sorry for what she did to Kirsten Bell's character and apologizing not only to her character but to the whole family. But instead Joanna just says "Look at what you did to me!!!"

I am truly not trying to insult anyone who liked this movie...I for one just felt really insulted while watching it.

Did I put too much thought into it? Perhaps. But thank you for letting me get this off my chest!


Both the female leads are very damaged, vindictive, petty people, but they eventually get over it and move on with their lives. It's messy and imperfect, but they muddle through, like most people.

People do dumb things in real life and carry shame with them all their days. I don't think it's irresponsible to portray that.


So Joanna apologised to Marni only when she was threatened with the fact that she won't marry Wiil? And that made her apology genuine? What a dumb movie.


I just watched this again...

the first time I watched this I gave it a 4..
because I agree totally with the OP of this thread...
this is a totally irresponsible movie..
but most movies are...

I have just watched several Adam Sandler movies...
and this movie is right along those lines...

it did look like they were having fun playing these roles...however...
and for that was fun watching Jamie Lee Curtis et al go at each other...


I hate the singing and dance crap. And the rest of it kinda sucks.

You know what I hate? People who take certain films seriously.


I hated the part where the father talks to the mother and daughter like they are children and grounds them, and tells them he doesn't understand girl's world and it scares him. That's not girl's world, that's just retardation. Way to stereotype all females and set us back as a dramatic and overly emotional gender. It was just stupid.

charlie was sexy though


absolutely ridiculous movie

i love kirsten, i love jamie, i love sigourney but this movie sucks

anyone on this thread who thinks jj is the hero of this movie, or that marni was a villian is clearly a bully themselves, and have clearly not changed from their high school days. anyone who was bullied knows that marni had every right to expect an apology, she only asked pointed questions coz she couldnt believe the girl who tortured her everyday in high school couldnt remember her. this bitch was evil and its psycological warfare, her treatment of marni.

marni asked these questions to figure out if she did remember, from the moment in the car jj showed her true colours, and that she hadnt changed one single bit. if she had been remotely upset by her actions towards marni in high school she never would of did what she did in the car, that proved she was exactly the same. it wasnt that she was pushed to far by marni, its that she was still that evil, vile, manipulative WARDEN she was in high school. her parents death made her think i have to change, but all she did was change the shell, change her reflection, pretending to be a better person but inside she was still the same, rotten to the core.

when marni showed the time capsule, the fact that anyone got angry at her disgusted me, it showed true bullies and even jj's friend who was sitting next to marni looked horrified at her own actions on the tape, that showed that she had at least changed. i very rarely cry during movies but that moment reduced me to tears watching the bullying on the tape. i expected the brother to apoligise to marni right then for allowing this horrible creature anywhere near his sisters life, how on gods green earth would you be mad at her, why was he? why was the dad? what kind of sick, twisted family is this?

if my brother came home saying he was going to marry someone who tortured me everyday in school, i would explain everything that she did and say if you marry this person you are dead to me, i will never speak to you again (especially if she was say jj, who clearly had not changed), and yes i would mean it, and any true brother would call off the wedding. if she had sincerly apoligised the second she saw me, took me aside showed me she deaply regretted her actions, then we could move forward, but this b1tch did not.

disney allowing such a hateful movie to be made by them is disgusting, disney saying you can torture people in high school, still treat them like *beep* when your supposedly all grown up, and marry your dream guy, ridiculous.

i watched this for kirsten bell, who i have adored since veronica mars days, loved her in heroes, i stayed with it for her, jamie lee curtis and sigourney weaver who are both legendary horror actresses, but this movie disgusts me, as many of you i agree if she had truely changed and had remorse then we could have moved beyond it, but she only showed any remorse after losing will (which should have been the end of the movie) but at that point with her renewed bullying was much too little too late.

marni never became the bully and seriously if you think that then you truely are a horrible person. the time capsule was right, and jj's own words and actions, the fact that they got the truely evil bullying on tape and left it is so disgusting. the father scolding either mum or daughter was nasty.

i could see sigourney and jamie's characters had the full room and where fully able and justified to make up their relationship, but marni and jj NEVER (if only she had truely changed and not faked it)

i was bullied all through high school by a teenage boy who would torment me everyday, i ran into him years later in a night club, he said hello, then went into a whole story of how much of an ass he was in school and how sorry he was for everything, and could i ever forgive him, that he was truely sorry for all the things he had said and done, and yes he did seem genuine, and while we will never be friends we can both now move on from those days. so by that i mean the only way it can ever be forgiven or forgotten is to be genuine, sincere and truely sorry for your actions and make amends, then both parties can move on.

so know jj never changed, was never truely sorry and was a horrible human being, and this filmed sucked ass


I have to concur with everything said. This was an awful movie, and I only gave it a 2/10 because Kristen Bell, Kristin Chenoweth, and Jamie Lee Curtis did a good job in it.


Sourpuss, I could not agree MORE! This film features everything that is deplorable and evil about people and then asks us to think it is funny. The characters are shallow, narcisstic, whiny, selfish, unfunny and stupid. The plot and script are incompetent as is the mindless direction. How a great, ensemble cast can be wasted like this is beyond me. There might be a good movie on this subject but this is not it.But this is Hollywood and they are about what is bad about society and not about the positive aspects of society. Their motto is"Do Unto Others BEFORE They Do Unto you". I was at the gym when this was being played and the cardio-cinema, so I was a captive audience. Usually, I do an hour, nonstop. With this movie in I had to take 2 breaks just to escape for a break from the agony of this film. You did not put too much into your review as I thought it was a very thorough and well written reveiew. You did a fine job so don't let the haters scare you off.

"Have a better one"


The irony of the sourpuss name makes me laugh, because that is exactly what you are being right now...

Because it teaches that if you bully a person for four years and never own up to it (unless you get caught, of course) that not only do you get to marry the man of your dreams, but the family of the person you tormented will welcome you with open and loving arms.
The only thing I can say here is, DUH! Why would the family condemn Joanna for something they didn't know she did?

Joanna's character is one of the most deplorable characters I have ever seen on film.
This comment actually offends me. With movie characters such as Hannibal Lecter, Amon Goeth from Schindler's List, Annie Wilkes from Misery, Hans Landa from Inglorious Basterds, the Joker from The Dark Knight, even Frollo from The Hunchback of Notre Dame, and you find a petty high school bully to be one of the most deplorable movie characters? Wow. Get some perspective.

Not just because she bullies someone (I actually agree that we do stupid and sometimes terrible things when we are children and should be forgiven for them if we are truly sorry) but because she willingly seduces the family of the person she tormented without telling them the horrible things she did to their daughter. If she truly had forgotten, then her actions would make sense. But the film tells us that she does remember she has been willingly withholding something incredibly important from them the whole time she was with Tim.
Why are you making it sound like she had malicious intentions the entire time? She didn't. Like most of us, Joanna did not want to face the bad things she did when she was young and stupid, especially now that she has gained perspective on life (after her parents' death) and essentially became a completely different person. As she mentioned, by ignoring the situation and pretending she didn't remember, she hoped Marni would just drop it and move on. It was obviously a horrible call on Joanna's part (especially since Marni initially wanted to settle things in private without involving the rest of the family), but it hardly makes her a deplorable person for not wanting to dwell on her worst self.

Okay, I could buy that but then she still continues to bully the sister even further.
Yes she fell back into her petty ways only after Marni pushed the issue. I absolutely understand both sides of it: Marni doesn't want her suffering to just be cast aside as unimportant, however, Joanna has since moved on from being the high school bully and surely didn't want to have to be confronted with what a horrible person she used to be. The best solution would have definitely been Marni's original plan: confront Joanna in private, Joanna would apologize for what she did, then they would both move on without bothering the rest of the family. However, Joanna refused to acknowledge she was a bad person, so Marni became just as petty by bringing up the kind of person Joanna used to be every chance she got. The movie was making it abundantly clear that both parties are at fault.

Could the film have redeemed Joanna? making her truly sorry for what she did to Kirsten Bell's character and apologizing not only to her character but to the whole family. But instead Joanna just says "Look at what you did to me!!!"
I'm assuming you just stopped watching the movie or stopped paying attention after this situation because there is literally an entire scene where Joanna apologizes to Marni for terrorizing her life in high school and where Marni apologizes to Joanna for actively trying to sabotage Joanna and Will.

Joanna made a very bad decision by ignoring the entire thing and not just apologizing to Marni like she wanted. While wrong, it is understandable: nobody enjoys admitting to the horrible things they did, especially the horrible things you did back when you were young and immature (and have since changed substantially).

I miss the days when a movie was a movie and didn't have to act as a moral compass for people who can't develop their own set of morals.

The message has nothing to do with Joanna getting what she wanted: she didn't. Joanna WANTED to have Will and be a part of his family while turning a blind eye to her past indiscretions; that obviously isn't what she got. Her persona as the high school "warden" was revealed to everyone and she almost lost everything she had. It was only when she fessed up to what she used to be, was she able to clear the air with Marni, Will, and the rest of the Olsens.

The real message of this movie is to always treat people right because those actions will never just go away; they will always come back to bite you. From another perspective, it also tells us not to dwell on the past because that isn't good for anyone; let bygones be bygones and move on with your life -- it will be better for yourself and everyone else involved.

I don't mean to offend but I really feel like you were too hung up on Joanna and missed the entire point of the movie.



Good grief. This move is a comedy. Calm down. It's not meant to be taken seriously.

It's all about Kristen Bell's comedic reactions to all the craziness surrounding her character. Just enjoy her performance and don't worry about the rest.


"by making her truly sorry for what she did to Kirsten Bell's character"

But that DID happen, and I LOVED the way it happened. instead of going for the the same "OMG! she's now matured and learned from her own mistakes" she regretted EVERYTHING she's done after the Kristen Bell character gave her a taste of her own medicine, she completely f_cked up her life and ended her marriage; she was in CONTROL.

I myself am a slightly vindictive person and I would have given Joanna TWICE the hell she went through but in the end I would have forgiven her if she crumbled down and cried at the end like she did.


I'm sorta lost by those on this board who days it's just a movie and thought Marni was wrong for wanting an apology or revenge. This is just like real life (except for the brother not knowing his fiancée from high school). Sibling(s) very often hate the person(s) who married their brother(s) or sister(s). I will say that mutual hatred doesn't stop the sibling from marrying the hated one. Very often the conflict comes out before the wedding, during the wedding & after the wedding. Then affects the family for years on end. Especially holidays,birthdays & funerals when all the details of the feud usually come out like clockwork when someone says the wrong thing.

Just for the record, I'm not a Dude, I'm a Dudette!


The world is run by bullies so what else is new!

IMDB rulers and moderators as of late, sold out and became like City data, Worthless bureaucrats.


i almost punched the computer screen when kriten's character wouldn't fight back after that b*t*h poured that food all over her. couldnt stand watching the ending and turned it off
them haterz can't tell me nothin


Well she was about to but was interrupted by Will breaking up with Joanna and then yelling at Marni for no good reason.

Yeah I didn't like the cheap ''I'm sorry I got caught in the lie'' apology fridge scene. Nope. She just poured that green slim on Marnie just the day before, which means she can't be sorry.

In addition, I hated how Marnie was forgiving in the end. I would have let her cry all she wants to in the fridge.

If a bully is truly sorry and wants to apology, he/she does it the minute they see you don't have to remind them nor say ''I wanted a real apology and I deserve one''. They apologize on their own and do it without being force to.

Ok..assuming that Joanna was too embarrassed to say sorry. Well she could have at least invited her to a Spa or with her friends, do some friendly activities and then say something like ''Marnie can you please not tell Will nor anyone, I know we weren't friend back in HS and I've been trying to make it up since''... and then keep on inviting her. But nope, she doesn't even do that.


Are you people nuts? It's a silly comedy. Anyone trying to take life lessons from it is crazy. Clearly many of you need to resolve issues from your past... Stop blaming movies for how people behave.
