The irony of the sourpuss name makes me laugh, because that is exactly what you are being right now...
Because it teaches that if you bully a person for four years and never own up to it (unless you get caught, of course) that not only do you get to marry the man of your dreams, but the family of the person you tormented will welcome you with open and loving arms.
The only thing I can say here is, DUH! Why would the family condemn Joanna for something they didn't know she did?
Joanna's character is one of the most deplorable characters I have ever seen on film.
This comment actually offends me. With movie characters such as Hannibal Lecter, Amon Goeth from
Schindler's List, Annie Wilkes from
Misery, Hans Landa from
Inglorious Basterds, the Joker from
The Dark Knight, even Frollo from
The Hunchback of Notre Dame, and you find a petty high school bully to be one of the most deplorable movie characters? Wow. Get some perspective.
Not just because she bullies someone (I actually agree that we do stupid and sometimes terrible things when we are children and should be forgiven for them if we are truly sorry) but because she willingly seduces the family of the person she tormented without telling them the horrible things she did to their daughter. If she truly had forgotten, then her actions would make sense. But the film tells us that she does remember she has been willingly withholding something incredibly important from them the whole time she was with Tim.
Why are you making it sound like she had malicious intentions the entire time? She didn't. Like most of us, Joanna did not want to face the bad things she did when she was young and stupid, especially now that she has gained perspective on life (after her parents' death) and essentially became a completely different person. As she mentioned, by ignoring the situation and pretending she didn't remember, she hoped Marni would just drop it and move on. It was obviously a horrible call on Joanna's part (especially since Marni initially wanted to settle things in private without involving the rest of the family), but it hardly makes her a deplorable person for not wanting to dwell on her worst self.
Okay, I could buy that but then she still continues to bully the sister even further.
Yes she fell back into her petty ways only after Marni pushed the issue. I absolutely understand both sides of it: Marni doesn't want her suffering to just be cast aside as unimportant, however, Joanna has since moved on from being the high school bully and surely didn't want to have to be confronted with what a horrible person she
used to be. The best solution would have definitely been Marni's original plan: confront Joanna in private, Joanna would apologize for what she did, then they would both move on without bothering the rest of the family. However, Joanna refused to acknowledge she was a bad person, so Marni became just as petty by bringing up the kind of person Joanna used to be every chance she got. The movie was making it abundantly clear that both parties are at fault.
Could the film have redeemed Joanna? making her truly sorry for what she did to Kirsten Bell's character and apologizing not only to her character but to the whole family. But instead Joanna just says "Look at what you did to me!!!"
I'm assuming you just stopped watching the movie or stopped paying attention after this situation because there is literally an entire scene where Joanna apologizes to Marni for terrorizing her life in high school and where Marni apologizes to Joanna for actively trying to sabotage Joanna and Will.
Joanna made a very bad decision by ignoring the entire thing and not just apologizing to Marni like she wanted. While wrong, it is understandable: nobody enjoys admitting to the horrible things they did, especially the horrible things you did back when you were young and immature (and have since changed substantially).
I miss the days when a movie was a movie and didn't have to act as a moral compass for people who can't develop their own set of morals.
The message has nothing to do with Joanna getting what she wanted: she didn't. Joanna WANTED to have Will and be a part of his family while turning a blind eye to her past indiscretions; that obviously isn't what she got. Her persona as the high school "warden" was revealed to everyone and she almost lost everything she had. It was only when she fessed up to what she used to be, was she able to clear the air with Marni, Will, and the rest of the Olsens.
The real message of this movie is to always treat people right because those actions will never just go away; they will always come back to bite you. From another perspective, it also tells us not to dwell on the past because that isn't good for anyone; let bygones be bygones and move on with your life -- it will be better for yourself and everyone else involved.
I don't mean to offend but I really feel like you were too hung up on Joanna and missed the entire point of the movie.