one of the most IRRESPONSIBLE movies I have ever seen!!
Okay, so I totally am the person who never understood why people go on sites just to bash a movie but having just seen this movie I felt instantly compelled to express my complete shock at how horrible and irresponsible this movie unfolded before my very eyes.
I just watched this film on Netflix and was at first excited to endulge in one of my guiltiest pleasures, the "chick" flick. But I just could not believe how horrible it just kept getting and getting.
How is this film irresponsible? Because it teaches that if you bully a person for four years and never own up to it (unless you get caught, of course) that not only do you get to marry the man of your dreams, but the family of the person you tormented will welcome you with open and loving arms.
Joanna's character is one of the most deplorable characters I have ever seen on film. Not just because she bullies someone (I actually agree that we do stupid and sometimes terrible things when we are children and should be forgiven for them if we are truly sorry) but because she willingly seduces the family of the person she tormented without telling them the horrible things she did to their daughter. If she truly had forgotten, then her actions would make sense. But the film tells us that she does remember she has been willingly withholding something incredibly important from them the whole time she was with Tim. She lied to her fiance and she lied to his family. She did it because she just wanted to be a part of a family? Okay, I could buy that but then she still continues to bully the sister even further. Just horrible!
Could the film have redeemed Joanna? making her truly sorry for what she did to Kirsten Bell's character and apologizing not only to her character but to the whole family. But instead Joanna just says "Look at what you did to me!!!"
I am truly not trying to insult anyone who liked this movie...I for one just felt really insulted while watching it.
Did I put too much thought into it? Perhaps. But thank you for letting me get this off my chest!