MovieChat Forums > You Again (2010) Discussion > one of the most IRRESPONSIBLE movies I h...

one of the most IRRESPONSIBLE movies I have ever seen!!

Okay, so I totally am the person who never understood why people go on sites just to bash a movie but having just seen this movie I felt instantly compelled to express my complete shock at how horrible and irresponsible this movie unfolded before my very eyes.

I just watched this film on Netflix and was at first excited to endulge in one of my guiltiest pleasures, the "chick" flick. But I just could not believe how horrible it just kept getting and getting.

How is this film irresponsible? Because it teaches that if you bully a person for four years and never own up to it (unless you get caught, of course) that not only do you get to marry the man of your dreams, but the family of the person you tormented will welcome you with open and loving arms.

Joanna's character is one of the most deplorable characters I have ever seen on film. Not just because she bullies someone (I actually agree that we do stupid and sometimes terrible things when we are children and should be forgiven for them if we are truly sorry) but because she willingly seduces the family of the person she tormented without telling them the horrible things she did to their daughter. If she truly had forgotten, then her actions would make sense. But the film tells us that she does remember she has been willingly withholding something incredibly important from them the whole time she was with Tim. She lied to her fiance and she lied to his family. She did it because she just wanted to be a part of a family? Okay, I could buy that but then she still continues to bully the sister even further. Just horrible!

Could the film have redeemed Joanna? making her truly sorry for what she did to Kirsten Bell's character and apologizing not only to her character but to the whole family. But instead Joanna just says "Look at what you did to me!!!"

I am truly not trying to insult anyone who liked this movie...I for one just felt really insulted while watching it.

Did I put too much thought into it? Perhaps. But thank you for letting me get this off my chest!


I thought that was what made the movie realistic. She was a mean girl whole heartedly even to the end but what I saw was that she didn't want to be. I think she wanted to change and break free from the evil person she was when she was younger but didn't know how to. I think the charity work and herself trying to pick herself back up again was her turning over a new leaf but when the past came to haunt her, her old habits came back quickly. We don't know much about her past but it seems that she had it rough growing up and like the saying goes, "hurt people, hurt people". I think Joanna was just jealous of the girl when growing up and she wanted what she had. She thinks by getting married to the guy of her dreams mean that she is going to be that good person she always wanted and get her happily ever after.

The movie has a strong message about forgive and forget. Its hard to swallow but sometimes things like that happen. That's why I thought the movie was so funny and relatable.


You know, I watched this film and felt like I was being too sensitive. I'm glad to see that someone else felt the same way I did.
As someone who was bullied in high school (thankfully not to the extent that Marni was), I actually found the whole thing pretty offensive.
I know kids do dumb things but it also isn't THAT hard to not be so aggressively cruel to people. Joanna in this film was a bit of a psychopath and even towards the end of the film I just never believed that she has truly changed on the inside. I can't stand people who use the excuse of things being "in the past" as an opportunity to never apologize for unacceptable behavior.
I feel sorry for Joanna that she had tragedy in her life, but dealing with tragic life events doesn't automatically make you into a kind human being. I felt like the movie was more focused on making Marni look like someone who wouldn't "let things go" rather than exposing Joanna as a fraud.
This movie really dropped the ball on the whole bullying issue and what it does to kids and how it enables sociopaths to continue bad behavior by trying too hard to have a "water under the bridge" type ending.
In real life Marni and her brother would probably end up becoming very distant from one another and Joanna would show her true colors AFTER the vows had set in.
In real life, everyone doesn't deserve a second chance, sometimes second chances have to be EARNED just like forgiveness.


Yes, Joanna hasn't changed one bit but I'm wondering how would it had been if Marni had at least try to have a normal conversation without mentioning about how how much of a bitch she was in high school, not making it out as bad as it is and talk about recent topics such as what is Joanna doing as a living, her accomplishments after HS and from then on analize how she's as a person overall (without focusing on only the HS verbal/emotional bullying incident to judge the person). Would Joanna then still have been mean to her either way or would she have come to her senses at some point and naturally apologize without being reminded? If no apologize were to be given or she's still mean again suddenly without Marni even mentioning a word about the HS bullying, then instead of insisting on getting even and forcing an apology, she should have just shown the video in private to her brother and parents and explained to them what happened.

Thing is Marni was being very persistent about getting an apology and reminding about the high school bullying that it got her no where but to get bullied again by Joanna. By doing everything Marni did, it was actually giving the bully power again and well Joanna was fighting her back too (since she was a bully, they fight back when feeling cornered themselves).


In real life Marni and her brother would probably end up becoming very distant from one another and Joanna would show her true colors AFTER the vows had set in.
I think in real life there wouldn't even be a wedding after all that fiasco and Will would become distant overall and go single for a long while, distrusting women. In his mind, he would probably be thinking that all woman are dramatic, emotional, liars and catty.

In real life, everyone doesn't deserve a second chance, sometimes second chances have to be EARNED just like forgiveness.
True it has to be earn but an apology can't be forced. If someone is unwilling to apologize, if they did apologize at the end after you force it then why would you still want that cheap apology and quickly give a second chance to them??


Joanna completely changes and has spent the last few years of her life trying to make up for the bitch she was back in HS. She freaks out and acts like a jerk, and then is remorseful. Stupid movie.... But damn funny. Lighten up.


-- I just got done watching this film and it was a BLAST! It had an actual plot that you could follow and was entertaining. It had excellent character development (you were rooting for each side in their own way.) As each person became emotionally involved you were with them right there. You never feel abandoned by the characters. The film DEFINITELY DOES NOT rush the ending in any way. Be sure to stay for the ending credits; there's some fun there too. I had such a totally fun time watching this film! I thoroughly enjoyed it. Odette Yustman was a pleasure to watch as well as Kristen Bell who was equally fun. Watching Sigourney Weaver battle it with Jamie Lee Curtis was A TOTAL CLASSIC. Those two ARE THE ABSOLUTE PERFECT MATCH for this movie. The casting for those two was absolutely divine.
-- And, this movie for the most part was appropriate for most ages.


yes, i feel surprise too about the ending of the story. totally not make sense.

based on the movie story, Joanna , she won't change and never change, everything she did finally, just pretend and impossible that other so easy trust her back. agree, totally not make sense the family still can accept her. especially the victim Marni.
Joanna not only bully Marni in her entire high school, also gold digger to many boys. Marni should tell the whole family all the truth. now just bring a bitch to their family and ruin their life.

just can say,it just a movie.


Well said. I thought the exact same thing.

They made Joanna out to be a completely horrible person only to have her in the end "act" human to tug at our heart strings.

I knew a redemption scene was coming, but I don't think it was enough. She didn't change at all and it's evident when she gives the sister the "MOO" necklace. It was totally uncalled for and it doesn't make sense at all. If she said she was trying hard to change and forget, why would she torment her sister in law?
