If you like garbage you will LOVE this film! Worst movie I have ever seen!!!


yes we agree with you, this movie is so not cool


I have to agree. I caught this turd on Netflix today. It was horrible: completely predictable, poorly acted and written... just a completely by the book, paint by numbers "movie".

This movie is what's wrong with Hollywood.


It's not the worst movie I've seen but its definitely on the list, what a horrible horrible script. I can't believe Portman or Kutcher would take this on. The fact that this script got anywhere is such an insult to all struggling screenwriters out there, just ugh. It was so bad.


After seeing clips from Turkish plagiarism films I can't call any movie the worst ever. Whatever I watch I know that somewhere out there worse movies exist.

I think this movie is poor but if you call this the worst ever, you clearly haven't seen a lot of movies.


I have to chip in - how awful this is - Ashton has just introduced Vanessa to Patrice, she says 'Hi how do you do?' and is met with 'How do I what?' I mean HELLO? WHAT THE HELL ELSE COULD SHE HAVE SAID? if she heard the 'how do you' and the fourth word rhymed with 'oooh', it surely doesn't take a lot of brains to work out what was said. just a little thing that niggled me.

If it's a boy, do you think it will look like Rodney? It doesn't matter as long as it's healthy!


It was definitely one of the worst romantic comedies I've ever seen.

It was as if they weren't even trying to make a decent movie.

It was horrible from beginning to end.

I felt like someone should be paying me to sit through this.


I watched it right to the end last night on Sky Movies cos I just couldn't be arsed to turn it over and I have to agree it's pretty bad, which is a shame because I like both Natalie and Ashton in previous movies. It's slow, irritating and predictable. The only funny bit was when Natalie did the swinging the dick dance!


I liked it.

What we have here is failure to communicate!


I think I agree with the poster who said 6 out of 10. And that is only becasue I like looking at Portman! But I saw it on TV. There is no way I would have been happy to pay 10 bucks to see it. I'm tempted to start another thread, but it would raise somewhat the importance of the movie! The math is screwed up. what are these people doing at a fraternity college at Michigan when they are 24 years old?! Fourteen years old at camp and ten years later at the Michigan?! Don't anyone respond; it really isn't that important. Not even important enough to put it down as a goof. I'm not crazy about Kutcher either. And I just hate what's going on with "Two and a Half Men." It's become a mess.


Absolute dross! The only good thing was the music at the end, before the start of the end credits (The Temper Trap - Love Lost).
