If you like garbage you will LOVE this film! Worst movie I have ever seen!!!


You must have not seen very many movies. I liked it and Portman (God I love that girl) makes it work. However, it's your opinion.


It's simply a rom-com that is NOT funny enough. That is the problem.

The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday


I thought it was a pretty generic movie as well. Too bad because some of the cast was actually pretty funny.I ended up liking the supporting characters more than the leads.

I recently wrote a review of the movie. If you want to read more of my thoughts you can check them out here: http://realworldromcom.blogspot.com/


Bad movie. Boring, no charm, no chemistry, unlikeable all around.


Sorry but just staring at Natlie Portman for 90 minutes with the sound off isn't awful. OK so perhaps a bad film but let's get real hear. lol


Agree, time of my life that I can't have back .... such a waste

Black, white, green, red...
Can I take my friend to bed?


It is a lot like love (2005).


Agreed. I just saw it and this is the worst movie i've ever seen. Second place after "All about steve"


I liked it : )


I lasted about 20 minutes and my opinion is based solely on that portion of the movie. While the first 20 minutes aren't the worst I've ever seen, they're a long way from being the best. Nothing I saw induced me to keep watching.

I, too, am surprised that Natalie Portman would become involved in something so shallow and unfortunate, particularly after her wonderful performance in Black Swan. What could she have been thinking?

I'd never seen Ashton Kutcher act before. Come to think of it, I still haven't.

I don't know -- maybe it gets better at some point. Chances are slim that I'll ever find out. The thought of trying to watch this movie again makes me cringe.
