MovieChat Forums > It (2017) Discussion > SURVEY: if you LIKED or DISLIKED "It", ...

SURVEY: if you LIKED or DISLIKED "It", please answer 2 questions...

Interested in hearing from people who either loved or hated this film (if it was just so-so to you, that is if you rated it a 5 or 6, then disregard).

Please state if you are + or - about the 2017 versions, then answer the two questions, for instance:

I had read the book already YES/NO
I had seen the 1990 TV miniseries YES/NO

Just curious as to how it feelings about the film correspond to the previous existing versions.


YES Read the book ages and ages ago.
YES Seen the 1990 miniseries.

When I read the book (I really should reread it. Excuse me "It") I was a little confused with parts due to the back and forth story telling of the childhood events being presented as fuzzy memories from the adult perspective. Especially the final confrontation with the monster as adults. I enjoyed it even though there are some parts that are totally freaky and were unsettling.

The 1990 miniseries I liked it. Mostly because of the cast. The adult versions of the characters were played by well known actors all of which I had enjoyed even before being assembled in that drama.

2017 Movie (Part 1). This I also enjoyed. Since it is fresher in my mind than the other versions at this time I will say it is my favorite of the two dramatized versions. When I first heard they were going to update the time periods of the story I was a little disappointed, but they didn't mess it up. I like it when I can enjoy a "remake" or "reimagining" of a movie or TV show. When they make too many changes or miscast something then I get really annoyed. If the original was any good to begin with.


I didn't HATE the 2017, I just prefer the original. I read the book before hand. I saw the 1990 miniseries as well before, twice.



I had read the book already: Yes
I had seen the 1990 TV miniseries: Yes

I absolutely loved the first It movie, but the second movie was a major step backwards. I was looking at my watch after about a half-hour of that mess.

All in all, I liked the TV miniseries more, surprisingly. For an ABC broadcast, I thought they did an outstanding job (until the last 15 minutes). That being said, they did the best with the ending they were given.



Yes I read the book

Yes I saw the original



I had read the book already, it has a lot of interesting stuff, but chronologically is all over the place, so found it hard to get a foothold. Also, putting the adult stories in the first half was a big mistake, because we know they survived Pennywise so it's rather anti-climactic if they can beat IT as children, but have to face him again. This was a mistake the 1990 miniseries repeated, but the 2017 movie wisely chose to IGNORE.

I have seen the 1990 miniseries, it left an impression on me, but 2017 has long since superceded it, especially as it was never an actual movie in the first place, unlike the new ones.


Disliked it, although it had its moments, the kid actors were all great.

I have not read the book.
I have seen the miniseries, and think it’s vastly superior.
