All Style no Substance

The movie barely had a story. godawful. avoid.


There was actually a good story, but the action scenes alone are well worth the price of admission.



Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar, and / or doesn't.


Buddy, MM:FR doesn't deserve 97% on RT but the Oscars it won are quite justified. It should have won best director award. It makes Fast and Furious movies look like test drives!
F&F-7 was also about style and stunts, remember?


No plot either.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar, and / or doesn't.


That's the entire problem. There was NO story and no character depth at all. None.


Completely agreed


Everyone agrees. That's what makes this a majority.


Style over substance isn't necessarily a bad thing. Mad Max: Fury Road, Pulp Fiction, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Citizen Kane. All style over substance movies and all are great.



2001 is style over substance? That explains all the themes and allegories that are still being discussed decades later.


Of course, so is Pulp Fiction. 2001 is visual style, Pulp Fiction is dialogue style.


"Style over substance" refers to gratuity. If the chosen "style" is in service of the "substance," eg 2001's visuals and Pulp Fiction's dialogue, then the phrase "style over substance" is inappropriate. Likewise, the action in MM:FR isn't gratuitous either. Each action sequence was structured to develop character.


Complaining that it has no substance makes me think that this must be your first mad max film. What kind of profound depth were you expecting???


This movie gets criticised for "no story" all the time

Yet Quentin Tarationo can make some total shit like "Once upon a hollywood" , that has zero story and also also no action ,
and is lauded for it .
All that movie has is some flared trousers , leather jackets and a couple of 70s cars ,

compared to that hollywood thing Fury road has story in spades.
It might be a basic story - but its there

QT's effort has litarally nothing .
2 hours of fucking naval gazing follwed by a random house burglary.
