All Style no Substance

The movie barely had a story. godawful. avoid.


Yes, because a movie must have a set amount of story for it to be good.

Have we forgotten how to judge movies on their own merits? When did we decide that each one of us should be able to write a checklist that every movie has to follow?


Have we forgotten how to judge movies on their own merits? When did we decide that each one of us should be able to write a checklist that every movie has to follow?

Damn, I like this.

Judy, please, it can't matter to you.


This movie had more story any any of the star wars episodes.


MM:FR doesn't deserve 97% on RT but the Oscars it won are quite justified. It should have won best director award. It makes Fast and Furious movies look like test drives!

F&F-7 was also about style and stunts, remember?


the only true mad max is the first

check yourself before you wreck yourself BOI!!


There was a story to it. Now it was half-assed, a bit cliche and randomly cobbled together into this abnormally long chase scene. It is baffling to me still how any of it was enjoyable though because the story wasnt really intriguing because of the long ass chase scene. Also the supporting cast acting was pretty bad. What's really funny though is the self-professed intellectual snobs who really think this movie had some grand artistic, symbolic, art-school story that was more than surface deep. It really was just another run of the mill summer blockbuster...and there is nothing wrong with that as those are much more appealing than artifical and fake depth, imo. I just however find the blowhards trying to force apply that mirage to this funny though.


The "long-ass chase scene" was the entire point of the movie. Miller didn't set out to tell a groundbreaking story, just to make a really intense action movie. Not every movie needs a complex story to be good. Star Wars has about as basic a story as any, yet it's one of the most beloved films of all time. It didn't need a complex story; why does Fury Road?


intellectual snobs who really think this movie had some grand artistic, symbolic, art-school story that was more than surface deep

well, its artistic, and symbolic, but its not in the story its in the visuals
its also deeper than first seems, but its obviously no citizen kane. it's a non stop thrilling action ride in a unique and beautifully crafted world


This movie did have a sufficient Mad Max style story and the sphere was done well. felt way rushed and too much focus on the battle scenes.
Everything that we liked in the old Mad Max movies was contained in "blink and you miss it" scenes. The back story of the citadel could have used a lot more screen time.
It seemed the editors were too eager to make the race&fight scenes to show anything else. Even the action scenes were too rushed. We had to rewind and play several scenes in slow motion to be able to see what was going on. Otherwise it was just a red and orange blur of events.
I totally blame the editors. They ruined pretty much all the good effort that the prop departments and screen writers put in.


are you serious? this film had one of the best editing any movie had in the last decade, there's literally not a single frame wasted in the entire film. IT IS a 2 hour car chase, it's not real housewives of the citadel(shoutout to Honest Trailers) it's supposed to be a car chase,


That's crap and even you know it.


you'll see when it wins best editing at the oscars :)


We'll see but I highly highly doubt it.



Style IS substance.


Style IS substance.

CORRECTAMUNDO! GOOD style isn't just flashy CGI and pretty colours like Marvel movies. PROPER style is presented in Fury Road and that gives it substance because, after all, movies are a VISUAL - AUDIO MEDIUM. Style is part of the point!


yeah I am floored how crappy this is and yet the oscars are all over this

There is quite a lot of story.

[quote]3 - The woman are owned as breeders, a lot of people in this society still want that

what about the guys who are so devalued they are sperm donors?

4 - A strong female lead who outshines the male lead in nearly every way but he does perform well, a good egalitarian balance overall

you want to see a bad ass Strong Female lead

Tina Turner

Aunty Entity

It's not perfect, but few movies are and ultimately it's far superior to the original films.

No its just a big turd


Have we forgotten how to judge movies on their own merits? When did we decide that each one of us should be able to write a checklist that every movie has to follow?

there own merits? what about dont crap on the orginal and instead enhance what they already created!!

Look like Tarzan talk like Jane! HAHA


It's technically a sequel, but in reality it is a "stand-alone" film. I thought this was pretty obvious.

Aunt Entity and Furiosa are both strong feminist characters.

The rest of your post are just for trolling, I see.


It's technically a sequel, but in reality it is a "stand-alone" film. I thought this was pretty obvious.

Aunt Entity and Furiosa are both strong feminist characters.

The rest of your post are just for trolling, I see.

no not really.

No Furiosa is not only Aunty Entity

so why are you feeding the troll

Look like Tarzan talk like Jane! HAHA


What style would that be exactly? Please do enlighten.


the one that was Mad Max beyond thunderdome

Look like Tarzan talk like Jane! HAHA
