What the fuck was Garland thinking when he wrote this?
I had huge hopes. A haunting yet utterly meaningless trailer akin to It Comes At Night. The writer who did 28 Days Later and Dredd, two of my favorite films of all time. The incredibly evocative Sunshine. I didn't care for Annihilation but it grabs you, and just envelops you into its world both emotionally and visually.
What the hell happened here? Is it an exploration of grief? Is it an exploration of toxic masculinity? Is it an exploration of trauma? All of the above? Or maybe it's just an excuse to showcase some really talented actors, beautifully shot scenes, and impressive practical body horror.
But where's the substance? If Harper is projecting upon all men due to her ex-husband, why isn't it his body that she sees everywhere? If the movie is about the horrors of the masculine, what's up with the hermaphroditic, daisy-chain pregnancy at the end? What's up with the leaf imagery + naked man; is she being cursed by some trickster god? Why the fuck-you to the audience at the end: you spend the third act making us presume it's all imaginary, and then you give an a-ha twist after the Title Card; but unlike other films, this a-ha doesn't make me go a-ha. It makes me go wha-wha? There's nothing there for me to interpret about the blood or the car. If it were just the car and the blood on her neck sure! I'll buy that. But the blood at the door?? lol Are the cell phone scares just...cheap scares or is that representative of something—there's no follow up; it's just a creepy bit. The split arm? The mask on the bird? Just for scares??? Why the screaming shot in the tub when we don't really see her in the tub?
I don't expect the best writing in the world from Garland but I expected a bit more from this. And it doesn't have to be concrete. I enjoy my share of arthouse horror. You got It Comes At Night which intentionally doesn't tell you shit. You got Starfish which looks like the director just put a bunch of his dreams together. You got Mulholland Drive which looks like Lynch is presently dreaming while filming the movie. Vvitch. Climax. Hereditary. Possum.
I couldn't help but just think wtf. That ending. That title card. That epilogue. The credits music that starts like half a minute late (kinda mirror how the movie's music started like five seconds late). This movie doesn't make me feel or think. I'm just...utterly, utterly confused. Am I just not educated enough to appreciate this (*cough Lighthouse cough*)?
I can come up with some explanations. Some meanings. Some patterns. But it feels like I'm just forcing it. None of my ideas feel natural (or they just don't work when analyzed further). And I usually love trying to dig into subtext; I'm just at a loss here.