"Blah blah, *beep* shut the *beep* up" LMAO Karl was great. But there is a lot going on in this movie and clearly we are on the topic of homosexuality here.
The simple solution to everyone's conflict is the realization that everyone is different, but everyone is also the same. We all just want to be happy. The problems arise when people can't figure out what makes them happy. And I believe this starts in childhood.
First let me touch on the whole "its 2012 and I can't believe people are..." It doesn't matter what year it is, only that there will always be new and old generations and the two will always be at odds. But I believe this only because we are still stuck in a cycle. The old generation lies to the new generation. Either to avoid uncomfortable subjects or to try and preserve the innocence the new generation. The latter is understandable, but in the end it does no good to fill a child's head with false hopes and dreams and attempt avoid the inevitable loss of innocence.
Also at some point, many people stop trying to understand the world around them, because they think they have it all figured out. But really there is no end to understanding and knowledge. Everything is connected, and by refusing to understand even the smallest things can blur your whole outlook on life.
Now homo, hetero, and bi-sexual. Three specific terms for one general idea. Sex/Love. The catalyst for life. It just occured to me that the universe could be the result of sex, but that's going too deep. Your sexuality will determine your happiness. Not that any one sexuality brings more or less happiness, but knowing which one makes you happy is critical to the individual and irrelevent to anyone except that individual and their partner.
Open your eyes, your minds and your hearts people. Otherwise we are going to continue to hurt eachother all because we think we know better than the other guy.