MovieChat Forums > 47 Ronin (2013) Discussion > keanu reeves forever awful

keanu reeves forever awful

Terrible in Dracula
Terrible in street kings
Terrible in Bill and Ted
Terrible in just about everything he touches. I think my sons nativity play shows more acting prowess than Reeves ever could.


I think he is good in everything,I know lots of you question his acting but I think the way he portrays his characters works for him

Old Toby,..the finest weed in the South Farthing


Bill & Ted's (x2), Parenthood, I Love You To Death, Much Ado About Nohting, Point Break, Dracula, Speed, Johnny Mnemonic, The Matrix (x3), The Gift, Constantine, A Scanner Darkly, Street Kings


A true original, I love Keeanu lol only Dracula has he been miscast but they wanted him's not HIS fault ;) right? I loved Dracula though - Oldman deserved an Oscar. I;d give anything to see him come back - best Drac ever imo.

You deal with it.


ben sullivan is a jelly bear.

poor baby =[ someone will love you one day.


I believe he's a great actor


He is a good actor. I enjoyed him specially in Constantine, and he was quite good in Dracula


His performance in romantic situations appears wooden to me. I noticed that throughout the years. Luckily he hasnt that much of such scenes.
I liked him best in the Matrix trilogy and esp. Constantine.

Whatever ppl say. It doesnt take good acting to become a well known and paid actor.

And arguing whether hes a good actor or not is, when seeing his filmography, irrelevant.

Lincoln Lee: I lost a partner.
Peter Bishop: I lost a universe!


Bottom line, no-one would have played Neo in the Matrix better than Keanu did. Just as no-one could have played the lead role in all those classic 80s Arnie movies better than Arnold himself.

Not every actor has to be some genius multi-role super grand master, and not every top multi-role actor can play every role better than anyone else.


I loved him in Speed!

I accept your surrender.


I always like Keanu in a show. I think he's a good actor personally and I generally enjoy stuff he's in. This movie missed the mark on a few fronts and mostly with the Director. It had some choppy bits and there was something missing about it's flow. The sound was crappy too I thought.


Keanu definitely isn't the most diverse or most talented actor out there but what he does he does well and he has a screen presence that it undeniable.

What are words for when no one listens anymore
