MovieChat Forums > Never Let Me Go (2010) Discussion > Vote NO to Organ Donation

Vote NO to Organ Donation

I used to have a neutral view to organ donation but having just seen the film nothing could drive me further to a YES please on my driver's licence. It has turned me to DISGUST that anyone could contemplate donating organs or receive them. We are caught up in heroics that we can save lives or be saved. It has made me realise we are not meat at the butchers to be cut up and have vital organs removed or robots exchanging usable parts. We are fantastic individual humans who have their own identity! It is NOT selfish to preserve our state. Let's face it BABY, WE WERE BORN THIS WAY!


So you are now against organ donation, but you said, after seeing the film, that nothing could drive you further TO A YES on your driver's license. Well, which is it? Are you now against it, or are you being driven further to a YES on your license?

Yes, I realize you meant that nothing could drive your further FROM, not TO, a YES on your license, but I couldn't resist. LOL.

On a serious note, I think it's a little odd that you would allow a fictitious film to change your outlook on saving someone's life. Or, even many people's lives. It's not like you are going to need the organs when you are dead. When you are dead, you are nothing more than a slab of meat anyway, so why not let someone have life? If you are an atheist, like myself, then why would you care what organs you are missing while laying in the ground, rotting? If you are a religious person, do you think JC or Allah or Buddha or the six armed Indian dude would want you to be so superficially selfish?

I know that my opinion isn't going to change yours, but I still think it's a little odd that a fictional film would change a decision like this. Besides, what the people are doing in the film isn't voluntary...what we do is.

If the plural of mouse is mice, and the plural of goose is geese, why is the plural of moose not meese?


What worries me is that if I'm a YES on the organ donor card, the doctors might just try a little less hard to save my life knowing that I'm more valuable dead.


What worries me is that if I'm a YES on the organ donor card, the doctors might just try a little less hard to save my life knowing that I'm more valuable dead.

A doctor's job is to save the lives of people put there in front of them. Any doctor who believes any human is more valuable dead, is not a true doctor, unless of course the patient they were treating was, I don't know, Adolf Hitler.

If you visit any organ donation website, they will tell you that what you are saying is not true. And that is not because they are lying to persuade you. Doctors are not in charge of organizing organ donations/transplants between people, and so, therefore, they are worried about saving their current patient's life.

Please do your research before forming an opinion on organ donation. It may as well just save someone's life.


Wow ... what a disgusting, arrogant, selfish, greedy, deluded human being you are. You must be American?

We're from the planet Duplon. We are here to destroy you.


And allow people to make the choice for themselves, while saving lives. Iran does it.


It has turned me to DISGUST that anyone could contemplate donating organs

It disgusts you to think that people are doing what they want with their own organs?


What disgusts me, is people who are so selfish that even after they die, they don't want anyone to "profit" from their useless organs. Or maybe you are a clone yourself? If so, then you are absolutely right ofcourse!


The movie isn't about organ donation. It's about cloning, an entirely different ethical dilemma. So it's OK, You can keep your organs.


I'm not against taking organs from a dead body, though I do find it rather disrespectful. A live person, on the other hand, the idea of taking a live person's organs is terrifying and disturbing (and real, unfortunately it was happening to political prisoners in China). If a dead person gave consent during their lifetime to donate, then that's very heroic and a good thing to do, but there has to be a line drawn between saving lives and just ditching every ethical principle in the name of science. At least, those are my opinions.

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