MovieChat Forums > The Watch (2012) Discussion > This will be the most underrated movie o...

This will be the most underrated movie of 2012.

I don't know about you, but I had a blast watching it.

Plus, I'm an IT Crowd fan, and I enjoyed Ayoade in the movie. It's a good Summer Sci-Fi/Comedy flick. The critics have rods up their butts.


Yeah, I don't get all the hate for this film at all.


It's absurd fun. A guy movie. Not for critics who take every damn thing seriously.

It's a shame its getting trashed so much.



I totally misjudged this movie... it was funny as chyznits


Haven't watched this one yet, but I think that title is firmly held by That's My Boy.

"He never wears a shirt; he never wears shoes: Why hasn’t he died from lack of service?"


Yeah, the main reason That's My Boy flopped is because Sandler tradiationally targets the family demographic, so an R-rated Sandler alienated most of his potential audience.


Sandler usually goes for a family demographic? Are you retarded? Chuck and Larry, Don't mess with the Zohan, Big Daddy and most of his earlier movies are not targeted to families.

Only some of his new stuff falls into that role, and everything he has done since Chuck and Larry has been CRAP.

Sandler's stupid high pitched silly voice has not been funny since the 90s. He needs to cut it out.


That's My Boy is one of the worst films of the past decade, let alone the year so far.

Most underrated film of 2012 so far has been The Innkeepers (technically a 2011 production but didn't receive a theatrical release until January)

Long live the new flesh.


The innkeeper? Seriously? I hated that movie. It had the potential to be amazing, so good, with some very scary moments. (that part with the woman in the bed, scared me so bad, I seriously almost peed my pants.). But the ending was just so horrible. My friend and I were so upset with it.

pigfarts, pigfarts, here i come. pigfarts pigfarts, yum yum yum.


This movie has nothing to do with that's my boy, you Doosh


That's My Boy was awful!


I have to disagree. This movie should have been funnier.

It had all the potential to be a great comedy standard flick, but failed IMO. The great comedians were given a poor script and didn't seem to have much improv potential, which is where they tend to shine.

Plus the last minute drama felt out of place and only slowed the story down.

Oh and penises as the secret weakness was lame.

I"m a huge fan of dude comedies, but this felt too much like a movie for dudes to take their kids to despite being rated r

There’s no one on IMDB I care enough for to use spell check- suck it grammar Nazis


I agree with Miss Kitty, I expected this been funnier, great cast, but not great laughs.

Don't get me wrong, it wasn't bad, but I expected so much more due to who was in it, maybe it was down to my expectations that let me down and not the actual movie.

I was surprised to see Richard Ayoade in this but I thought this has got to be daft.


Yeah I agree. I am a big fan of both Jonah Hill and Vince Vaughan and I don't think either of them were able to work up to their whole ability. I chuckled maybe twice throughout the whole movie and no real big laughs.

Here's my signature.


Vaughn stole the show for me.

Make me a bicycle clown!


The main thing is, comedies and critics don't go hand in hand. It should either be as satirical as they are or it has the face criticism and go on with it and let people decide. I for once love comedy, one of the least respected genres, and critics, they overrate drama as one of the best genres. Apart from the silent movie from last year (forgot name, didn't enjoy silence), dramas were nominated for oscars above anything else as did they actually win. It's all politics again. You choose for a president or premier (for those with queens and kings), but you have no rights when judging on their decisions.


I had a great time too and agree that comedies aren't respected by critics much. They love to hate them. I thought Meet the Parents should have been up for an Oscar at the time, but nope. It was a major hit and flawless comedy that still holds up today. A comedic actor works just as hard a dramatic one in my opinion, they should have a class for them in the oscars. The Watch was good, buddy, comedy like The Burbs was in the 80's.


Thank you! We reviewed this movie and LOVED it. F critics that go to the theatre to watch a comedy and review it with the same critique as they would some deep drama film. This was a comedy and it is a shame audiences that enjoy laughing will miss out on this because other critics don't like dick jokes. Hey, they were funny dick jokes! Its a comedy and we laughed a lot.
Movie news and reviews to make you laugh:


Most underrated films of 2012:

The Innkeepers
Snow White and the Huntsman
The Raid: Redemption

Long live the new flesh.


Bernie was definetely NOT underrated. It was extremely embraced by critics and Jack Black will probably get nominated for a Golden Globe for it.

And I now I ask you: would you give a fvck what pants the son of a b!tch who shot you was wearing?


I agree. The whole reason I went to the theatre to see this was for Richard Ayoade and he didn't disappoint. I like everyone else in it too, but they weren't as much of a draw for me. Hey, lots of comedies weren't big hits when they were released, but gained cult status later, like Mystery Men, The 'Burbs and yes, even The Big Lebowski. Give it time, this gem will catch on eventually.


Still haven't seen Mystery Men. Still need to see it.

"He never wears a shirt; he never wears shoes: Why hasn’t he died from lack of service?"



AWESOME, HILARIOUS MOVIE!!! It's already in cult status for my family!! LOL
