Predictable Story, bland characters, overdone CG effects, unfunny jokes, motivations of characters that make no sense. "We're supporting what you do, but don't want the public to know and will debunk you" Really? FORCED cameos that had NO basis on the plot. A villain who isn't either scary or well developed and with motivations that make no sense. A F'n DANCE NUMBER...
I mean what the hell were they thinking?
This movie flopped for a reason.. and I'm a big fan of the original.. but this garbage is the same crap Hollywood has been spewing out for years. You buy this, you're part of the problem.
Cue the responses.. (OH HOW ORIGINAL.. ANOTHER HATER!)
Yeah it's so dumb how they developed the ability to bust ghosts then suddenly they had to bust ghosts. I mean come on Ghostbusters, do something besides bust ghosts for a change!
Or did you predict the part where some whacko reads an old and obscure book and builds some advanced technology based on the info from it and prepares to release a ghost army from a dimension no one knew existed?
A villain who isn't either scary or well developed and with motivations that make no sense.
Oh he wasn't scary... maybe because it's a comedy and not straight horror.
He wanted to lead a ghost army and take over the world duh.
Flopped due to the stigma of being a remake combined with sexist outrage over the main cast's gender being swapped.
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Yeah it's so dumb how they developed the ability to bust ghosts then suddenly they had to bust ghosts. I mean come on Ghostbusters, do something besides bust ghosts for a change!
Pretty much copied the original movie note for note.. Yeah.. So it was predictable.. painfully.. Thanks for making my point.
Oh he wasn't scary... maybe because it's a comedy and not straight horror.
He wanted to lead a ghost army and take over the world duh.
Except he wasn't Scary, or funny either. Nobody was being mean to him except calling him "freak"
And how was he to even know how he was going to lead this "Ghost Army" or when he died that he would be able to possess people? How did he know he wasn't going to be sucked in the other plain with all the other ghosts behind the glass?
Remake had an insane occultist/scientist who used principals from a book, science.
That's not "Ghostbusters" That's "PEOPLE Busters"
The fact that EVERY paranormal experience that's in this movie is "Man Made" takes away the supernatural element from the story. In the original, there was no human element which was involved in controlling or helping it. It was a natural thing that occurred and made it mysterious and scary. The organic spiritual element is taken away.
And exactly where in the book describes how to create those machines? It was YEARS before they met Holtzman. So how did he learn how to create a machine or machines that he used?
Typical Hollywood scriptwriter nonsense.
Clearly he was insane. What he thought would happen and what would have actually happened are not necessarily the same. he "predicted" the whole last act of the film in his copy of their book.
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A MAN was controlling (to a degree) GHOSTS. The man busted himself to release ghosts, and then himself became a ghost.
The organic spiritual element is taken away.
There's still ghosts doing whatever the *beep* they want once released.
And exactly where in the book describes how to create those machines? It was YEARS before they met Holtzman. So how did he learn how to create a machine or machines that he used?
Did you want a montage covering a decade or more of the villain's life and building the ghost machines? That would be stupid. Do you want a Godzilla movie where Godzilla narrates his plan of stomping buildings and eating people?
It was a natural thing that occurred and made it mysterious and scary.
natural? It was Gozer and his lackey Zuul. he "predicted" the whole last act of the film in his copy of their book.
Yeah but even if he were successful, what would ghosts do when they rule the world?
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A MAN was controlling (to a degree) GHOSTS. The man busted himself to release ghosts, and then himself became a ghost.
Yes... a MAN... not a Ghost.. It was a MAN'S plan.. not a Ghost's... It was a MAN'S machines... not a Ghost's... so yeah.. It's not "Ghostbusters" when you're going after a living person who's doing something wrong. You call the cops on that stuff. EVERY place the ghosts appear is because of HIS machines... So yeah.. Not natural at all.
There's still ghosts doing whatever the *beep* they want once released.
That's still not very well established.. They seemed to hang around only where the machines were. The subway, the concert, the mansion.
Did you want a montage covering a decade or more of the villain's life and building the ghost machines? That would be stupid. Do you want a Godzilla movie where Godzilla narrates his plan of stomping buildings and eating people?
"That would be stupid." REALLY?? No.. That would be something called "CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT" something this movie sorely lacks.. Godzilla has more character development than this movie. He's a lizard exposed to Nuclear Explosive Tests from the 50's that make him a giant lizard. It's a simple explanation, but what kind of explanation do you need for an animal. This is a human being who's bent on some sort of revenge.. And yes.. some sort of flashback or explanation would be great. What brought him to this level of hate for people? Without that.. his persona is dull and bland. Comes off cheap.. Just tell us.. "WHY??"
natural? It was Gozer and his lackey Zuul.
Still... they were not controlled by humans.. they're "GHOSTS" breaking through to the land of the living. So they're coming into our world to do bad things. That's what made the original good. Because it was the sense of that uncontrollable unknown that made people take notice.. That's what made the original scary...and funny..
Yeah but even if he were successful, what would ghosts do when they rule the world?
Exactly.. what was the point? Again.. this goes back to the "WHY??" I mentioned...
You lost this argument man.. Weak villain..
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So? Still has ghosts. The man even becomes a ghost.
Not natural at all.
The first one was not nature, it was due to a Sumerian god. Is a god's malevolent will more natural than a man's?
That would be something called "CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT" something this movie sorely lacks..
No, in this case, showing the villain reading a book and building machines would be unnecessary and clunky exposition. Those are the kinds of scenes that get deleted.
What brought him to this level of hate for people?
He was bullied. He became misanthropic. He wanted to bring about the apocalypse.
That's what made the original good. Because it was the sense of that uncontrollable unknown that made people take notice..
If they're just hostile pricks acting independently, or if they're controlled by Gozer/Zuul, or if they're controlled by Rowan after he dies and becomes a ghost, is that really such a big difference? They're ghosts, and they're hostile towards the living.
Exactly.. what was the point? Again.. this goes back to the "WHY??" I mentioned...
Tons of villains want to destroy everything and rule the ruins. If they were logical and thought everything out, most of them wouldn't be villains in the first place. They're bitter pricks.
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So? Still has ghosts. The man even becomes a ghost.
Yeah... who then has to possess another man to use his machine...and control things.. So again... People-busters. And he formed his plan as a MORTAL... There's nothing to bust... just arrest.
The first one was not nature, it was due to a Sumerian god. Is a god's malevolent will more natural than a man's?
Still.. It had not been controlled by someone on this side of the plain of existence. Point is.. nobody controls a God.. A God is a massive force for ether good or evil. That's what made the original concept awesome. Rowan isn't a god.. he's a whiny little man, pissed off for no reason.
No, in this case, showing the villain reading a book and building machines would be unnecessary and clunky exposition. Those are the kinds of scenes that get deleted.
His character barely got any screen time or any explanation at all. You want clunky exposition.. How about "re-enacting" a high school presentation on ghosts you did in High School?
He was bullied. He became misanthropic. He wanted to bring about the apocalypse.
So..... People get bullied... What lead him down this path rather than going on a shooting spree? What lead him to the supernatural? I didn't see anyone being overtly cruel to this guy. Nobody was beating him up, just calling him freak... What made him a freak to them? That's the unanswered question. He has no direct interaction with anyone who's particularly mean to him.
If they're just hostile pricks acting independently, or if they're controlled by Gozer/Zuul, or if they're controlled by Rowan after he dies and becomes a ghost, is that really such a big difference? They're ghosts, and they're hostile towards the living.
Again... WHY? See, without the base motivation of Rowan being established in a way it can be solidly understood, then it falls flat on it's face. Are there "good ghosts" or are they all bad ghosts? That points out another thing that this movie fails at, establishing the rules for it's own science.
Tons of villains want to destroy everything and rule the ruins. If they were logical and thought everything out, most of them wouldn't be villains in the first place. They're bitter pricks.
And add this movie to the list of movies with weak villains with "talking syndrome" With weak motivation.
Point is.. Weak villain, weak movie.. If the people who made the movie can't come up with a real motivation that distinguishes him from all the other weak villains out there, then what kind of challenge do the protagonists face?
People is plural. This is about one guy whose plan hinged on ghosts and not other living beings, then became a ghost. They didn't even bust the person, he busted himself then they busted him as a ghost.
That's what made the original concept awesome.
Really? That a god was behind the ghosts is what made the original awesome? So...god controlling ghosts = awesome. Man controlling ghosts then becoming one = stupid. Is that it? Guess we disagree on a fundamental level.
Rowan isn't a god.. he's a whiny little man, pissed off for no reason.
Doesn't that make the story more grounded though? So what if he's a whiner...he enacted a pretty formidable force of ghosts. Not 'no reason' just a petty one.
What lead him down this path rather than going on a shooting spree?
Well he could have picked up a rifle and killed maybe a few dozen people. Or he could have gotten an army of ghosts. I mean...if you wanna really lash out, you want a gun or an army?
He has no direct interaction with anyone who's particularly mean to him.
Isn't cinema full of great villains whose childhoods we don't see? Do we need a thorough origin for every prick bent on world domination? Something pissed them off, they became a prick, they hatched a plan. That's not enough?
Are there "good ghosts" or are they all bad ghosts?
Movies and whatnot that have ghosts usually say they're dead people with unfinished business, or can't accept that they're dead, or some such. Do we need a breakdown for all the types of ghosts and their various origins?
then what kind of challenge do the protagonists face?
An army of ghosts? Isn't what more important than why when it's just a *beep* load of hostile ghosts?
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Do we need a thorough origin for every prick bent on world domination? Something pissed them off, they became a prick, they hatched a plan. That's not enough?
I don't know.. We sure heard enough about Erin's dead Neighbor who as a ghost would be at the foot of her bed when she was a kid, going through therapy, being teased called "Ghost Girl" by other bullies... meeting Abby in High School and being friends, writing a book, then drifting away to pursue a career path and then have it taken away when her past comes to light.
I mean look.. Think about it like this. They could have had a comparison between two different lead characters. Rowan who was "bullied" and found inspiration in their book.. And of course explore that. Just develop his character... instead of slapping an actor with a "Just act like a creep" role. Then perhaps have a scene where Erin could try to reason with him. But no.. He's just a weak villain.
All they had to do was invest more character development in certain areas.. The movie bombed.. it failed for a reason.. And all your arguing against any points isn't going to change things.
The biggest sin is never learning from your failures.. and this board is full of people who are arguing against facts.
It's clear you're in a full time job defending this movie on IMDB.. so good luck.
I'm Rowan? Rowan is full of hate and wants to destroy all of mankind. I'm discussing a movie I liked. If anything, you're Rowan.
We sure heard enough about Erin's dead Neighbor
In context, I doubt that was a real ghost. I mean yeah ghosts are real, but that doesn't mean every ghost encounter is legit.
She's a protagonist. Protagonists get more backstory than antagonists.
Just develop his character... instead of slapping an actor with a "Just act like a creep" role.
Yeah but, when would they do this? If they do it too close to the climax it ruins the pace. If they do it too early, it's feels disconnected from the main cast. I'm not saying some backstory on him is out of the question, just that there's a lot of ways for it to go wrong.
Then perhaps have a scene where Erin could try to reason with him.
That's kind of a dumb cliche. He spends years of his life studying the ghostly principles and working towards a goal, then some stranger tries to talk him down? If it succeeds there's no climactic battle. If it fails then it's horrible cliche.
Saying it bombed is a bit of an exaggeration. I know it's technically a failure since it didn't make 2x its production budget, but it made 1.58x its production budget, which isn't that bad. You throw in DVDs/Blue-ray/streaming/TV licensing, it'll be pretty close to 2x.
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Hello, I don't have to answer his/her statements, movieman has adequately done so. I have stated my opinion on a forum due to this morons stubborn attitude and not accepting facts. Nothing vile in my statement. Vile is something else entirely.
"I increasingly fear that nothing good can come of almost any adaptation, and obviously that's sweeping. There are a couple of adaptations that are perhaps as good or better than the original work. But the vast majority of them are pointless." - Alan Moore
After reading your replies, you are either a Troll or a massive moron.
Which is why I found it pointless to speak to that poster after a few days of arguing with him. A worthy add to my ignore list and not worthy to speak to. Just another hypocrite that doesn't think he's a bigot who likes to make baseless generalizations Never mind putting certain facts into account.
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The fact you put 50 Shades of Black and Zoolander 2 ahead of this speaks volumes about you.
At least with 50SOG, it was based on a horrible fan fiction of another horrible franchise (Twilight) where as Zoolander 2 was a sequel to a movie that is a parody of the fashion industry and one to not be taken seriously. This reboot doesn't have either excuse to fall back on because this had a very rich source material to base this reboot on and instead, they made a film that can rival the stupidity of a mockbuster from The Asylum Studios.
In short, both 50SOG and Z2 were both based on crappy source material one of which was never to be taken seriously. What's this reboot's excuse?
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I would agree. This movie made Batman and Robin look like The Dark Knight in comparison. Heck even Kirk Cameron's Saving Christmas was more profitable than this nonsense. Tommy Wiseau's The Room was actually more funny than this (albeit unintentionally funny). And that's saying a lot...on all three counts.
I would watch all of those films you mentioned and even Catwoman several times in a row before suffering through the Ghostbusters reboot again. Just thinking about it makes me feel irritated. lol :-)
I haven't seen the movie either but I'm intelligent enough to discern from a mile away that this is a typical Hollywood uninspired piece of garbage.
If you are like me and have a well developed discernible taste for film (by watching films from a variety of eras/countries/genres) films like this are particularly agonizing to sit through. It's unthinkable. There is no point with so many other great films out there. Why waist your time? So you can have some retarded 3 minute discussion with your friends? I truly believe if they banned audiences from talking about these stupid movies nobody would see them. Because that's the only reason people go is because they want to be connected with what's hip and happening. Vice versa why they don't go and see much better obscure foreign films.
It's ironic all this talk about equal opportunity for all people and persuasion in films, when the one and only group who could really make a tremendous difference in the quality of film, is still the one discriminated against. The exclusion of ugly/undesirable people from moviemaking (all facets of moviemaking.) This ongoing beautification of Hollywood. What does every great filmmaker in the last 100 years have in common? They are all good looking? No stupid. You want to see good looking directors and writers behind the camera? Then you get bad movies. You can't have both.
Just the early BTS pictures made me stay away, never mind the re-hashed, pile-o-shit movie! I mean, you see four, ugly women (2 of which are overweight) wearing extremely unflattering poop-suits, you realize what this movie does not give off good vibes, and you head for the hills. Turns out, those instincts were correct.
If you wanta torture the prisoners at Gitmo, show them this movie.
1. The franchise hadn't been properly developed in decades.
2. It was a movie the fans didn't want.
3. An acceptable cast was impossible. The cast and characters were wrong, it was not Dan Ackroyd, Bill Murray, Ernie Hudson and Harold Ramis it couldn't be them so it shouldn't be made without them or give them a proper send off.
4. The movie was not in the same style as the original. It did not present a unique, interesting restart to the franchise.
If they were going to do a reboot, they should have not relied so much on nostalgia for the originals in their marketing. Seriously, that was just a cruel bait and switch. If you're going to make a reboot no one wants, your film better be good. This one was mediocre at best.
Lets look at another remake no one asked for: Evil Dead 2013. Fans wanted a sequel. But Raimi/Tapert produced a remake with a gender swapped lead and still managed to make a profit. That's because they kept the budget reasonable, the marketing mainly focused on this film as its own entity rather than relying on nostalgia for the originals, and the movie itself was actually good. So it is possible to make a successful remake fans don't want, but it's not something I would advise....