The Hispanic Woman
-Would've been nice to know what she needed. Thanks for the thread on here that clears it up.
-When Clay said, "I got another idea for a good time", what was up with the go to hell look from Amanda.
-What exactly did the deer know? Were they just trying to find somewhere to go?
-Why were the Tesla's driving themselves. Were they hacked? Where exactly did they come from. They all seemed to wanna go to the same place, which I assume would require GPS, which wasn't working. And I thought those self-driving cars had some type of accident detection junk.
-Archie losing his teeth was to show........what exactly. The sonic noise? The enemy was using bugs to maybe turn people into zombies? (and who the fuck names their kid Archie).
How can a movie be over 2hrs and not divulge anything. Wanted the audience to be in the dark along with the characters. Lots of talking, talking, talking. Needed some serious editing. Pretty much a waste of time.