MovieChat Forums > X: First Class (2011) Discussion > Still the best Xmen movie ever made

Still the best Xmen movie ever made

First class imo is the best men ever made. I wish they hired Vaughn to direct future XMen movies rather than bring Bryan singer back.

Future past was good but it had a typical tired time travel story and plot.


Nah. It can't be the best.

McAvoy and Fassbender were undoubtedly great but the so-called friendship between Charles and Erik crashed even before it even took off. None of the kiddies were all that compelling by comparison.

The third act was a huge let down with the haphazard, rushed resolution.



The Last Stand had the best story and action.

Origins: Wolverine had Liev Schreiber play an awesome Sabretooth

those 2 movies are my favorite


Origins was an abomination


It's arguably the only 'super hero' movie yet that managed to place the characters credibly in the 'real world'. Having the X-Men operate behind the scenes to prevent Shaw's plan to start WWIII by interfering in the Cuban Missile Crisis gives the story the 'credibility' of a 'Hunt for Red October' style spy conspiracy.

An opinion is not offensive just because you do not agree with it.


I agree but Bryan Singer is still a great director. I think Apocalypse will be worth the price of admission.

Free will is a golden thread running through the frozen matrix of fixed events.


I'm a bit torn on this movie, on the one hand Vaughn made the X-men visually exciting and dynamic in way that Singer doesn't seem to have the skillset to do. On the other hand I don't think the younger cast outside of Fassbender and McAvoy were particularly good.


it is definitely the best super hero movie of all time.
it is just on another league than all the rest. everything fits and it is deeper than all of them. it is even better than many films of other genres,


I liked the movie a lot, but best of all time? No.

The first Superman movie showed us they could make superhero's look real and not cheesy.

Batman 1989 showed us they could go dark with a superhero.

Batman Begins showed us they could go gritty with a superhero.

Iron Man showed us they could take a "B-list" character and start a whole studio with him.

The Avengers showed us they could take individual character and put them together in a group and change the dynamics of comic book movies forever.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier showed us they could make a political thriller out of a comic book movie.


I agree.
