I'm ticked they didn't just do a straight reboot. Set it in the early 90's and instead of Cuba, you could have North Korea.
Then we can have an young cast, and try and get it right. One thing I'm sick of in the X-men series is how often people change sides. Angel, he became Death, then back to Angel. Magneto is a good guy, then a bad guy, and then in Future Past he's a good guy again. Frost was bad, and in the Comics she then "reforms". And when did she have diamond like armour?
Not only to characters change sides, but powers too?
I never read the comics but I read somewhere that that is Emma's secondary mutation. And why do you have a problem with that? Wolverine has claws and super healing ability. And do you want magneto to be a one dimensional character? Do you want him to be a villain that just want to destroy/take over the world? That would be a really really bad comic books adaptation
This is my favorite too, I think they show the characters as more than just their powers. That made you care more, I loved the scene where they were showing off their powers and it turned into a crazy party with people literally hanging from the ceiling.
The screenplay was (mostly) fine but the acting, direction, make-up and special effects were extremely erratic throughout ... the film feels rushed (which it was).
I have no idea how fans can say this was the best in the series. X-Men 2 and DoFP thrash this film, easily.