It May Fit With Current Entertainment Thinking But Is It Entirely Realistic That You'd Send A Lone...
... Female out on an initial exploration on behalf of an enclosed society looking to examine how harsh the literal outside world is from their comfort zone?
Now, I appreciate you aren't supposed to be able to ask this question and indeed some people on here will no doubt be frothing at the mouth as they furiously hammer away at their keyboards, questioning the sexist nature of this question.
But the thing is - and don't get me wrong, I've written many a post / thread arguing against the anti-wokester brigade on a number of subjects - is it at all realistic that you'd send a lone, slender-ish female out alone to explore an unknown, potentially harsh and hostile, environment?
I mean, this is supposed to be real life, not a movie where she'd be all sing, dancing, kung fu-ing, etc. So is this an unrealistic premise?
Or is it realistic? Is this a possible life imitating art sort of thing? Could we get to a future where we become so conditioned to female supremacy, that we'd actually leave some hulking big muscly black dude say, kicking his heels in a vault, and send out a little white girl to get a measure of things?
Again, apologies if this is offensive to anyone - I appreciate we're not supposed to be able to raise such a question...