I get some of what you are saying, but most black people are decent hard working people. Yes, there are some that are brainless, and want a hand out, but there are plenty of white, brown, and yellow people like that. The problem is that that small minority screams the loudest, and the politicians/ media latch onto that, and present that small minority as being the majority. It's how they divide the races in order to make us easier to control.
As for the term Karen and it's modern connotation- yes, it's racist. It was only a matter of time before white women started being attacked for being... well, white. Anyone that didn't see it coming had the blinders on. The politicians/ media have waged a war on white men for the last 20 years (they've really ramped it up and brought it out into the open in the last 10). It was only a matter of time before they started attacking white women. Next they will move on to attacking black men, then black women, then brown men, then brown women... They will further divide the races all the while taking as much of our money, our freedoms and our rights away from us as they possibly can while they live like kings and queens in palaces. The only thing that prevents them from flat out executing most of us is the fact that America has the largest armed populace in the world. An armed populace keeps tyrants from doing what a lunatic like Hitler did. I'll probably get flack for writing all this, but if you can't see it, you can't see it and you never will.