You are not an African. The Africa fetishizing is ridiculous in this film. American culture thief with no shame. If you want to make a visual film on black AMERICAN then do it. Leave African countries and cultures out of it. You have no ties to any African country whatsoever.
Well, ancestral ties they do but I do agree that many black Americans today don't have actual ties to Africa other than being black and from an ancestral line that came from Africa via slavery or immigration.
He pushed and publicized the "back to Africa" movement about a hundred years ago, including ideas of "Pan-Africanism" to unify descendants of black Africans in various countries.
yeah im not American but its pretty embarrassing to see Black Americans constantly appropriating Africa. I feel sorry for them though (American blacks) because their self esteem is pretty shit.
American is a Nationality. Africa is a continent. North America is a continent made up of America (USA) and Canada which are both countries.
Beyoncé is very much African. Her DNA places her relatives from the country of Nigeria and the country of Senegal, among other places. She is Ethnically African.
[–] Satan2016 (8707) a few seconds ago
"Ethnically African"! How many African billionaires are there?
She can't trace her African relatives. Those genes are shared by millions.
Whether members of the African Diaspora can or can not trace there actual relatives is not relevant. They are still from Africa regardless of the billions of Africans from the continent. When more people from Africa participate in DNA tracing/discovery Beyoncé will be able to find her genetic relatives just like all other DNA matches on the planet.
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Black people: Unarmed black people are killed by cops at a higher rate than white people
White people: How dare an American black woman call herself African.
Is there anything white people won't complain about? Imagine how perfect your life must be to have this to worry about.