You are not an African. The Africa fetishizing is ridiculous in this film. American culture thief with no shame. If you want to make a visual film on black AMERICAN then do it. Leave African countries and cultures out of it. You have no ties to any African country whatsoever.
The descendants of former slaves are in a special place. Imagine being denied your ancestry, family ties, heritage, culture, and basic human rights for hundreds of years.......they were barely considered "Americans", and even than each slave was equated with only a portion of a person in terms of the government census.
So while I understand your point, you're also equating their experience with your own, and there's no comparison.
Huh? Prisons in Africa up to 140 years ago? And what colonial power were they imprisoned by? No idea where you're getting your info. Sure, there was, at best, 2% that were criminals.
Her music is American, African music like Ladysmith Black Mambazo for example is far more talented and enchanting than anything Beyonce has ever produced, all she does is shake her ass and rely on her sex appeal like most other female American singers of the past 20 years.