Every white person in this movie is portrayed as evil maniac straight from horrors movies. Even little girl
Like eventually it was just funny. Its was such and obvious caricature. I laughed out loud when they showed white girl snitching on Will Smith as he was passing her house. She started ringing bell and screaming "runner" and they zoomed on her and it was so funny looking as if director thought he was in a horror movie like Get Out.
And all those white security dudes at the plantations looked like they were some crazy cannibals from horror movies who kidnap white girls to torture in the basement of a ranch far away in the woods.
I dont follow slavery history that match. But was it like that? That every white person during slavery times who had slaves or was walking on slave owners - were they all crazy maniacs including children and women? Who stalked slaves like modern days maniacs stalk women?
Because I dont think so. And movies exaggerate it trying to spread anti-white hate. And so those movies look boring and mundane. Because you saw one slavery movie - you saw all of them. It will be the same. All white people are evil maniacs who bully and torture slaves for no reasons. As if they think they are bullies in high school.
Like you watch Hollywood movies and you would think that every person in American schools is being bullied by bullies. Which is just not possible. And then you see real stories about schools and most of the people are happy and live normal school life.