Seriously! People on here are crazy, to think she was right!
If someone raped me and physically assaulted me, I wouldn't go to the police and leave it for the ridiculous "justice" system to sort out.
shareIs that sarcasm or not?... since I can read your post as being legitimate or sarcastic and think both make valid points: that your post isn't sarcastic and legitimate because the justice system often fails to deliver justice, and also I can read it as being sarcastic because going out and killing everyone might not necessarily be a good way to handle it. I hate the ambiguity involved in internet communication!
shareCall me crazy..!! I loved the revenge!
shareThis is a long thread, I will start to reply to the original host because the debates are too long now.
I don't think she is right and the men who raped her are worse. I think the law system is created to give the criminals what they deserve. It is flawed but nothing is perfect. We just have to trust the system and believe that it can help the majority of the population in the world.
However, let’s talk about the situation here. First of all, I would describe the story is fictional or at least, very rare happens in developed countries. It is what I called ‘minority’ of the situation. I do believe this had happened before and will happen again.
Lets do a little role play, say one of us who believes in law just pass by, realise this situation and reported to police and you see this girl about to commit a serious crime. Say before any police is here and you hid from the Sheriff and those guys so they don’t kill you first.
What are you going to say to her to stop her? Are you going to tell her that she should be rational, calm and wait for the police; knowing that she was raped by one? Do you think you can stop her by giving her a lecture?
Now going back to your ‘right or wrong’ argument. I believe the only way to stop her is for yourself to apply more brutal force on her and make her your enemy. Otherwise, you just walk away from the whole situation and let them kill each other. Do you think you are doing the right thing in both cases?
Sometimes system works and it can justify what is right or wrong and that is what people rely on. However, sometimes, one thing can lead to many more things and nothing in this world can justify it. We can argue about this forever but the bottom line is, some situation just happen, only the results can be defined, the initiation and the process cannot be justified.
Countless war fairs in the history of the mankind can support my argument.
The law is not adequate in all cases.. I would want a system of justice that would allow this girl who is the victim to cut their diks off and shove them up their funky Arses. She deserved her revenge however SHE sees fit. To think that you people can make that determination for her have an over inflated ego..
shareThey did more than rape her; they harassed and tortured her for hours with the full intention of murdering her, which she only averted after falling into the swamp.
The "men" are scum of the lowest depth and I had zero sympathy for any on them.
I've known someone who was raped numerous times. You have no idea what that does to a persons psyche. Being on edge all the time, just knowing that your rapist is on the loose somewhere out there. Maybe even repeating his crime and maybe coming back to do more damage! Needless to say she was never the same person again. So I say an "Eye for an eye" and "If you prick us do we not bleed? If you tickle us do we not laugh? If you poison us do we not die? And if you wrong us shall we not revenge?"
Don't encourage the TROLLS!
Amen, sister!
shareThank you! Just stating my opinion based on a actual account! I say real justice system is to soft!
Yes, maybe I am MAD!
I think the op is a rapist. if he wasnt he wouldnt stick up for rapists. ive knwon alot of girls and boys who were raped and molested. and in most cases it was theyre family. lets put it this way, imo, the guys in this movie got off easy with theyre punishment. and im saying this now, if someone raped someone close to me, and i found out, they better pray the worst thing i could think of was a shotgun up the @$$. you rape me family or loved ones, you get raped back. with broken shards of glass
Only rapists believe rapists should be spared.
You're kidding right?
Basically you're telling us that it's ok for Hollywood to show the rape, torture, murder of women as much as they want, but if they so much as give the woman the power to avenge whatever's been done to her, it's not ok? That it's causing women to "treat men like dit"
You're touting tales of fictitious books, and assuming they are the way women of the world see men, and treat men.
You MUST be single, in moms basement, and a virgin no doubt.
I dont think you got raped.
She did a few things.
If I was her. I would not let them die..
Not only do I condone it, but such people should be applauded for saving the rest of humanity from such worthless, vial, creatures (however, this is more of an idealistic opinion, since I understand some people lie about rape, but in terms of what happened in the movie, I don't know how you could blame anyone for taking out those guys)