MovieChat Forums > I Spit on Your Grave (2010) Discussion > Seriously! People on here are crazy, to ...

Seriously! People on here are crazy, to think she was right!



I have NOTHING against torturing people as a form of punisment, I think sometimes we should give criminals what THEY gave to other people, like someone raps someone, let THEM get raped like they raped someone. I really don't have ANY sympathy for those men. I mean I was watching this movie and I could actually FEEL her terror, it really chilled me to the bone, especially the part where the sherrif started raping her and all the men came back into the cabin, usually stuff like abuse pisses me off but this truly chilled me and scared me.

But I DO agree with you about people saing she should have killed or hurt the sherrif's wife and little girl, that WOULD be sick and would make her no better than the men who raped her. The girl and unborn baby are innocent, and YEAH I know she was innocent too, but 2 wrongs don't make a right and with what she's been through I think she'd wanna protect the innocent with all her might.

The only thing that would piss me off is if the sherrif's wife started DEFENDING him, which likely would have happened.

The only one of those men I had a TINY LITTLE BIT of sympathy for was the one who was mentally challenged. I dunno if he should really be held responsible for his actions like the rest.

But that one with the buzz cut, he was the one I hated most of all. He needed to eat his own dick!

Just because we lose today's battle doesn't mean we've lost tommorow's war.


I have NOTHING against torturing people as a form of punisment, I think sometimes we should give criminals what THEY gave to other people, like someone raps someone, let THEM get raped like they raped someone.

Then how are we as a society better than the rapists and murderers? The fact that we treat them better than how they treat their victims and the rest of us are what makes us the good guys. The justice system is about harmony and justice, not revenge.

It's a horror film. People live, people die and you'd better start running!-Scre4m


The fact that we treat them better than how they treat their victims and the rest of us are what makes us the good guys.

No, that's what makes you cowards and victims. It's people like you who caused the level of crime we've had over the last 60 years, because you wanted to give them hugs and kisses, then let murderers and rapists back on the streets to do it again.

It's you who are no better than the rapists and murderers, because you think they should be treated kindly instead of punished for their crimes and killed to ensure that they can never hurt anyone again.


you have no clue what you are talking about.
The last 60 years have been the most calm and peaceful and the lowest crime rate ever known to man. Please read some statistics before posting. This retaliation tactic does not work for a simple reason: instead of solving the situation, it creates more waves. the raped woman would kill her aggressor, then the aggressor's wife would kill the raped woman, her husband would kill the other guy's wife and so on, forever. This would never stop. The only reason crime went down is because we created police and organized law to punish the guilty. It's true that it fails sometime, tough luck. The alternative anarchy would be much worse.

Also I really think capital punishment is a bad idea:
- if the guy was guilty, then by getting killed he gets away easily, he should spend his life in jail
- if he wasn't guilty then you cannot fix it any more

So, you bloodthirsty vengeful people should think about it a little more before talking.


It's really amusing to see the usual whining liberal sissies expound on their theories of how things work, and how they SHOULD work.

You obviously haven't taken a look at the crime statistics lately.


well I have actually... have you??
here you go:

crime decreasing in US constantly since 1991

maybe you shouldn't believe everything FoxNews tells you

oh, and read more


The crime rate falls as prison population rises. This does not mean less crime. It means less criminals out and about to commit those crimes. Nice try though. The US is just as *beep* up as it's ever been.



Well said. Guys like this will not listen to reason or numbers. Logic means nothing to them and facts bounce right off them. They are ruled by pure hatred and idiocy.



LOVE the bitch slap you just gave that idiot.

I despise the pleasure of pleasing people that I despise. ~ Lady Mary Wortley Montagu


I don't condone that kind of behavior because then we would all being doing this whole "eye for an eye thing" but if I heard this on the news and heard something similiar...I think I can sympathize and understand why it was done.


That's two different things though.

State sanctioned abuse of people is totally different to vigilante justice.

toking65000's comment was:

I think sometimes we should give criminals what THEY gave to other people, like someone raps someone, let THEM get raped like they raped someone.

He may have been saying 'we' as a lynch mob, but I had the feeling from his comment that 'we' was 'society'.

"We" as society should have a legal system that reflects that "we" as a society want to have happen. toking65000 and a few others have 'eye for an eye' mentality, and that's fine for them to have those beliefs. Some others believe that we should be a lot softer on crime, and that's fine for them to believe that. Ultimately we vote in people who make the laws that we have.

Now, if Jennifer was caught after her vigilante spree, then I would think that anyone who knew the full facts would fully understand why she did what she did, and you would think that a good legal case would be made for extenuating circumstances.

If 'Joe redneck' saw something on the news and decided to take matters into their own hands and 'get revenge' on behalf of a victim... well, that's a whole world of problem coming your way like a freight train. How do we know the victim is pointing out the correct person? How do we know that this isn't a setup? How do we know that the vigilantes are not being manipulated? That's how minorities end up being scape goats. Besides the fact that you end up with innocent people being killed (or maimed etc) think about the fact that a guilty person actually gets away with it.

Ultimately, I can fully understand why Jennifer would have done what she did... but as soon as it is someone other than the real victim, you really don't know if what you're being told is the truth or a lie. That's why we have courts.



I have to agree. Liberals live in a pretend world. I think that Liberals are ruining America. They hate guns, they hate the military, they love gays and most every thing that normal people support.


I'm a Moderate Social Liberal Democrat (a mouthful, I know). I own two guns. Are you one of those idiots who believe only people like you have guns? No liberal police officers, or liberal military personnel? It's not that liberals have a problem with guns it's that liberals tend not to want children, criminals, mentally I'll people etc., to get a gun, or own a gun.

I'm not saying there aren't liberals who aren't 100% anti-gun but you do know there are conservatives who are 100% anti-gun, right?


Hey buddy! I'm a liberal as are my circle of friends and we think they got what they deserved. You know nothing about people, and you probably don't know any liberals. We think that not ALL conservatives have no viable answers....just most of them.


What you're describing is what I call a "vigilante cycle," and I think most of the time it would be inevitable if permitted. In our legal system, however, it is the only way this victim could get what I would honestly call justice.

One solution to the cycle problem is to institute such punishments into our penal code, which of course means throwing out our policies against "cruel and unusual punishment." I have nothing against cruel and unusual punishment for the guilty, but even that comes with some problems, particularly the same problems that arise from capital punishment.

There's a long continuum between absolutely known guilt and complete innocence, and while this movie illustrates the former (for at least three of the attackers), plenty of other cases would wind up walking the grey line.

So the only recourse, apart from letting them off easy, was to take personal vengeance and hopefully forestall any possible retaliation. By essentially revealing herself to the Storch family, this is likely impossible now. We never see a proper exit strategy, and it's unlikely that she'll ever be able to return to normal society. I'd even go so far as to guess that this story would tragically end in suicide.

In any case, there's a big difference in arguing over what is practical and what is agreeable. Vigilante justice has it's complications. Assuming it did not, the question is do you condone it, or perhaps even support it?

For what it's worth, the Christian answer is unequivocally 'no.'


my thoughts exactly. real-life situations are not always as clear as (most) hollywood movies make them.

I wouldn't want to turn this into a religious debate but I am an atheist and my answer is pretty clearly "no" as well, precisely because of the mentioned cycle. The response violence will always be of greater-than-or-equal intensity, so you get a snowball effect if nobody stops it.


That "vigilante cycle" argument is one of the dumbest I've ever seen. The wife of the rapist is not going to get revenge on the rape victim. Mostly likely the wife of the rapist had no idea he was a rapist in the first place.


Saying the death penalty is easy is the dumbest argument ever. If it's so easy, then why do those on death row fight so hard to get out of there? Take your own advice, and think before you spout off.


death to all rapists and pedophiles. they don't deserve to live.
without any thinking i would kill all the bastards! world needs to
start cleaning these kind of "people" and not to put them in jail. this
girl had all the right in world to kill them.


She had just as much right to kill them as I have the right to print off a list of names and addresses from a website that shows convicted sex offenders living in my area, going to their doors one by one and putting a 9mm sized hole in their temples. Absolutely none.

You walk up to a convicted sex offender and murder them, you're no better than they are because you think it's completely A-OK to just walk up to someone and put one between their eyes just because you think they don't deserve to live.


Please read some statistics before posting.

Oh, to hell with that. I get my facts from the media. THEY do all the research. I just listen to what they tell me and make up my own mind.

(the above is irony by the way)




U couldn't have said it better.


Want to know why we are a better society? Because NORMAL people don't go out looking for trouble and looking for someone to rape, once they do it, then we retaliate.


Nobody's better.If you *beep* w/ me Imma *beep* with you.This is the wild.


"Then how are we as a society better than the rapists and murderers? The fact that we treat them better than how they treat their victims and the rest of us are what makes us the good guys. The justice system is about harmony and justice, not revenge."

That's the point of this movie. The girl isn't better than them, they *beep* her up, she *beep* them up. She clearly doesn't want legal justice and she doesn't seem to kill only out of revenge. She seem to want to slowly and painfully kill the men who raped her, she wants them to suffer and die from the pain if possible. She doesn't care if it's fair or not, she only wants violence executed onto her attackers.

Her smile at the end show that she feels satisfied with what she did, that she enjoyed murdering them through torture.

It's what I got out of this movie, it's not about justice or revenge, it's about sick people who create someone sicker than them through an act of brutal violence. In a violence breeds violence kind of way.


Eeeech, anyone who feels sorry for the rapists, I gotta wonder about.


"The justice system is about harmony and justice, not revenge."

Erm no, the justice system is there as a form of punishment also, and protection for the rest of society. There is most definitely an element of revenge in the Justice System.

The justice system also acts as a deterrent to would be criminals, if no punishment was given out then the vast majority of ppl would be commiting heinous criminal acts all the time.

Imho Justice is flawed and corrupt, how a rapist can get out after 3 yrs serving (yes it happens) is beyond me. Do people not understand the level of insanity required to rape in the first place? I could not even get an erection for rape/forced sex, those that even get aroused by that need to seek counseling immediately! Rape in my mind should be met as serious as murder. Perhaps the victim is still alive, but the rapist is a very very dangerous person indeed, perhaps even more so than a murder 'crime of passion' person (such as a heated row between spouses, things get out of control and a knife is plunged into the chest etc).


I would rather not be a good guy, if it means coddling rapists.



The girl in this movie by default became a criminal the moment she horrifically murdered five men. By the logic that criminals should be punished not helped, she should be further tortured in the same way and then killed by the state for her crimes.

Such is the circle of revenge, it only leads to the destruction of all. The fact this film tries to say torture is justified in the name of revenge is the first in a long list of reasons why it is heinous garbage spawned from the minds of deranged morally bankrupt Hollywood trash.



let's see if you have that same attitude after getting raped by 5 men or women. aye?

i've got feelings too, ya know - inbetweeners




I totally believe in killing someone in self defense. But, she wasn't able to do that. Instead, she went on a killing spree. That kind of act should be treated no differently than if she was a man. Otherwise, it's no different than how we treat children. Should we start putting female offenders in juvenile correction instead? Given how specially their treated in female correctional facilities, it wouldn't be much different.


... she cannot murder her assailants since they did not murder her.
With all due respect, that is what was intended for her, after they had had their fun. It backfired. They had no respect for her life or being and I don't recall the film making a point at any stage, that because she was a woman and not a man, she deserved her vengeance due to her gender, and that she should get away with it. It was more about, these guys got what was coming to them and it just happened to be in the form of a woman. It wasn't about the legal consequences for her.

This is no different to someone like Bronson in the first 2 DEATH WISH films, or Perry King in CLASS OF 84'. These guys, were acting on behalf of the violated women in their lives. Kevin Bacon avenged his murdered son in DEATH SENTENCE and Jodie Foster avenged her murdered boyfriend in THE BRAVE ONE. I would say the general consensus and applause for their actions, wouldn't be any less, because they were avenging a male. In GRAVE, she acted on behalf of herself. According to law and objectively, they all acted illegally, doesn't mean that they were wrong and the law is right. The law will also murder, to avenge the victim.

I would like to see a film, where a nice gay man, is sexually violated and abused and tortured by a group of alpha males and then he gets his death vengeance on them. I suppose that would be too much for most audiences, as it would mean that the sociopathic male assailants, would have "homosexual" tendencies and that would be too difficult to stomach for most. Also, the fact that the victim would be gay, he would likely have it coming to him.


You are partly right. Vengeance stories can make for great, compelling drama. But, I think these movies can take their misandry too far. Talk about symbolism. Did you see the 3rd film? The "victim" (we don't actually see her being violated so much as see the results) lures some scumbag into an alley, starts to give him a blowjob and they actually show slicing his penis in half, down the middle and biting the end off. Have these movies ever shown these scumbags cutting the victims breasts off? This was sick. It wasn't entertaining. It was beyond horrifying.

I want to see a revenge story where a group of girls sends a guy to prison on false allegations of rape. Hell, they can even suggest that the girls drugged and raped him. Some detective discovers that the girls lied and gets our hero an early release. HOWEVER, he still has to go through sex offender registry. We get to see that fun side of things. And that includes how hard it is to find a place to live, get a job or find someone to love who will accept you. But he finds these girls sent him to prison. No one is actually pursuing charges, even though the false allegation are pretty obviously false. So, our hero takes it upon himself to get revenge. Of course, he has to be killed in the process.

I doubt we'll ever get to see that.


I agree, people who rap should be tortured. Better yet, have laws preventing rap from ever being created.

"Thank God I'm an atheist"


It's irrelevant whether she's right or not.
Adore what she managed to accomplish against all odds instead.
This movie is not about moral education. Look for that elsewhere.


I'm not sure I would have indulged in the long, drawn-out torture, but I'd have damn sure killed every one of them, and wouldn't have been particularly worried about a quick death, either.

There was zero chance she would have received any kind of justice, or that these punks (plus the sheriff) would have paid for their crimes.

Does anyone doubt that they would have kept on doing this sort of thing in the future?

She performed a public service.


You simply forgot, they they also wanted her to suffer and kill her.

So, they are not just rapists, they are cold blooded sadistic murderers,
small minds that need to punish others because their shyte life.

Since men go to war, having enough supply of willing women to sleep with
the soldiers is a problem. When they went into Serbia in the 90ties,
there was a whole underground human trafficking ring run by the authorities
to take "care" of that problem. In uncivilized areas like Africa, mass
gang rapes as a "weapon" are the "usual" way to deal with that.

People who rape women in the cities, who roofie them, are mostly
frustrated idiots who don't know how to find porn on the web or are
simply stupid losers. If they get caught, they ruined their lives
with fifteen minutes of idiocy.

The guys in the movie dosn't use rape as a tool to gain ground
in war, or to relieve themselves. It was a tool for their hatred,
their inner agony, their frustration. These guys would have gone
to a max security prison with a small lonely cell for their lives.

I think they got the better deal.


I would rather spend the rest of my life in prison than drown in lye. I don't think they got the better end of the stick in that regard, but I was cheering her on while I was watching the movie.



Are you assuming that it would be women who did the raping? Because it wouldn't, it would be men, so I don't see how the opinions would differ
A lone woman, was bullied, harassed, tortured, tormented and sexually abused by 4 men, and while it was portrayed in an extreme manner for the sake of the film's revenge aspect and probably went even further than what most real life rape victims might experience, I don't blame her for what she did. It doesn't mean that all victims of "violent" and forced sexual intercourse, should take the law into their own hands and it would depend on the scale of the crime perpetrated; but if I was on a jury, having to make a decision based on what she endured, I doubt I would give a rats ass about those scumbags.

As a male, I would likely feel the same way, if a group of men did the exact same thing to another man. I wouldn't want to feel that it is something of "less" importance and impact, just because it was a man that it happened too. That would be saying that women are more sensitive, and their "lives", feelings and emotions are of greater value than a males. I guess when men have been sent off to the front-lines in war, I suppose that is the sociology and expectation of being a man over a woman, so therefore, I suppose a man's life "is" deemed" to be of lesser value by society.



For the original version from 78' Nan, you may be aware, that it was released as DAY OF THE WOMAN. Upon reissue, they changed it to I SPIT ON YOU GRAVE. Even though it was a male that wrote and directed the film, the original version still got backlash and was steeped in controversy, which came from the exploitation aspect and that it was done to titillate and pander to desires of a male audience. Even though many men would have been disturbed by the antagonists actions themselves, and then of course the castration in the bathtub scene. The revenge aspect was more realistic in the 78' version, and this remake was cut for titillation aspects in the UK and has been banned outright in New Zealand, just like the original was for 6yrs.



The original is very well directed and Jennifer's revenge is portrayed as more feasible and not as contrived or even implausible, like this remake. Even though Camille Keaton, who plays Jennifer, is nude for much of the film and has one of the hairiest bushes I have seen, I only realized the last time I viewed, that she was wearing a Merkin. Kind of diminished the impact a bit; but fair enough also, considering what she went through physically as an actress.



She may have been hairy, under her hairy prosthetic Nan. I think since she was wading around in dirty swamp water and having butt naked males simulating forced sexual intercourse with her, the Merkin was a necessity. Or perhaps it was real; but it looked too bushy, as opposed to how she looked in her bikini.



Yeah, that's what I meant and I also think the actresses in the beginning of CARRIE-76', may have been wearing them as well.



The opening credits scene in the locker room, shows full frontal slow motion tracking shots of the naked girls getting out of the showers and dressing.




Hey Nan, that 4min clip is after the fact of the nudity I am referring too. It appears during the opening credits. That short clip, does look like some brief Carrie nudity has been modified and was likely a tv version. I saw it at a revival cinema in NZ in the early 80's when I was about 15—was rated R18 at the time in NZ and no-one under that age was supposed to be admitted—and on vhs & dvd several times and has always been uncut. It was a double feature with POLTERGEIST-82'. I had already seen that a few times, since it wasn't restricted.



That short clip said scene 2 and would have been uploaded from where the user wanted it to load. Try this one Nan.



What a pity Nan, it seemed like a good quality HD upload of the entire film. I was surprised to see it there myself. Mr. Hutch loves CARRIE-76' and Spacek's performance, is his #1 ever.



I had read the book, prior to seeing the film and ended up being quite disappointed at the time. I have read the book, probably as many times as I have seen the film and the recent remake....which I enjoy more as a presentation of the story. I also like the 2002 tv version. I find too many flaws in De Palma's film, to consider it a favorite horror; but I can see why some think of it as a classic. Spacek is excellent.




But how would you feel if those rapists get a trial, and then lets say, are sentenced to 20 years in prison and get out of the jail after 10 years?

Like.. the rapists from the movie Law Abiding Citizen.


They didn't deserve any better, I feel no sympathy for rapists. But as to say that she should kill his innocent wife, children, yeah that is too far.


I'm honestly disgusted by your comment.I just wish that you will one day actually talk to a victim of rape( and I'm only talking about ''regular'' rape not a gangbang or with torture involved) so you could see how being raped can sometimes be more horrible than dieing. After rape, you suffer and can no longer live ''free'' and same as before for the rest of you life. Many, many rape victims kill themselves because they cannot live with it and the rapists usually walk free after aprox. three years( in my country).


Ok say one night your brother/Father/Son on day got really drunk and depressed and raped a girl... Do you think they deserve the death penalty...


"Ok say one night your brother/Father/Son on day got really drunk and depressed and raped a girl... Do you think they deserve the death penalty..."

You're kidding right? I don't care if you're a Sainted Pope...if you get 'drunk and depressed' and rape aren't deserving of the human race and yes deserve the death penalty. I don't care if its my Grandpa, brother father son daughter mother...whomever decided to rape or kill another human being should die period. Everyone who rapes is someones brother/father/son...doesn't mean they deserve leniency. Millions of people get drunk and depressed and don't rape and maim people. Alcohol doesn't make you a deranged maniac.


Two wrong dont make a right...


It's wrong to kill humans but those men can be called humans? Why? There is not the case of two wrong deeds don't make a right. I don't believe in rights of the assaulters, being them rapist or bullies or any kind. Retailation must be severe and fast and must overexceed the harm done.


That's not true, Niallbrooke...maybe your Mommy told you two wrongs don't make a right, but Mommy was wrong. Often when you do another wrong, you show the first wrong doer exactly how it feels.


And what stupid liberals don't understand is that it is not 2 wrongs. There is only 1 wrong, and THAT is the crime. The other is called PUNISHMENT for that crime, and you don't have to agree with the punishment, but it has to be delivered. I suppose you wouldn't mind letting rapists live in your home because you don't believe they should be punished.


So in order to punish inhuman behavior, you act inhuman?? That's pretty hypocritical.

Personally, I think you people are sick, nihilistic, antisocial, intolerant and ignorant if you really want to reduce a human being for an act that could easily be identified as self-protection or sickness or whatever. No wonder people today have such a hard time trusting each other. They have people like you breathing down their necks, forcing them to behave a certain way or else.


Your mistake is believing we live in some utopia, where everyone subscribes to your kind and gentle ways. Hey, news flash, you live on planet earth. The behavior you call inhuman is human. Do beheadings happen on this planet for no actual reason other than a crazy religious belief that people are enemies because they don't believe what you do? Are children murdered for watching a soccer game? Do people walk into schools and randomly kill children?

You are either delusional, or are blind to the realities of human nature. We are still nothing more than educated animals. I'm going to say I agree with your thoughts IN THEORY! It would be nice if everyone understood mutual respect and decency, but some ignore it. So, punishment isn't inhuman, it's completely within the range of being human.

So, please answer my question, since you don't believe in severe punishment and think all people are above being removed from this planet, those who we know will commit murder and rape repeatedly, how often do you feel compelled to let these INHUMAN people into your home for dinner?

See, you might not like everyone on the planet, but odds are, if you would fear them being in your home, then you obviously don't think them being there would be productive to your home, family, or life. Yet you think they should exist.

I bet of the government planned to give you 20% more back to you which normally went to taxes because they were shrinking the prison population by way of EFFECTIVE capitol punishment, you'd change mind. The thing is, the prison population doesn't mean crap to your everyday life, but for some reason, the bleeding hearts pretend EVERYONE matters. Well they don't!

People who never experience any evils perpetrated by "all to human" evil behavior usually need a kick in the balls before they wake up to reality. Your world might be sheltered, but the rest of the world isn't.



This sounds like something a rapist would say.


Alcohol doesn't make you a deranged maniac.

I beg to differ, sir. I know some people personally that should never drink because alcohol does indeed turn them in to deranged maniacs.
You have my word as an inveterate cheat.


Yes.If they did something so terrible they need to be held responsible for their actions and be punished.They would no longer be my relatives but monsters,and if they really loved me and respected me as their mother/sister/daughter they wouldn't do that to somebodys elses.There is no excuse for anyone.


They didn't just rape her, they also almost killed her... so, i think it was fine what she did with them, although she should have killed them easy and quickly, torturing them was a bad idea but may be she wanted to give them some lesson before they die


I think they deserved some more of it*am a guy*,they killed her was apt enough to fry their balls for that.
Tell you what,every rapist should be just hanged...and cases that involve torture and sadistic behavior over days or months should be dealt in a more ominous way,which is,skinning them alive.



Ok say one night your brother/Father/Son on day got really drunk and depressed and raped a girl... Do you think they deserve the death penalty...



Yes, Niallbrooke...don't you get it? Normal people don't rape! And there are plenty of drunk and/or depressed people who do not commit rape. For you to even try to excuse rape as a result of drunkenness or depression makes me wonder about you.


Yes, I would.

Anyone who does not think the exact same way is a rapist themselve.


I just wish that you will one day actually talk to a victim of rape( and I'm only talking about ''regular'' rape not a gangbang or with torture involved)

"Regular" rape? Let me ask you, how would you define "Regular" rape?

I cannot wait to hear this one.


He already defined it - rape that doesn't involve multiple guys and being tortured just for kicks. Reading comprehension is a wonderful thing.


My point is that it seems sick to me up to describe any kind of rape as being somehow worse or more irregular than another kind of rape.


Seriously? You don't see how being raped by multiple people who beat you and torture you for fun is worse than being held down and raped once?

I guess that means if you had to be raped, you wouldn't care if it was "regular rape" or what happened in the movie, right? No, you'd go for the one that's not as bad. It's bad of course, but it's not AS bad as what happened in the movie.


No, I just don't see how any kind of rape, whether it be from multiple people or by one person, could be described as "regular". People react differently to different things and different experiences, and being singularly raped by one person shouldn't be something that would be preferable to anything. It's still rape, and just because someone got raped by one person does not mean that she didn't have as rough a time as someone who was raped by multiple people.


As was said before "Reading comprehension is a wonderful thing."

Take your average Americans salary, they may thing this is the regular amount of money one should make, CEOs of multinationals could be said to be making an exceptionally high salary. Both are salaries but the first salary would be considered 'REGULAR'.(But even this regular term is further complicated when you compare for instance the regular salary for an electrician in America vs the regular salary for one in Bangladesh)

If you compare it within fields, for instance professional sports, the regular salary on an American football team would be about 800,000$ and exceptional one over 4 million a year.

Regular more or less means average. Murdering one person versus being a serial killer. Nothing was said about rape by one person not being atrocious but i find it hard to believe that you cant see a multiple assailants + Torture + intent to kill + secluded location where + Law enforcement being involved so lessening your access to the 'regular' post rape procedures.

Speaking of which, it is pretty sure those guys had intention to rape her the first time, she got away and was going to be OK with reporting it to the authorities. Only to have those hopes dashed. She then was raped by one guy (regular rape but with the taping) and walked off defeated. They could have left her alone and she likely would have left or died or gone to other authorities. They then all raped her, during which she tries to reach for the gun to likely shoot a few of them and escape or just shoot herself.

Then after she leaves and it seems shes done with life, I do not the jump was intended to be with the plan of coming back to kill them, but I think it was her last f you to them, not letting the people who took everything from her also take her life.

I think only after she survived she remembered the things in the shed and the abandoned building from her early morn run as she looked back to how all this happened and decided the only way she could live is by doing what she did.

So, i think regular rape can be used. Do not view it as saying that said rape is not atrocious, but it may be preferential to whatever happened in this movie.


I just really wanted the sheriff's wife to see the tape... I wanted her to know the kinda monster she was married to... I was disappointed when the tape was destroyed... I thought it was really dumb on the girl's part to let that go.

I wish I were a Warhol silk screen hanging on the wall...



Of course she was right! I support her 100% and feel what she did was the right thing to do. These guys deserved everything they got and anyone that disagree is a liberal idiot.



I got through it, twice. Powerful stuff, had to wash my hands afterwards.

I still believe. Do you still believe? - Earl Hickey


She should've gone to the police. Anyone ''that disagree'' has the IQ of a fence pole.

I'm the grim reaper, lardass, and you're my next customer.


Lol she did go to the police. And he sodomized and tried to kill her! What's your brainstorm now? If the first police officer rapes you, try again? How many people should she reach out to for help and gets hurt before she has to defend herself?
