The Flash getting shot
kinda ridiculous he is shot by some random minion while moving at crazy high speed.
sharekinda ridiculous he is shot by some random minion while moving at crazy high speed.
shareThey kept showing that random minion miss he was bound to hit him eventually, especially since Barry couldn't slow down. I think rando minion earned that hit!
shareLol now I'm sad that Batman shot that minion :(
shareSeriously. That dude sat there for 20 minutes popping off. He was gonna hit eventually. Cause clown Cyborg took so long to hack a superior alien technology.
shareits not even that. Cyborg was ready multiple times but Flash has failed to do his thing and kept going in circles for eternity.
shareAs I recall it was the opposite. Flash asked Cyborg multiple times if he was ready since Flash couldn't maintain the power for long. It wasn't until Flash was shot that Cyborg was ready.
Yes. I remember Flash said something like, "Victor, I can't hold it any longer!!" which made me chuckle a bit.
shareYes, he kept asking him when he was the one not doing his thing while Cyborg was standing ready.
shareWhat? Cyborg never said he was ready until the end. Not once. Flash was hardly doing nothing. He was generating and maintaining the power needed. Hardly an easy thing to be doing.
Author: "The Road From Antioch" and "In the Markets of Tyre"
At least he was shot with a lazorrr which is practically lightning fast. Unlike a certain speedster in Age of Ultron...
shareAnd, just because it bother me, the word is "laser" (it stands for "light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.). A laser travels at the speed of light. A lightning bolt does NOT travel at the speed of light. IIRC, the average speed of a lightning bolt is 270,000 mph.
At such a high speed, isn't it more difficult to miss? (assuming the parademon aimed correctly)
Barry was approaching the speed of light when he was building that charge running around the base. Lets say he was running a 5 mile loop (a generous estimate). The speed of light is 186,282 miles per second . Even if he was running 100,000 miles per second, Barry would run the track 20,000 times per second.
From the perceptive of the energy blast, Barry was practically everywhere at once. From Barry's perspective, once the blast entered his path it would blindside him (exactly what happened on screen).