MovieChat Forums > The Acolyte (2024) Discussion > Why are the jedi all so weak?

Why are the jedi all so weak?

Why are the jedi all so weak? I never knew they could be killed by a non Jedi just using the force to choke them?
Users of the dark side can easily kill them with knifes, in light saber combat, by choking them or taking over their body? And they can just use a mask to prevent their thoughts being influenced?

Where does the series go from there? So the side of the light was inferior all along?


It's what happens when you choose writers/directors based off the way they look rather than their talent.

Welcome to the future of entertainment.




Fun trivia: Leslye even lied to KK about her qualifications so she would be hired onto Lucasfilm. Even more interesting, KK hired her during the scamdemic, DESPITE there being a hiring freeze at Lucasfilm at the time, despite Leslye not having a good track record with making any tv shows (I mean, who the hell loves "Russian Doll" anyway?) and despite the fact that this carpet-munching bitch used to feed unsuspecting actresses to Harvey Weinstein. I suppose even scum seeks its own level in the septic tank, right?


Women writers focus their scripts on agenda and emotion. They also can't write male characters for shit, all they can do is make them subservient and weak ie what they want a man to be like versus what he should be. Male characters effectively carry films, thus women shouldn't be writing star wars as it has always been a male dominated series & fanbase.

Kennedy takes over Lucasfilm and her first instinct is not to make good films but to load every division with women because that's what people like her do - agenda and politics over creativity. Definition of a hack.

Lucas's final insult to star wars after the prequel fiasco was to hand over the reigns to this kennedy despot. She was not qualified to handle star wars and he knew that, he just wanted to look woke by handing the keys of a legendary franchise over to a woman.


Correction: LEFT-WING women writers are like that, not all other female writers. There are good female scriptwriters out there; they're just not welcome in Hollyweird these days.


Yes, I think you're right. That's unfair on female writers who want to tell a good story as opposed to woke writers inserting their underlying insecurity and infecting the whole movie. But like you said, they're not in demand, just the ones who want to push an agenda.

Unfortunately, they've convinced everyone that female characters in older films were poorly written and relegated to the background doing boring tasks. That's why woke scripts have mary sues running around beating up men and bossing everyone around while men are wusses and unlikeable. It's like revenge or something, it doesn't work. Truth is, female characters were much more interesting in older films than they are now.

Quality films/shows are written from the heart, by writers with passion and a desire to share something worthwhile with the audience. These shit films and tv shows like acolyte are not written from the heart, just agenda. That's why it's shit and so is 99% of the crap around in this woke age.


Yep :) Good writing comes from the heart (as well as working hard at the craft and having some talent to start with). And to be fair, there's nothing wrong with men who can write good scripts. Frankly, after what I've seen both past and present, maybe it's possible some of those "old white men" actually knew what they were doing.

I remember reading a very good article a few years ago that the biggest problem with woke writing is, they'd rather write about strong women than strong, well-written women. They'd rather have an invincible, horrible, bitchy, poorly-written Mary Sue than a chick that has a strong personality, but isn't perfect. And writing the men the way they do is very insulting.

They also appear to be allergic to heterosexual relationships, particularly between white men and women. They really don't want to show any romance at all unless it's between lesbians, or an interracial couple, or worst of all, a dysfunctional relationship.


Frankly, after what I've seen both past and present, maybe it's possible some of those "old white men" actually knew what they were doing.

They invented film, founded the industry and are responsible for all the biggest and best films. People hate on old white men because they created everything worthwhile in this world and they're jealous of that.

They'd rather have an invincible, horrible, bitchy, poorly-written Mary Sue than a chick that has a strong personality, but isn't perfect.

Audience members will usually see themselves in the film characters that they admire the most, hence I'd imagine the women who connect to these mary sues are the wenches currently filling up our societies with their anti-male poison ie the Brie Larsons etc


Lazy, uncreative, unproductive people always get jealous when they see someone else succeed after doing hard work. They think it's easy and that person got the rewards handed to them on a silver platter (because that's what THEY want to happen to them), completely ignoring what kind of an arduous journey the hard worker took to get there.

There's always a situation where they will try to steal the rewards the hard-working people earned, so they don't have to work for it themselves, and then they don't get it when the hard workers get mad at them, protest, and throw them out on their asses with the phrase, "Get a job!" Or worse, they get exactly what they want, and then find out that there was a reason they weren't originally allowed to have a job like that when smarter heads were in charge: because they were ill-suited, and the company they work for suffers as a result.

The problem with Disney and Lucasfilm is (aside from the usual issues) they're not losing enough money to truly want to change. They are still getting enough where they show their true mental illness by refusing to admit what they're doing is wrong, and double down on it, digging the hole they started deeper, and then drilling past the bedrock, hoping upon hope the new (very tiny, very poor) audience they're chasing will finally pay up the oodles of money those mean, "istaphobe" fans with the real money won't give to them.


The problem with Disney and Lucasfilm is (aside from the usual issues) they're not losing enough money to truly want to change.

I'm not surprised they still make money. The younger generations who make up a fair chunk of the audience have all been raised on that slo-mo superhero garbage, absolute philistines who wouldn't know a decent movie if it bit them on the ass. They'll watch anything new that gets hyped.


You ought to watch this Star Wars film called Revenge Of The Sith.

There's this scene where Mace Windu takes a few Jedi along with him to arrest Palpatine. It's hilarious - If you want to see weak Jedi then that is the scene for you!


I have an inkling that the force user you were talking about was quite powerful.

Maybe you should look up who Palpatine was. I know he was quite an obscure side character, and little known to those not read up on Star Wars lore, but he did have quite a high power meter.


Oh sure. Don't know if you've seen it but it turns out Palpatine is the Emperor.

But anyway, it's Mace Windu's assistant Jedis who are hilarious. I don't think they even block once with their light sabers! At best one of them lets out a Wilhelm scream.

Well worth checking out if you are into useless Jedi 👍.


Definitely. Lucas turned them all into cheeseballs himself in the prequels. The scene where they're being mowed down in the hundreds like cannon fodder at the end of Attack of the Clones is especially ludicrous.


Remember something: this is a shitty fanfiction written by a woman with no qualifications for being involved in filming at all, never mind a million-dollar corporation. It gives you a window into the minds of both Kathleen Kennedy and Leslye Headland, where they hate men, they hate the original premise of Star Wars, they hate the concept of good guys and bad guys the way Lucas wrote it, and they want to ruin all of it and make their own little lesbian avatars look better by comparison.

Fun fact: this series initially tested so poorly a year or two ago, that they had to bring Dave Filoni in to rewrite some of the script and re-edit part of the story, and even HE, the creator of "Clone Wars," couldn't save it.


This is so absurd and on point with the daft comments re this show that I'm pretty much past the point of replying to such nonsense.

However it's pretty hilarious to claim Leslye Headland had "no qualifications for being involved in filming at all". She was off the back of being one of the co-creators / writers & director of Russian Doll, the first season of which (which she was the show runner of) was excellent. The show was a massive success and critically acclaimed.

Plus she is actually a massive Star Wars fan (something complainers re the DT and it's directors frequently site). So we finally got someone onboard who brought EU / legends elements onboard and knows the lore but sadly it's no good because she's a woman. And worse still - shock, horror! - A Lesbian woman!


is she really a fan though when she clearly perverted its logic? The entire premise of the show was based on light and darkness being in balance.


I don't know what you mean re perverting the logic.

I just read some interviews with her as the show was running and knows that she was desperate to bring Plagueis in and she drew stuff in from the books like the light saber bleeding. I think it's a fair bet to say she was actually more into Star Wars growing up that most of the directors / writers who have been involved in the other Disney projects, which is what made the post I replied to seem so stupid.


Well maybe she was into the material that was written afterwards, that is not considered canon? Because for the last few years Star Wars has had films with logic that clashed with canon mythology and rules. I can understand that long-time fans may be disgusted by how the original premisce was perverted in the end.
What made the initial show so great was the fact that the force had a corrupting influence, and that you risked tapping into anger at your own expense. However now in the Acolyte and other spin offs, that kind of behavior seems to give unlimited power to kill jedis, and it also seems to validate their anger as being the best path forward. This is contrary to the initial ideology.

I mean I am sure there are shows like "You" or others were glorifying sociopathy is the main theme, and no one or way fewer people would be mad at those shows, but in this instance, it goes against every teaching of the canon source material. It is subverting a franchise to bring wrong messages to today's youth.

It is a tendency I see with Woke ideology to subvert and topple traditional values and replace with an apology of sociopathy (empathy deficit and Machiavellianism), by portraying narcissists and sociopaths as anti-heroes whose murders are excused and even justified with childhood trauma. I think it is incredibly dangerous when we teach an entire new generation that self-justice and retribution perpetrated in anger are valid paths, to teach them to tap into their distrust of others and to disregard true intentions and emotions.


Well I don't know about Woke ideology but George Lucas' Star Wars itself shows us Anakin Skywalker getting excused and returning to the light side of the force after some terrible murderous behaviour, so I'm not sure how you'd differentiate from that.

As to canon mythology and rules, it's quite funny - I don't count the prequels as being part of the same Star Wars storyline as the OT.

I can watch them and enjoy them in their own way but, for me, they don't marry up with the mythology which was spoken of by Obi-Wan in the originals. And they're by the same guy!

So it made me laugh to see people getting upset re potential rule breaking between this series and the phantom menace...


The difference is Dark Vador is the villain.
In the Acolyte the villain is the hero, you are mislead to empathize with the villain from the get go.

Also, in the source material both Mae and Osha end up being trained by the Sith, so there is no redemption.

Where does the series go from there? You end up admiring the Sith? Is it really the intention? if so, then it is a subversion of the source material. If not it is a betrayal. See what I mean?


I don't know - Darth Vader may have been the villain but he most certainly ends up the hero when he destroys the Emperor by throwing him down the shaft.

He then force ghost materialises (and I go with the original ending not the stupid Hayden Christensen remix) alongside Yoda and Obi-Wan.

So we - and the other Jedi and indeed Luke - land up "admiring the sith" (even if that isn't what we were calling them at that point, alongside having no rule of two).


I am open to the direction, but what I don't like is disproportionate power being handed over for inclusion reasons that then go against the source material.

For example in "Iron Fist", in the second season, the Iron Fist's girl friend ends up being more powerful and masterful than the Iron Fist despite all of his hard training. It was clearly done to empower an Asian woman at the expense of the white male hero. It made no sense whatsoever. I believe there was even a black female police officer who was suddenly able to contend with the villain. Again, it devalues the hero when you give huge power ups to minority characters for no other reason than their group belonging. That kind of thing rubs me the wrong way. Imagine the same is done in black Panther, Wonder Woman or Wanda, the hero ends up being full of doubt, pathetic, whiny and weak. Same thing happened in Doctor Strange's own film, where he got his ass handed to him by Wanda and some novice girl, making him look like a fool. Again degrading his status as super hero and Wizard Supreme and giving the power to an oppressed category for no other good reason. I mean, by all means let Wanda shine in her own film but don't make me pay to see Dr Strange and then see him fail at almost every turn.

I see a bit of that in The Acolyte, even though it can be explained with the vergence. But it does really make the Jedi look bad and like a bunch of corrupt, gaslighting politicians who oppress minorities, who on top of everything else end up being easily defeated down to a ridiculous level.

In a fantasy series, I want an escape, not see a replica of the current political climate, it is too distracting. Like what they did in The Boys, they really did shove it down our throats in a way that didn't even make factual sense, just a vulgar, manipulative caricature. I don't really want to see propaganda when I watch a fantasy series, it is just not the place.


Well the show is canceled due to poor viewership. It seems the core Star Wars audience is not interested in Woke propaganda or being told the Jedi is a corrupt and oppressive oligarchy. Who could have guessed?


Pity if true.

I'd far rather see a second series of this than Ashoka say.

But then, I'd rather see a second series of 1899 than this.


The issus is the core audience for fantasy series has always been male, so since the DEI efforts, all fantasy series have suffered greatly by having little or no male characters that they can identify with. If they just created male heroes for their 90% male audience, they would be so sucessful!



It's like the prequels all over again!


Like Skywalker was the greatest Jedi.
I’ve repeatedly had this argument with several brothers in law (yes, we are all nerds.)

Luke saved Han Solo, aided in the destruction of Emperor Palpatine and brought about the death of Vader, his own father!

Luke was the most bad ass Jedi ever.
