it seems that when a community/site like IMDb dies down and the left-overs migrate to a barren successor site like moviechat with little to no moderation, the most vocal people end up being fragile alt-righties crying about skin color or gender almost every post. they sit around brigading the audience score hoping that Disney cares about how they used to queue in line in their sundown towns waiting to watch the original trilogy, and how they will only support white right-wing media, but these shows are setting records and the highest grossing films are the sequels. so the only remaining thing left to do is stew in bitterness and try to ruin it for others manchild-style
I thought so too, until someone showed me a snapshot of what used to be, and it was not really much better.
What you are feeling is nostalgia.
And to think of it what you are unloading here is kind of one of those rants as well, heavy on politics and personal attacks, light on movie discussion.
And to think of it what you are unloading here is kind of one of those rants as well, heavy on politics and personal attacks, light on movie discussion.
that would be like trying to eat a meal on the floor of a gas station bathroom, might as well just talk to the fascists directly
i realized your other post on this show has phrases like "(yes, both are she)" which betrays your whole "i thought so too" cover story. you also did not understand why Indara didn't just kill Mae, assuming its just Disney being ridiculous, probably because you did not even follow the story, you were simply just ready to disqualify it
at the end of the day IMDb had a ton more discussion on the actual merits of the arts, now its just a bunch of Trump supporters moaning about how the world left them behind
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As someone who has eaten more than his fair share of meals on the floors of gas station bathrooms, I can honestly tell you guys that it really doesn’t alter the taste of the food. I suppose the smell might take some getting used to for the uninitiated, but what doesn’t?
OP is another squealing bitch Leftist who’s seething because Moviechat isn’t a Leftoid echo-chamber like Reddit where all normal people are purged and only the Cult remains.
"fragile alt-righties crying about skin color or gender almost every post."
The only people that cry about skin pigmentation, sexual preference and gender are obnoxious extreme lefties who wine that it must be shoehorned into every film and show under the sun. In reality this flopped hard because it was more interested in preaching identity politics than writing a good story.
There's plenty of right-wing users on here who immediately cry foul at non-white people as leading characters, or any interracial relationship in a show or film and make angry snowflake posts over it.
I know what you mean. I've had people tell me Buffy was a woke show simply because it had a lesbian character and a female lead. But Whedon never pushed those themes or emphasized their importance. It was never preachy. So IMO there was nothing woke about it.
MC has moderation; moderation that sometimes permits content you would rather not see, in keeping with the founder/operator's charter to generally encourage free speech.
I was on Imdb forums and back then Hollywood and entertainment industry in general weren't so woke. I miss the feverish activity of the horror forum and Need to Know and the silly "he/she looks like" posts on the page of almost every celebrity.