Everyone should stop getting excited for this film. I got a chance to see it at a test screening a few months ago and it may be one of the worst movies I have ever seen. It's a complete mess. Obviously the film hasn't yet been released because nobody has any idea what to do with it. Nothing can save this disaster. You know those movies that have you waiting for the dialogue to be over so it can get to the action? Well, watching Bunraku is a lot like that except you're waiting for the action to be over too. I hated this film and I thought I'd share that with the world of IMDb. That is all. Thank you.
I actually like the artistic stuff they did with the film it was something different and gave you a new kind of feel it kind of a little bit reminded me of Sin City. This film is in no way 5 Stars but I enjoyed it although a few things I thought were kind of silly were the following.
A guy gets stuck with him swinging a Yo-Yo around and you can see him in the background barely giving up a fight to simply take it off himself lol. I also found a scene where the Japanese runs towards a wall and you think he is gonna do a flip or kick someone off it and eh nothing. I also though Josh Hartnett getting completely smashed by the Black Number 6 or whatever number he was and then he just throws a punch and he dies lol eh? Also the Japanese guy reminded me of Michael Jackson a little bit.
I also didn't think this was exactly the right part for Josh Hartnett? I dunno just my opinion. As for your ColHandsLada I dunno what you saw but I don't think we were watching the same movie?
Dude, the whole thing with Yoshi running on the wall was the conversation he had with Woody Harrelson about spiders not having superpowers, and Woody says, " But they climb up walls."
Which is why they showed Woody looking all shocked when he did that. And Josh Hartnett snapped the guys neck on the trapeze net. He didn't punch him. Pay attention when watching movies. That could be why you're confused.
I disliked this movie too. It seemed to be a colour version of Sin City, a copycat of Kill Bill and a real version of comic books acted by real person. However, all were in a way below standard and kind of exaggerative acting on stage.
I agree, this movie went way below my expectations. I thought the visuals were great though, but other than that, there really wasn't much to look forward to. The Yoshi character looked too girly, had too much makeup on. His Judo-esque moves were weak. Josh Hartnett in this movie was also pathetic, although I liked the part where he was walking down the stairs beating up all the red coats. I thought that if I saw Demi Moore, this movie would be saved. No, it didn't. It actually became worse. Her very presence was very annoying. Ron Perlman's character needed to have a good haircut and a good shave. There was no way he could become "The Most Dangerous Man East of the Atlantic" or whatever with all that hair on.
Still it was visually appealing, but I couldn't finish the movie. I found myself sleeping when the credit came.
THis is fact a terrible movie... i don't want to encourage piracy but this cant be seen... very easily... searching google.
and a good thing to because this movie really really is bad. it looks like it was made for TV.. in the 80's. but shot on better cameras. this is in fact BAD. VERY VERY BAD.
Was excited by the trailer assuming it would be a colorized version of Sin City.
Got even more excited seeing it available 'on-demand' before it hits the theater BUT was sorely disappointed! Too many long pauses in the dialogue, narration becomes annoying before director decides to lessen how much of the narrator we hear, action scenes were ok but seemed slow and when they subtitle the Japanese dialogue in those artistic boxes...talk about a "squinting moment".
Someone else posted that it may become a cult classic and I tend to agree because it has the elements, through many viewings, to make it more and more appealing. I was disappointed overall tho :-(
Goldilocks was a crazy blond shorty for going up into that house in the first place ~ Gus (Psych)
I enjoyed the movie quite a bit. Don't listen to these guys, if you've found yourself on this board and you're unsure. Watch it. It's different, but different good. If you want the same old crap, wait till next week, and the week after, that and so on, etc. You'll get in the theaters again and again.
I understand a movie like this one is bound to be hated by many almost by default, but coming from someone who was mildly optimistic to get a kick out of it, I have to agree. This movie is a complete failure.
Some of the visuals and set designs are fun, but it all seems too random to establish any sense of style other than silliness. My initial excitement to see something so unique was quickly worn out and it all felt very tedious to watch this convoluted mess. Everything else about this movie is cringe-worthy. The jokes, the characters, the story and pacing, and last but not least the fighting, absolutely none of it appealed to me.
I suppose mentioning Josh Hartnett is almost like beating a dead hose and rest assured, he once again manages to have no screen presence at all. I understand this was never meant to feel like either FIGHT CLUB or the DOLLAR TRILOGY, but Hartnett and his fake beard trying to pull off some kind of parody of a lonesome cowboy out for revenge was simply dull and boring. McKidd was ok'ish, Harrelson was probably the most believable actor in this fantasy world they created, since he's always had this quirky side to him, but his character doesn't add much to the movie. The villain, played by Perlman, is utterly forgettable. The Japanese guy is merely running through the usual list of cliches while playing the Samurai side-kick. His character, and this is no hyperbole, does not have a single memorable trait that I can think of.
Some elements of this movie reminded me of KUNG FU HUSTLE a lot, so if you're looking some for some quirky fun with cool action, I strongly recommend watching that one instead.
While I thought the movie was fun and silly, I highly doubt that a general audience will like it. It's not polished, the silliness is completely random, and the dialogue (and plot) is lacking.
That said, I enjoyed it going into it with the mindset of "Dudes beating each other up!"
The ideas behind it were good, it just wasn't well executed in a general sense. And I couldn't help thinking that it would've been at least 50% better if Ron Perlman or Woody Harrelson had done the narration.
I thought the pop-up book styled sets and unique look/color of the film were really well done. And I liked the idea of the narrator telling the story as it went along.
Gackt and Woody Harrelson were fun, even if Gackt was only playing a samurai stereotype and Woody was only playing himself. They seemed to genuinely have some chemistry in the film and were enjoyable to watch. It's just a shame none of the other characters really stood out. Josh Hartnett was bland, Ron Perlman was unmemorable, I couldn't find myself to care about Yoshi's family, and Demi Moore's character seemed largely pointless. I will say that the guy who played Killer #2 (Kevin MdKidd?) was pretty creepy though. I just wish there had been more of him.
IMO where the film mostly fails is that it takes itself too seriously, while also trying to be kooky and unusual, and it doesn't get either one quite right. I think it should have just gone all-out and been as kooky as possible (like the "pinball" car chase scene. That left me loling because it was so random). Instead, it came off as a bizarro watered down mashed-up version of Kill Bill and Sin City.
With that being said, it was still a pretty enjoyable flick. I'd give it a 7/10 just because I was entertained throughout most of it.
This film is truely unique, and it should be watched just for that. But I have to say that as a movie, it isn't that good(5/10). There are many sequences that will make you go "WTF!?", such as the circus scene, and unfortunately not in a good way. And the ending is such an incredible letdown, that I almost felt like I just wasted 2 hours of my life.
Besides that, the fight sequences are quite bad. I do not know if it is done as an homage to old kung-fu movies(I think it is), but it did not work for me. And I LOVE kung-fu movies.
I would recommend watching it for its uniqueness, but nothing else.