which president was worse than George W.?
Can you think of one?
shareGeorge W. is the worst.
9/11 and the 2008 financial crash.
9/11 and the 2008 financial crash.
Carter and Nixon were worse than Bush43. And after 6+ years in office, I vote Obama worse than GW Bush.
Obama has polarized Ameica even more than Bush43. That according to the latest Pew Research poll results. Obama fuels animosity on most issues and constantly pits the rich against the poor, young against old, gay against straight, black against white, white against Hispanic, union members against non-union workers and on and on and on it goes. Where there is civility Obama brings incivility.
Under Obama more Americans are on food stamps and more people are living in poverty then ever before. We have the highest levels of poverty recorded in the last 50+ years.
Obama has not united America, Obama has divided America.
Seriously? Apparently our choices are who is worse, W or Obama with the occasional Carter, Clinton, FDR, & Reagan added in?
Have you all forgotten about Nixon?
It literally astounds me how few people in this thread mentioned Nixon.
Well Jimmy Carter and Obama would be the most recent that come to mind. It's a toss up which is worse. Obama succeeded in turning a recession that should've lasted a year and has now thanks to Obamacare made it drag on for 6-7 years. His foreign policy has the middle east in chaos. The healthcare system is a total disaster. And race relations are back to the 1960s. Carter is easily one of the top 5 worst presidents and it's not hard to say Obama will go down as worse that Carter. Pretty sad.
shareOBAMA: The first ape president.
shareDoes Jefferson Davis count?
sharewow it's crazy looking back at this topic in 2016. still early, but so far obama's approval rating is far greater than bush's around this time. i think history will favor obama over bush.
You can't persuade fanboys. You'd be better off trying to convince a wall. ~CodeNamePlasmaSnake~