MovieChat Forums > W. (2008) Discussion > which president was worse than George W....

which president was worse than George W.?

Can you think of one?


That's easy. Lyndon Baines Johnson was a serial killer who wound up in the oval office.

Johnson murdered his way to being a senator from Texas. The person whom the voters elected LOST the race because a thousands of dead people and mexicans voted for him. I'm saying Johnson's people "registered" THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of names they got off of tombstones. And they "registered" thousands and thousands of mexican migrant workers, NON-U.S.-CITIZENS (who didn't KNOW they were being registered) and in this way, they stuffed the ballot boxes with phony votes allowing Johnson to win the election.

Later, when Bobby Kennedy was about to indict vice president Johnson for the murder of Henry Marshall, the assistant Deputy Secretary of Agriculture, who refused to take a bride for the Billy Sol Estes land use scandal, Johnson called up his old friend Joe Clark and told him he NEEDED to be the president. That was the ONLY WAY to stop the indictment for murder.

And so Clark set up the hit on Kennedy. At Johnsons order.

So LBJ was the worst American president.

LBJ was a democrat. Bush is a republican. I'm non-partisan. A person can be stupid as opposed to not stupid, that's one thing. But Johnson was a MURDERER.


America never gives up, soldiers keep on fighting and dying for your safety. Thank a Veteran someday.


Andrew johnson for one. Worst President of ALL TIME.


Carter right now has to be the worst, but if Obama keeps this up he could win worst of all time.

You show me a balanced news outlet, I'll show you a liar.


No can ever be worse than Andrew Johnson IMO. But if you're referring to living ones then yeah, Carter is the worst. Obama will never be worse than Bush jr purely because of the fact that he inherited a brilliant situation with a Good economy, a surplus, limited military intervention. And essentially turned it into *beep* Obama's divisive mostly because people either think he's a good president or a bad one. Either you support Universal healthcare or you don't, that's the big one. I personally think he's doing a good job except regarding the economy where he really needs an economist to advise him. If unemployment keeps falling though? he's guaranteed another 4 years, easy.


Carter, Harding, Hoover, Truman, Lyndon B, and in many respects, Reagan is probably the worst President of the 20th century.

I cannot in good conscience list any presidents of the 19th century because too many documents that are subjective.

Bush should be judged on the positives and the negatives, and his negatives are not near what people seem to think due to the internet age.

I live in Canada, so I can be neutral on this, you have to remember Bush is half the government, our Prime Minister has more control over the country than Bush had over America.

You can blame the war on Iraq on him but the devastation on it doesn't touch Vietnam or how Truman dragged the whole U.N. into Korea.

Those foolish enough to move from canada to america increase the average I.Q. of both countries


Franklin Pierce, Ulysses S. Grant, James Buchanan and too many to name.

Anyone who names Bush as one of the worst Presidents ever is oblivious to history.

I slew your king, I slew your country. Do these deeds not demand vengeance?
-Judge Gabranth


I suppose each generation has their own ideas, but many in the MTV generation may have to stick with only George W. Source:W Movie Review


George W. Bush is the worst US president in modern times. On the other hand, he's probably the most successful criminal the world has ever known.


I am not an american but I have to say Bush surely must be the worst in recent times! Anyway I think it's pretty confusing that there are only 2 partys that gets any attention or have presidental candidates, what kind of democracy is that? And you have to be like mega rich to throw off a big campain. Anyway W. movie was pretty boring and did not point out enough how crap Bush was, more attention should also be handed over to the "probably worse" DICK Chenney


What about Eisenhower? He approved Operation wetback,

I'd love to see how that would fly today.


The triada is Nixon, Reagan, Bush Jr.




In my lifetime:

Obama is the worst followed by Carter followed by W Bush.


It's mesmerizing to see reps trying to make look Obama as the worst president. Obama is by far better than Bush. He received the country in shambles. There was no end in sight for the Irak War, people had forgotten that Osama bin Laden was the main objective of the war on terrorism, the damn economy in a prelude of a 21st century great depression, among other things.

Your image as a superpower was shattered by Bush presidency, Bush jr. bankrupted politically and economically the US. Obama has been trying to restore the political currency and the trust of the world on the US.

Spending 1.1 trillion dollars to NOT finding WMDs, and NOT killing the man behind 9/11. *ucking brillant!

To answer the question, there is no worse president that GWB. His presidency sent US to hell. Took a dump on the US name and economy, now you're paying the price. While oil companies and the so called 1% are the only ones reaping the benefits.

Make no mistake, history will be a hard judge on GWB. When China takes over as #1 superpower by 2020.


It's mesmerizing to see reps trying to make look Obama as the worst president. Obama is by far better than Bush. He received the country in shambles.

Yes America was in shambles when Obama took office and he then made a bad situation way worse.

The ecomony is worse, Food prices are higher. Gas prices are higher.

To say times America is better today than pre20008 is absurb.


I never said it was better. But US already had the motion towards a great depresion where you wouldnt see growth for 10 years. It was averted thanks to Obama, and Ben Bernanke the head of the federal reserve.



You always know the truth... when you cut yourself or someone else with it, you bleed.


