MovieChat Forums > The Deep House (2021) Discussion > Thoughts/Opinions of this film

Thoughts/Opinions of this film

Finally got to see this last night after reading about this film roughly a year ago or so. The environment was unique and the film held my interest for the entirety. However, unless I am missing something, I would have appreciated a more in depth (no pun intended) background on the house itself. Why is it completely in tact, nothing is decayed after being underwater for decades. I am guessing some type of sacrificial rituals were held with the markings within. Quite ominous.

Secondary note, with the underwater tight space enclosure, I was expecting the film to be scarier, but it did not hamper the end game for me.


I just watched it and, for the most part, enjoyed it. Like most scary movies, the best parts are before the answers start coming. This one is no different. There’s a wonderful sense of creeping dread, and the deeper they move through the house the eerier it becomes. Unfortunately, that’s when the answers start, which robs some suspense and forces the movie to simply play out to the end. It’s still well done and enjoyable, and, at 86 minutes, doesn’t overstay its welcome.


The "in-depth" story came about towards the end on the movie screen. It explained a bit of what happened, and that's all you get. Not only was there no decay, I couldn't help but notice how everything was in it's place, sitting on dressers and shelves. Wouldn't most of that stuff float around? You'd think that would be a noted concern when they entered the house. But I guess since it was possessed, that would explain all of that and the lack of decay. Maybe.

The film was plenty scary cause deep water is terrifying to me. When they went to leave and the window was covered by a brick wall, I could feel the unnerving stress of the situation. The movie Open Water gave me chills. Don't care for it.

Movie wasn't so bad, tho. It was actually better than a lot of suspense/horror movies out there.


I actually wish that they had gotten rid of all the background, especially all of that exposition at the end of the film. Frankly, I really enjoyed the setting, and how they were building suspense but I thought the movie started to fail in quality halfway through when the horror starts to pick up. I think the movie would have been more effective without the backstory, without the jump scares, etc. And frankly, the ending was disappointing. It wasn't a great payoff and felt like another horror trope that the writers were checking off. I think they should have kept the story and the spooks simple.


Overall, a solid B movie. I think the film might have benefited from having 1 or 2 other people to carry the dialogue (and give the villains a couple of kills). But not bad
