MovieChat Forums > Dune: Part One (2021) Discussion > do you think hbo streamed it so they can...

do you think hbo streamed it so they can blame it on that when it flops?

It seems to me hbo execs saw the movie and knew it sucked. So they decided that they would let it stream first so that when the numbers come out that the movie didn't do well, they can blame it on the fact that people saw it on stream and didn't go to theaters.


It's because people aren't going to the cinemas.


I went for "No Time to Die," which I didn't like. But, since it was Daniel Craig's final Bond movie, I am still glad I went to see it in 4K, Laser-Projection and Dolby Atmos.

I want to go next Tuesday for "Dune." We have half-price Tuesdays. Otherwise, I do have to admit, I would probably not go.


I have seen several movies in the theater since the pandemic started. If we don't support the theaters they won't survive.


I would rather support poor children in Africa than theaters.




Why not both?


So I can save more children.


Throw every penny you make into it and you won't save one of those children. You'll just pay the salaries of the people who run the charity you donate to.


By that way of thinking, you should neglect your local community entirely.


I already do.

I live in a wealth country, never donate a single dime to my country, even a giant earthquake kill more than 2000 people, everyone boast how much they donate, how "kind" they are, I always reply: "Only 2000, we're wealth country, we will be fine, it's not a big deal, in Africa MILLIONS die from poverty EVERY YEAR.


I have an alternative perspective: Despite the wealth of many western nations, many within those nations are still poor and in need. Poverty exists even in the richest of countries.

Take care of the home front first. Once that's taken care of, turn your attention abroad.



Do you know why? Why Bill Gates puts his money primary to other countries, not his own country?

1. Poverty in rich countries compare to poor countries mostly aren't HORRIFIC NIGHTMARE!

2. (I replied this point to you just hours before, but I'll say it again.) The same dollars can save more lives on poor countries.


That's interesting that you think Bill Gates is a good, altruistic person. He is basically a Bond villain at this point.

I would encourage you to read up on him some more.

Also, I must be honest, I find the fact that you feel no loyalty to your own countrymen to be disturbing.


I didn't say Bill Gates is "good, altruistic", I don't care he is good or bad, I'm explain the reasons behind the act.

By your way of thinking... Every rich countries have poor people live within, yet every rich countries have foreign aid, do you want to stop the aid?

And... "loyalty to your own countrymen"? Aren't we all humans? All live on the same planet? Why should I care less to other humans because they are "not my countrymen"?

That is a very disturbing thinking, you think I should care less to other people because their passport show different country flag.


What is disturbing thinking is that you think everyone on earth is equal and you have no respect to the country and the people that allows you the self-claimed rich life. They built the country so that you could live your rich life.


Poor people in my country have nothing to do with "built the country". I don't have to "respect" them.


Thats self-induced poverty though. The average age for males in Nigeria is 13. Fucking 13. How many children do you need to have to bring the average age to 13? No wonder they live in poverty.


That's some first rate virtue signalling, right there!


It's virtue signaling to say get out and support your local theater?

If that's true, I am happy to signal it. I'll shine that shit like the Bat Signal!


Sorry. I meant to respond to the poster below you.


Why do we need them to survive?


Because the home experience can never replicate sitting in a packed theater with a massive screen, especially when you have a good crowd that's really into the movie.


I agree, the home experience is far superior.


Sign up for HBOMax, and watch all the other good stuff and Dune along with it. Curb Your Enthusiasm it coming up and Succession is out. It's a good time to subscribe. Not sure how long it will be out there?


These Warner Bros. premiere movies are on for 30 days, then they will go away. The movies should then return to the platform once theater and VOD are complete.


It's been in theaters 5 weeks now. Fucking Moron!


I'm watching it tommorrow.


They made a deal for all of Warner Bros. major releases in 2021 to show day and date on their network.

If "Dune" came out next year, it would be showing in the usual way like the other 2022 Warner Bros. releases: Theaters first, VOD after and then premium cable like HBOMax.



People on MC love churning up BS.


"Sucked"? Dune has rave reviews everywhere! A


I wouldn't be so cynical, but I would imagine that even given a herculean effort anyone who knows the book and the history of Dune movies knows it's a big gamble, and the PR goodwill from making the movie will pay off hugely in their new subscription to HBOmax. I think that was a marketing PR decision, not because the movie is bad ... it's not. I don't think it is what a lot of people hope for, but there is no movie that can do that in my opinion.


nah, i think it's a bonified stab to launch their streaming service. They know they they're losing billions of dollars to do it. i think they'll make the rest of it too even though it's gonna lose tons of money. high profile long form content is something they need in particular to compete.


True, but I doubt billions, and fairly soon it will be taken off streaming and be charged for soon enough. It's not bad, and there will be 2 or three parts.


They want HBO Max to be as successful as possible and COVID time seem like a good time to really drive for subscribers. So simultaneous theatrical releases and pumping money into and releasing the Snyder Cut.

It will hurt the theatrical films, and they likely created an even larger loss on JL but they seem to be taking the long term view of the potential earnings from HBO Max.


What is JL?


Justice League. The hype for the snyder cut brought some fantastic attention to HBO Max, however I would be shocked if the loss on that film didnt increase in the process of Snyders spending to update and release it.


Not sure the truth of it, but I heard the Snyder Cut ultimately resulted in few new subscriptions. Same for Wonder Woman. They were hoping for a raging river of new subscribers and got more of a gentle stream instead.

But like I said, I don't know for sure.


You might be right, I looked it up and there was not a massive spike during that quarter. Probably more reason why Snyder Cut is likely a one and done thing.
