MovieChat Forums > Zombieland (2009) Discussion > why would a woman choose Columbus?

why would a woman choose Columbus?

i'm an athletic alpha female.. and the last person i would be attracted to would be some cerebral, non athletic, geeky/virgin type with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. There are some "cute" qualities about the kid - but, not enough to be attracted to..

As a basic female, i would be all over Tallahassee.. He's definitely ALPHA, HOT, again, he's HOT, tough, muscular, strong, brave, kind of crazy, definitely a survivalist, and with procreation in mind - the ability to have children who might have a better chance of survival...versus a gamer who is afraid of clowns..and a virgin..

The moment Tallahassee would have asked me to take off his boots? that wouldn't have been the only thing i would have taken off..


and a virgin..

You say this like it's the most horrible thing in the world. He's choosing to remain a virgin by not being a social individual. As an objective male, Jessie Eisenberg is by no means ugly.

The moment Tallahassee would have asked me to take off his boots? that wouldn't have been the only thing i would have taken off..

What I read in this is that you're a whore/slut. Yes, I mean to offend you.

by conangirl (Fri Apr 1 2011 13:43:47)

ask my boyfriend.. and no, you're not worth posting a pic.. but thanks for the offer..

Yeah, I can't even believe or assume any man would be interested in such a bitch like you. You're saying that no woman would be interested in Columbus because of Tallahassee, because he's the hotter one and the "alpha male"? How about when Tallahassee gets bested by two woman who are a combined age of 20 years younger than him? He's in his 40s or 50s, and he can't even save his son from the zombies. So, no he's not a good choice.

Oh, and there's no way you're 50 years old if you're spelling "hot" like "hawt" and typing/talking in this nature and tone. You're clearly in the age of 14-26.

"Your punishment must be more severe."Bane (TDKR)






Humans are among the weakest animals pound for pound, we've survived and even dominated due to our intelligence and social structure not our physique.... without weapons a majestic Moose will destroy a man and I say this as a Trainer/builder because I choose a healthy lifestyle, not a vain one. Hell I don't even own a full body mirror or under sized tee shirts because I don't need to find security in my abs or biceps.

Did you ever see the "Survivor" season with the muscle man? He was about as Alpha as it gets (I'm a str8 guy but I'd admit that he's HOT) and also the first person to quit (ever) after 7 seasons of "geeky/virgin types" school teachers, older ladies, scrawny girls etc being able to cope... too difficult to get enough energy from limited supplies with a high metabolism. Granted Woody's not a builder but I have to guess if it were a choice of Woody or a builder, you'd pick the builder everytime and then wonder why anyone would pick Woody, Food for thought.

Only my opinion (and some facts) and you are more than welcome to have yours and I get where you are coming from but don't fully agree and certainly don't agree that it should represent the views of every woman on Earth...but you did post here for discussion, and I obliged.

On the flip side, why would Columbus want her? She's smart, sassy and cute but she's stubborn, dangerous and chooses about the stupidest means of survival possible, going to a funpark... even though by the midpoint of the movie, she knows it's toasted. Maybe he needs a girl like China or lucy Lawless, or cpl of G.L.O.W. girls.....just pokin' fun.

Also just for fun, biggest, toughest British soldier in WW2 killed a reported 54 enemy soldiers with his gun and bayonette, two nerds by the names of Einstein and Braun killed approx 240,000 people with their brains....


In a zombie apocalypse ... I'd go for Tallahassee as well (I think) same reasons, mainly because he would be really good to protect me lol, but Columbus ain't that bad!, he is a little geeky and coward but he seems nice and quiet that's good, maybe he is not as skilled and good to keep me safe as Tallahassee but he ain't a bad choice IMO... anyway yeah if I had to ... I choose Tallahassee

that's just like your opinion stick to yours, your approval on mine isn't required


Come on, guys! Do you REALLY believe conangirl is a female?




Can't find 1 reason why anyone would choose Columbus and has nothing to do with alpha types and geeky ones.
Usually jocks are boring and geeks compensate with humor. In this case the opposite was true. Tallahassee was funny, smart and capable of loving and feeling pain (puppy story). Whereas Columbus had what? Trying to find his family that he never felt close to until then? Inexperience and rigid rules? He was completely uninteresting. His scrawniness was the least.


Well Tallahassee is checking out the young one errr.. ^_^
