MovieChat Forums > Zombieland (2009) Discussion > why would a woman choose Columbus?

why would a woman choose Columbus?

i'm an athletic alpha female.. and the last person i would be attracted to would be some cerebral, non athletic, geeky/virgin type with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. There are some "cute" qualities about the kid - but, not enough to be attracted to..

As a basic female, i would be all over Tallahassee.. He's definitely ALPHA, HOT, again, he's HOT, tough, muscular, strong, brave, kind of crazy, definitely a survivalist, and with procreation in mind - the ability to have children who might have a better chance of survival...versus a gamer who is afraid of clowns..and a virgin..

The moment Tallahassee would have asked me to take off his boots? that wouldn't have been the only thing i would have taken off..


Well it's just a *beep* movie and obviously this whole scenario is a geek boy's fantasy anyway and meant to cater and appeal to geeky boys who generally make up the crowd for zombie movies. Wichita wouldn't have went for columbus, probably not for tallahassee either. Personally I wouldn't have went for wichita as a geeky guy. She was a *beep* And while Woody Harrelson's character was kinda cool, hot is one thing Woody harrelson is not (and has never been).


Well, conangirl, you go for Conan and enjoy being humiliated by those machos.


Sticking to the topic- these four people were all very flawed but endearing.

Granted, Columbus is an un-athletic, geeky weakling, but it's a staple of comedies for some underachieving guy like him to end with an incredibly hot woman like Wichita. Doesn't make sense, but people buy into it I guess.

Wichita was physically attractive, but very callous and insensitive. However, you saw her slowly soften up over the course of the movie. It appears both she and Little Rock were in survival mode even before the apocalypse and this seemed to be just a minor inconvenience to them. Wichita was apparently the kind of woman who uses men to serve her purposes and she approached life in a profoundly selfish way and was teaching Little Rock to be the same way.

Tallahassee made the movie. He was a tough guy but had some modicum of decency and empathy. He was like the big brother to the rest of them.

Columbus and Wichita made sense if it was just the four of them. I don't think Columbus would be any woman's "dream man", but in that kind of situation you have to make do with what's available and Columbus was. I don't think Tallahassee would be interested in her at all. He seemed to exhibit no sexual desire at all thoughout the movie and for most of it felt a mild disdain for the sisters for taking advantage of them 2-3 different times.


let's see, Which one would Wichita choose:

1. 50ish guy who wanted to kill after she conned him (twice), has no sexual desire toward, is ax-crazy dealing with losing his only child.

What happened: A drinking buddy (well, one she smoked pot with) and ally, probably (which he is too her) and honorary father figure to her little sister.

2. Neurotic college student, who is quite polite (keep his humanity and even grow as a person) and despite his issues, managed to survive the zombie apocalypse and would continue to do so. He wants companionship, maybe a family, and would risk his life for another person, even when said person conned him, would make exception to his rules and overcome his ultimate fears.

What happened: This is a movie, and he is probably the last guy around her age that isn't insane, so yes, Wichita went with him. The thing is would she stay with him? Because she had major trust issues to still deal with.



haha, most of the posts here are idiotic. Yes, the original poster is somewhat shallow and should understand that everyone likes different people, but a lot of people are the same way.

Most of the men posting here couldn't tell me they would always choose a nerdy girl over a model (not that you can't have both, you but you know what I mean). These same men (and some women here) keep posting that the original poster must be a "slut". You're taking it too far because you're upset about her opinion. We get it. Don't let it get to you too much, folks. It's not that hard to grasp. Everyone has their own opinion of what they want. It's not up to all of you to tell her who she SHOULD be attracted to or how she should conduct her life.

Personally, who I would choose would depends on personalities. I lean towards the geekier types, but it would be somewhere in-between. They still can't look like they're about to collapse at any second (they should have some kind of healthy physique, I mean) and be intelligent enough. Of course, just as a lot of men go for women who look good, women do the same thing. Upon first view, you would think Tallahassee is the one who is more fit for survival, and a lot of women would go for him. Eventually, some would smartly move over to Columbus after getting to know him. But it's quite obvious that Tallahassee would be the "first pick" if you knew nothing about them, had to choose someone in a second to be in a group with, and had to survive.



you sound like one of those strong man competition girls... disgusting.. you sound jealous too... generic ass bitch would like the buff murderer guy


Why? Because we have higher intellect and don't live by biology and hormones alone. Well, I guess you do, but...


with procreation in mind

Waaaaaait. You'd be thinking about spawning during the zombie apocalypse? What the *beep*? Survival and pregnancy or babies don't particularly go hand in hand and it's not like having a couple of spawnlets is going to help continue the human species.
Plus, who the hell considers bringing children into a world that's so royally *beep* over?



Old thread but I am guessing that OP remarks is the reason she is pushing 60 by now with no one to love. Sad to know that a woman still refuses to grow up by that age. Really? Over 50 and you still go for the Jersey Shore type? What ever happened to the female race? In the 50's a man that worked hard to support his wife and be faithful is what women were attracted to. I actually have a friend like OP right now. Almost 43 and never had a meaningful relationship. She has admitted to being attracted to guys that have no jobs, sells drugs to make a living, talks down to them and threatens them with violence. To this day she pursues men WAY out of her league looks wise and never gets anywhere destined to die alone.

