MovieChat Forums > Zombieland (2009) Discussion > why would a woman choose Columbus?

why would a woman choose Columbus?

i'm an athletic alpha female.. and the last person i would be attracted to would be some cerebral, non athletic, geeky/virgin type with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. There are some "cute" qualities about the kid - but, not enough to be attracted to..

As a basic female, i would be all over Tallahassee.. He's definitely ALPHA, HOT, again, he's HOT, tough, muscular, strong, brave, kind of crazy, definitely a survivalist, and with procreation in mind - the ability to have children who might have a better chance of survival...versus a gamer who is afraid of clowns..and a virgin..

The moment Tallahassee would have asked me to take off his boots? that wouldn't have been the only thing i would have taken off..


Love is blind.


One more thing, its a rule in movies,games,books that the main character gets the girl.


Except in 30 Days of Summer


And the world shows plenty of evidence how well your opinion on relationships where HOT is the keyword work out.
If appearances and outside glamour all that counts for you then you are far from the alpha female you claim to be, sad to say.
You will grow old and ugly just like the rest of us, with your state of mind the difference will be that you will be an empty shell trying to maintain the outer glamour and appearances, never to have looked on the inside because, it just isnt important, right? Well good luck, people will see you like there are so many of em ut there, glamour queens once yes, but ugly, and rotten to the core.
Any last words ?
Shut the *beep* up
-Mutant Chronicles-


Because he is adorable and sweet and funny, and because of things like the line "Someone's ear is in danger of having hair brushed over it."


Tallahassee is sexy...

But I think she had more of a connection with Columbus, maybe because he reached out to her more. She's a very guarded person and she might've thought it was nice that someone was trying to get her to break through her icy exterior.



I agree. If I need zombie protection, I'll go with Columbus.


Sneaking would definitely be a key to surviving, I agree. Remember when they find those guns in the back of the Hummer and for whatever reason Tallahassee wasted a bunch of ammo with the MP7. There goes a few zombie kills right there.
I did enjoy the OP's post though. "Alpha male" made me laugh. What are we, dogs?

Did anyone else read her name "Conangirl" and instantly think "Conan O' Brien"?



Well Wichita was probably early 20's, same as Columbus. Tallahassee was probably late 30's to early 40's. And that's just the beginning. Is it like there were many other boys around? And maybe she likes a different kind of guy. I mean, just because you like Tallahassee doesn't mean she has to.


This is why women are always saying there are no good guys, I can't find a real man or all men are dogs, they chase after those who are unattainable, and I feel sorry for you, yet I don't respect you either. You are the reason I don't date or engage in activities with you, I just don't want to waste my time or put my heart in jeopardy again, even after a long term relationship, you lose your mind and wanna be a slut!
