MovieChat Forums > Zombieland (2009) Discussion > why would a woman choose Columbus?

why would a woman choose Columbus?

i'm an athletic alpha female.. and the last person i would be attracted to would be some cerebral, non athletic, geeky/virgin type with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. There are some "cute" qualities about the kid - but, not enough to be attracted to..

As a basic female, i would be all over Tallahassee.. He's definitely ALPHA, HOT, again, he's HOT, tough, muscular, strong, brave, kind of crazy, definitely a survivalist, and with procreation in mind - the ability to have children who might have a better chance of survival...versus a gamer who is afraid of clowns..and a virgin..

The moment Tallahassee would have asked me to take off his boots? that wouldn't have been the only thing i would have taken off..


I think she falls in love with him because she's NOT AS SHALLOW AS YOU... probably...


We have a winner. ^^^


I wonder who's gonna last longer...

Tallahassee: Kill as many zombies in as many different ways as possible, Eat Twinkies (which one of these two comes first is up for debate).
Columbus: Survival, Sex.

T: Frequently puts himself in unnecessary danger to try new ways of killing zombies, tends to waste ammo.
C: Keeps a list of rules that he follows (almost) without exception, did not hesitate to shoot Bill Murray.

T: Skilled marksman, Redneck.
C: Nerd.

T: Huge kill count, Zombie Kill of the Week runner-up.
C: Survived his first zombie encounter alone and unarmed.

Cheap Shots
Tallahassee's children have a survival rate of zero.
Coincidentally, Columbus' sperm also have a survival rate of zero.

To be fair, anyone who has survived the zombie apocalypse alone for as long as these two have is clearly someone to be reckoned with.
My money's on the nerd.

Today is a Good Day for You to Die!


I understand the narrow-minded view of the OP, but I think you're right. When it comes down to it, brawn can be developed, but if you're a brainless thrill-seeker from word go, you're going to F-up along the way and probably take those around you down as well. It's interesting to note that 3 of the 4 survivors in this movie are intelligent and Woody's just lucky. Still F'in hilarious, though.


Wow QuietScreamer.. forget whatever point I was going to make.. you just made it..

I think something else to bare in mind.. this isn't just "let's procreate" they are still living in a world of blood thirsty zombies.. I'm not totally sure that procreation is on anyone's mind..

something that is probably more in demand is the feeling of normalcy.. a little bit of calm.. no excitement.. considering night and day you are only trying to survive..

most woman who go for the alpha male do so because they want to go on an "adventure".. they want to be taken along for this guy's "ride".. experience the things that they wouldn't normally get to have..

also OP.. if you really are an alpha female.. and youre dating an alpha male.. to my understanding.. that can't really last.. if you both feel the need to be leaders and "at the top of the food chain".. that relationship isn't going to work.. one of you isn't the alpha figure you think..

but anyone who says that Tallahasee is insane.. good call.. that insanity would just amplify all the other crazy in the world leading to a definite unattraction..


I'm a guy, first of all, so keep in mind that this is coming from a (straight) guy's viewpoint.

I would argue that Tallahassee is the OPPOSITE of a survivalist. He's more like Martin Riggs in Lethal Weapon, a loose cannon with a death wish. He's not trying to survive, he's trying to show off how "macho" he is. Besides, survivalists are usually nutsy cuckoo. If that's the kind of guy you want to be with, you go ahead.

Besides, alpha males make me laugh. It's like they're so scared of actually having, oh, I don't know, FEELINGS, that they feel like they have to be WAY overly masculine to cover up for themselves.

And, as others have posted, if this situation were real, Tallahassee would probably die (or be zombiefied) WAY before the others. He's way too much of a loose cannon and puts himself into way too many dangerous situations for no good reason. One needs enough brains to not only know how to get out of danger, but to STAY out of danger, and that's what Columbus has. Wichita, being a con artist (a method of crime which requires a lot, and I mean A LOT, of brains), would know the value of knowledge and logic over brute force.

Besides, Tallahassee is, what, fifty? Wichita is in her early twenties? Need I say more?

"...and you can't come because you DON'T SPEAK FRENCH!"


conangirl, i don't think you have a strong grasp on the intricacies of attraction. We aren't animals (at least not on an emotional/psychological level). While some woman are attracted to the "alpha male" type, others operate beyond the biological desire to hook up with the "hawt", ultra-masculine dudes. Most woman look for deeper levels of intelligence, sincerity, and feelings lol. Nerdy guys seem to possess a lot of those qualities. Besides, there aren't many true alpha males out there. Most are somewhere in between with both brains/brauns.

Of course, I'm a guy and my analysis could be completely off target.


I like both sufercharlie25 and meltzercool's response. I wish I can give you guys "like" for your comments.


conangirl wouldn't exist in zombieland


I'm really impressed you managed to capture the essence of a stereotypical "shallow slut" archetype. You should write a book about one.

"I've been living on toxic waste for years, and I'm fine. Just ask my other heads!"


ITT: OP is a terrible person who's boyfriend uses her for sex and doesn't really care about her


Congratulations on being so stereotypical!




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"You suck."
- Sue Sylvester
