MovieChat Forums > The Ugly Truth (2009) Discussion > There was a 9 year old!!

There was a 9 year old!!

Okay in my town this movie is 14A so if you're 14 you can get in but anyone younger needs an adult with them. So I'm 14 and went and seen this with my whole family. Mom,uncle,grandma,sister and my siter's friend(17 and 16). There were other 14 year olds and stuff. As I'm leaving the theatre I seen a 9 year old walk down the stairs with her dad. She had a Hannah Montana shirt and everything. Plus this was the late show so like starts 9:50 end at midnight kinda thing.

I'm not one to discriminate parenting but I thought was pretty bad.

I'm 14 and thought this movie was pretty sexual for 14A.

You know the speed of light;so what is the speed of dark ?


I totally agree with you, the parents should not have brought their children. I remember when my boyfriend and I went to see Pan's Labyrinth in theaters and there were four kids under the age of 10 sitting in front of us... with NO parents! I mean, their parents had to give permission for them to get in, right? Or they were just elsewhere in the theater??

It gets worse, though. In the hospital I was doing clinical rotations through, a two year old who was admitted on the pediatric floor's parents were watching "The Last House on the Left" (the new, very gory version) in the room WITH the two year old!!! A doctor had to go in the room and discuss with the parents appropriate television watching for children. Talk about setting the kid up to be a future wacko.




the problem of Kids watching R rated movies it that they dont get the movie so well
i watched Pretty woman for the first time when i was 12 i liked the movie a lot but now that i re Watched this after so long it got much better because there were so many parts i didnt get so well when i was younger.

i dont think its bad for teens to watch an R rated movie as long as they get it and their parents explain them
i Agree with everyone who says that this movie cant affect kids
the worst thing can happen if they watch it is that they wont like it and will be bored.

with the mask of zorro happened to me the same thing:
i loved since the first time, i bught it and watched the movie like a Thousand times, latter i gave this movie a very Long break
i now i re-watched this and like pretty woman it got much better now because there so many parts i didnt understand so well the First time


This is not connected in any way to bad parenting. There are just some people (kids) that can see this kind of movies or jokes and just enjoy it, without learning bad things or use the bad language or violence or i dont know what in life. Me for exapmle. When I was very young I (around 10 years old) I saw a lot of movies rated PG13 or even R Rtaed and i wa s OK with that. I havent learned the "bad things" from it I just enjoyed the Film. And that wasnt so in the past. Lets say when I saw "SAW" or "Rocknrolla" or "Watchmen" I was only 10-11. And im OK with that. I do not use Guy Ritchie language in real life



The movie is allowed for all ages in Norway and Sweden...


So if your family can't afford to live in a good neighborhood and your child witnesses a murder, say as in Robert Di Nero's "A Bronx Tale," should uh we stamp a pg-13 rating on that?...or how about the news where wicked crap is reported daily...look bottom line kids are going to see things in life, better it they see those things with the parents so they can talk about it and grow into a mature adult, cus' no matter how hard you try you can't ever completely shelter someone off from the world.


wow.. are the people in the USA, living like that family from 7th heaven?
r u really so close minded?

this movie is not made for a 9 year old but ok big deal.. it is not the end of the world (btw, here in Greece, this movie was also approved for all ages, although i highly doubt a child would want to go and see it..)

me, i started watching hitchcock movies when i was 8 years old,
westerns, rambo, kung fu, godfather, war movies and that kind of stuff with my dad when i was like 10
and really hate the romantic stupid meg ryan type of movies

i am very much normal girl.. yes i adore horror movies but yes i never ever hurt anybody or even got into a fight with anyone, i don't even use "bad" language

sometimes i think there is a reason why in some countries, kids go crazy one day and start shooting people in schools etc..
