MovieChat Forums > The Ugly Truth (2009) Discussion > There was a 9 year old!!

There was a 9 year old!!

Okay in my town this movie is 14A so if you're 14 you can get in but anyone younger needs an adult with them. So I'm 14 and went and seen this with my whole family. Mom,uncle,grandma,sister and my siter's friend(17 and 16). There were other 14 year olds and stuff. As I'm leaving the theatre I seen a 9 year old walk down the stairs with her dad. She had a Hannah Montana shirt and everything. Plus this was the late show so like starts 9:50 end at midnight kinda thing.

I'm not one to discriminate parenting but I thought was pretty bad.

I'm 14 and thought this movie was pretty sexual for 14A.

You know the speed of light;so what is the speed of dark ?


I thought the language was atrocious. It was unnecessarily vulgar. There were a lot of older women in the movie theater, and I was so embarrassed for them, just to have to hear that vulgar language in a movie marketed as a romantic comedy.


8.30 showing in my town

transformers revenge of the fallen, and some couple bring in a bloody new born baby, not like they understand what's going on or anything, but it is bloody loud and way too late to have a baby up.


I absolutely agree with you. I'm also 14 and yesterday went to see this movie with my friends. Here in Portugal everyone who's older than 12 can see the movie, I seriously don't understand how a movie like that isn't R rated. I mean, Inglorious Basterds is on the theatres right now and it's R and I doubt that it's any worst than this one.
There were lots of kids watching the movie, and it was the late show as well but I don't think that the parents had any idea that they were taking their kids to a movie like that.
I had seen the trailer and it didn't seem that the movie was going to be like this at all, I was shocked. Even more so because it's not R rated.

(Sorry for any misspelling)
"No Man Can Kill Me, DIE NOW"


I am 18, my parents have let me watch basically every movie since I was a kid. Well... I remember one time we rented 8mm with Nicolas Cage and I was NOT allowed to watch that. But really that is the only thing. I saw Kill Bill Vol. 2 when I was 13 with my mom at the theater. I loved it. I actually watched a lot of violent, swearing filled, action and horror movies as a kid and I grew up fine. That being said though, I know lots of kids can't handle that stuff and will have nightmares. I watched The Exorcist when I was like 10 and I wasn't scared. Predator and Jurassic Park were probably my 2 favourite movies as a young kid. I remember I also got Saving Private Ryan on DVD for my 10th or 11th birthday. I guess it all boils down to what your kids can handle. I grew up fine and I am not a violent person, but I have played violent games and watched violent movies my whole life.


Metal head and everyone,

I am Justin and i understand what pepole are saying. Pepole has changed over the years to become from parents and gaurdions in t letting kids due this. I mean the world is not as we remeber it. It has became a downhil brown money problom place and it seems to me the world is dying. I mean as parents we try hard to pretect our kids but all we can do the best. We can not stop them from everything just show them what is out there so they know when there older. Like they say how touching is iniproprite and i am a very kind loving well man at 28 i am so loving and kind to women i never do bad things. Pepole has changed so much it is like they forgot things the world used to be. You would not belive what me my mom and Grand ma saw on Entertamnt Tonight or somthing that parents made there kids look like sex girls like at 6 or 8 years old with fake teeth and my god. If you can see my view i am right pepole has forgoten and like thoght "oh we tried to do this and that they do not listen if trhey want to be all sexy lets let them be all sexy and violent kids" Pepole do not listen when we try to tell them about how there rasing there kids so why why answer this why do we get ourselves involved when or if they do not want hep let them be dumb idiot pepole or have them be locked up in a mental hospital. They did it with Sarah Conner becasue they thought she was teaching John how to be a viloent boy but she was really training him becasue of the war now there is a diffreince between training and rasing... Any one get my draft?


Bond James Bond


I work at a movie theater in Arkansas. I remember when parents took their little kids to see Rambo. That movie is very violent and I could not believe that they went and saw that. There was another time that parents took their kids to see Halloween. I mean come on! That movie has two sex scenes and lots of blood and gore. Those parents are complete idiots. Then the other day, I saw a parent walk out with her like 5 year old kid out of Final Destination. Do parents just want their kids to have nightmares about death? These people shouldnt be parents.


dude i like the way your thinkning i like it want to be friends do you have aol Msn ETC???

Bond James Bond


Omg, kids saw two simulated sex scenes? What a nightmare.

Those tame American's sex scenes have 0 (zero) influence on European movie ratings.


FFS!!! What's wrong with you americans? In Sweden we don't censor movies anymore and we don't have the problems with teen pregnancies or teens school shootings like you have. It's up to the parents to decide what movies they think is appropriate for their kids to watch or not.

A kid seeing someone in their underwear or a bare arse on screen, how could that f-ck up their lives more than your stupid morality crap?!

I'm glad that I'm an atheist and that my kid is growing up in a country that's not very religious aka very secularised.


Agreed, up to a point. I watched violent war movies, and loved horror films. The Hammer Horror movies were my favourite- after Dr Phibes. But as a kid in the seventies I did not see the explicit sex and nudity that the present generation can see. And there was little of the modern fashion for talking, or worse joking, in blatantly and explicitly sexual terms. This is something new, and undesirable. This sort of material was only available underground in my generation. Now it is on what passes for "family" films! Parents have to be more vigilant than my parents had to be because the available films are much cruder and potentially more corrupting.


Inglorious Bastards has a LOT of violence. Thats why its rated R. So its rated R for a different reason.

Personally I think its hilarious when people get up in arms about sexual images, but have less of a problem with violence. In my own opinion I think exposing your child to violence is worse, but to each their own. At least with sex, at some point in their life, I want my child to have sex. Not when their a child obviously, but eventually yes. Violence on the other had, I don't think any parent wants their child to ever experience.


the only reason i wouldnt let my 9 year old watch it is because its a terrible film


I think it's better for children if their parents don't candy-coat everything for them. The world can be a nasty place and they should know that. However, I'd refrain from taking young children to such movies because they can be noisy and that's just plain inconsiderate.

Most things get better when I kick them.


I like to think your signature is also part of your post on child-rearing.


Whoa I did not see that coming :P

Most things get better when I kick them.


That's ridiculous. Why xould sex damage a child? I think these kind of regulations are the only possible threat to a child today.


Kids shouldn´t be allowed in movie theaters but to see kids movies. I absolutely hate when a kid is running around or a baby crying in the middle of a movie.


"Kids shouldn´t be allowed in movie theaters but to see kids movies. I absolutely hate when a kid is running around or a baby crying in the middle of a movie."

All you have to do is complain to the management and they will send someone in to monitor and if the kid is disruptive, they will be removed.

My wife and I went to see Meet the Fockers with my sister and her husband and not 5 minutes in, a baby started crying, and my brother in law was out the door....manager came in, as soon as the baby cried, the mother was asked to leave.

Of course, I just yell at people being loud, and someone else will usually get a manager to avoid a conflict. The dark is awesome.


Nine is the new 14.
