Why so much hate

I actually liked it; good enough plot, great special effects. Nothing groundbreaking, but it wasn't bad.

Life is overrated


"Why the hate?" There's a thread like this with the EXACT same wording for every box office dud that ever existed. Such lazy, banal and cliched language. You can't even really articulate why you liked it beyond "cool effects" and "good enough plot". Pathetic.


I think I get your point, but what do you expect people to write?

I mean; yes this is not Revolver, The Matrix or even Jurassic Park, just to mention some better movies, but at the same time this is not Manos the hands of fate or one of those badly done remakes that has been the "main attraction" these last couple of years.

Green Lantern was just entertaining enough to be watchable, nothing grand or ground breaking but the acting was good enough, the CGI was passable, the plot was okay and the story had been padded just enough to be entertaining, but not enough to hinder the plot progress.

I think I know why some people hate it; they are fans of the comics and don't see this as a faithful adaptation, but for everyone else this seems like a watch-once movie.


LOL, dont' even get me started. Of course I can articulate that , and more if I want to. I've written plenty of reviews for movies, but atm I just can't take the time right now or I would.

Suffice to say, its a more than acceptable cartoon to real life attempt, with a very solid cast of actors, great special effects because the movie had to have them and they are very well done/believable, acceptable plot (its similar to superman, does it need to be anything more to be solid entertainment ?) and I really liked the choice for the leads. Ryan was very believable and some new faces did a great job as well ( or ones I"ve not seen or recall seeing ).

I judge a movie based on many factors, but specifically am I drawn to keep watching the entire few hours or do I start yawning. I wanted to keep watching this through its entirety.

What else is there to want to know ? ;) If scifi's, or cartoon to big screen aren't your thing , then fine, but really unless you can come up with legitimate reasons this movie fails, then you have no reason to be asking perfection of others. I'ts enough to like the movie for its entertainment factor. I give this easily a 7.5, because I wanted to keep watching.


I guess no one wanted a Green Lantern movie regarding how cool of a superhero hehe really is, hence the character being underrated. And they basically did the best they could at bringing the damn character to life on screen, it was going to look cheesy anyway, that is probably why the majority didn't want an adaptation of the character anyway.


I didn't think it was a bit cheesy. But then, I'm not someone who is spoiled and expects movies to be perfect in every way. I loved this movie, and I like to watch it on tv when its on as well. It a decent cartoon to movie imho. I think people expect way too much, instead of just enjoying a movie for what it is. Plus some people like to (* not you at all, your comment was decent) put a movie down . I think there are people out there that like to give a movie bad ratings, just because its a fun thing to do , or so they think. Anyone that has seen this movie would know better when they see such a lousy rating of 5.7. It deserved at least a 7.5 given its entertainment factor. That proves that people just like to hijack a movies ratings to their movie, coming up will be more popular. I"d not even doubt if rating hijackers are hired by competitors to create false negatives in order to elevate the movie they are releasing.


Me too


I don't hate this Movie. I just Wished it had been better. I mean this could have been an Epic Space Movie. And turn out pretty mediocre. Sure it's entertaining enough.


It wasn't meant to be a space movie, its a cartoon character made live, and I think they did a wonderful job. I'ts certainly no worse than superman, and certainly more interesting given the subject matter is at least somewhat unique. Great special effects I thought and a ok plot. I think some people expect too much, instead of just enjoying the movie. The acting was fine, the effects were amazing and it had a lot of action. Whats not to like here ? ;)


It wasn't meant to be a space movie, its a cartoon character made live, and I think they did a wonderful job. I'ts certainly no worse than superman, and certainly more interesting given the subject matter is at least somewhat unique. Great special effects I thought and a ok plot. I think some people expect too much, instead of just enjoying the movie. The acting was fine, the effects were amazing and it had a lot of action. Whats not to like here ? ;)
Which superman? Man of steel sucked bad. Superman 1 and 2 with Christopher Reeve were the last time a good superman was made. Even you can't seem to say anything about it more that great FX. Okay plot. fine acting. Who cares about special effects? Special effects can't polish this turd.
There was a reason it had poor reviews all around from critics and audiences.

Iron man 1 was a movie that didn't rely on special effects to make it interesting. I've seen enough cities being destroyed the last few years. Give me something more that dark special effects and buildings falling. There's a reason they always have nighttime or dark SFX. So that you can't tell how bad it is.


I know that the Christopher Reeve 'Superman' films are classics, but they are seriously outdated. Doesn't take anything away from them though, because for their time, they were perfectly adequate. However, 'Man of Steel' was nearly a masterpiece (a few pacing problems IMO), and took the mythology of Superman to new heights, and a more human level. If you're still stuck in the past, when "FX didn't matter" (which is total hogwash because every action movie since the beginning of film has relied upon and innovated techniques of special effects), I am truly sorry for you.

"Buy the ticket, take the ride." --Raoul Duke, the great shark hunter


"Man of Steel" a masterpiece? Actually the fx were better for the movie in which it tries to copy.


No worse than Superman? Which Superman are you referring to?


The movie is functional as it is, but a 200m movie for a major comic character shouldn't have ever been simply 'functional'. This should have indeed been a space epic. They basically had the opportunity to make a Star Wars movie and decided to have a cosmic superhero have a showdown with a crazy bum with a syringe instead. Guardians of the Galaxy made this movie look like a piece of *beep* and those are like Z-list characters. Guardians of the Galaxy should have looked like a Green Lantern ripoff if Green Lantern had been done right.

A comedy team up with Hal Jordan and a talking squirrel named Ch'p against an evil space-faring empire with a 10m flashback detailing Hal Jordan's origins would have made a better movie. But the hacks they get to do these DC movies are ashamed of the source material in a way the MCU writers aren't afraid to do a movie with a talking raccoon as a main character, or even put in a cameo from a talking duck (for a smaller budget, and with a more impressive cast).

The animated movie First Flight was better than this, and even First Flight was boring because origin stories generally suck.


For $200,000,000 this thing better *beep* gold.


For $200,000,000 this thing better *beep* gold.

Did the money come out of YOUR pocket?


No, the money comes from magic land.
And my point wasn't that the producers should be getting "their" money's worth. Just that for that much money spent, you would think that they would have spent a couple of hundred dollars to hire a writer and get better actors.
These actions movie being made today have nothing but CGI. Everything else is crap.


The main reason I disliked it was the whole Paralax storyline. It should NEVER have been in the first movie. That's like a second or third movie kinda thing. Plus, the whole way they handled it was completely ridiculous! Come on, Hal, a brand new Green Lantern, defeating Paralax all by himself, after many others had been killed?? Soooooo lame.


^^^This. GL goes from slacker to ultimate hero overnight because humans are so much better than everyone else. Common plot mistake, easily avoided.

That, and they tease the yellow ring all movie long only to stick in a "whoops, see you next movie" scene _after_ the credits.


Actually I think we wanted a big, important ending.

Poor Peter Sarsgaard, having to play a villain who was written to be a pathetic boob rather than a fearsome villain. No, his acting was good (as it always is), the writing led us to think he was loathsome rather than fearsome.

I'm always telling my students to raise the stakes. Luke Skywalker was out to save THE GALAXY--billions and billions of people--not the local mall and a dozen teenaged idiots.

Hector Hammond wanted Daddy's respect, and all we saw was how Daddy considered him a jackass. And what was Hector after? The babe, seriously?!?!?! When Hal arrived to find Hector floating Carol in the air with...wow, that was a fearsome weapon, a hypodermic held at her lovely little neck...We weren't even worried because the hero who was there to rescue her could just think a defense into existence (if he could think under pressure--that was the only problem here) and voilà, problem solvéd.

This was not a world-threatening crisis. It wasn't even a mall-threatening crisis. Therefore it was one of the weakest finales in movie history.

Still, the movie's other excellent qualities earned it far better than a five-point-anything rating. It should have been somewhere between seven and eight.

It's classic mythology. Bad guys are supposed to die.


Nah, Peter Saarsgard's good for it. It's easy to paint yourself as a villain if people can find an easy way to hate you. For him, he was not born with good looks and add that mustache and here comes sinister freak. Can you find an easier way to make 6 figures or more a movie?


I liked it too. Wasn't the best movie in the world, but it was decent enough. I wouldn't mind if they continued with another, I'd watch it.
