Why so much hate

I actually liked it; good enough plot, great special effects. Nothing groundbreaking, but it wasn't bad.

Life is overrated



To add to the mystery of the hate, the people that dislike the movie are always saying how unintelligent it is and then providing evidence of their superior intelligence with gems like the above reply.



Pay no attention to him. He can't acept that there are people WHO doesn't share his interest in Twilight.

Who am I to argue with the captain of the Enterprise?


Haha... this guy, I_Am_The_Captain, is defending The Green Lantern and disproving the argument that people that like the movie are less intelligent with this type of exemplary spelling and grammar "He can't acept that there are people WHO doesn't share his interest in Twilight."


is defending The Green Lantern

And you proved your illiteracy by not reading his post. He wasn't defending the movie, he was critiquing the lack of reasoning in an unreasoned post.

What's more, you apparently don't understand that there are people who post on the IMDb boards who are ESL and whose Engrish appears horrible, but that doesn't make them stupid.

I have always held that people whose main thesis is "YER STUPID, JERKWAD" are no less stupid than their own accusation. Think on this for a while: when you call people stupid, you actually say a lot more about yourself than you do about the person you're attacking. Most people know this, although you will also find plenty of people who aren't very smart are cheering you on.

It's a comic. Nothing's permanent. Not even death.


One of my favourite posts in all my years on imdb. Sums up perfectly 50% of the meaningless posts people send.
They can't even begin to imagine they're just embarrassing themselves. To smart for that. Haha, the pretentious attitude is palpable on the screen!


It's arrogance, not intel.


IMO, it's all herd mentality. If it's a popular opinion then others will follow like stupid cattle.

Stupid P'takh!


Plus the fact that's it just not good like the original Superman movies or Nolans Batman films. Even the 90's Flash series is better!


Little kids also gang up on the unpopular member of class. It's popular and that way they belong to the "in" crowd.

Stupid P'takh!


I actually quite enjoy the 90's Flash series. For it's time it was technichally impressive and Shipp made a hell of a Barry Allen.

Who am I to argue with the captain of the Enterprise?


Quite so! It's great to have him in the current series too.

Always feel free to attack someone as a substitute for thinking.


IMO, it's all herd mentality. If it's a popular opinion then others will follow like stupid cattle.

Old post(s), but I agree completely. When the film underperformed, many started ganging up on it that it wasn't very good and it snowballed from there. It's a decent film, they just spent too much money making it. my biggest criticism of the film is the casting of Ryan Reynolds. Apart from that, I have no major quibbles.


Personally, I think it's ok. It's not that it's a bad movie. It's just that it could have, and SHOULD have, been so much better!

-"No power in the 'verse can stop me"


I give it an 8. It's a good introduction to the character and his universe, Ryan Reynolds does a decent job, and whatever problems it has, I'm willing to forgive it a lot because of the scene where Carol sees through his disguise.

The Angels Have the Phone Box



Should we ask why you hate it so much?



I agree with the OP. I will say, though, that Green Lantern is loaded with a ton of super-hero cliches (father issues, Christ symbolism, very formulaic, etc.) and there's a lot--perhaps too much--going on story-wise which hinders the pacing. Nonetheless, I found this to be a pretty solid and entertaining movie.

I admit I had put off seeing this for the longest time due to negative word-of-mouth, and I can say I now regret buying into the negative hype generated by the bandwagon mentality.

There's a lot more going on in this flick than meets the eye... loved the overall theme of will vs. fear. The Green Lanterns thrived on the power of will, to the point where they eschewed fear as a weakness. Of course the main baddie Parallax feeds on fear and exploits it. This leads to them getting their green rear ends handed to them time after time because they ARE afraid and refuse to admit it.

How the hell can one overcome a problem if they refuse to admit they have a problem in the first place?

Enter Hal Jordan who finally comes to terms with his fear, admits it, and thus finds the means to overcome it and Parallax. This brave struggle is expertly paralleled with secondary baddie Hector Hammond's total consumption by fear.

Since I understand and can relate to this struggle, this movie resonated with me on a personal level, and I found it to be something more than just your standard superhero fare.

As far as I'm concerned, to hell with the negative hype--this movie deserves a second look.


I totally agree. I too stayed away due to the negativity...but finally watched it last week. I will admit my expectations were considerably lowered...but it was an OK superhero flick. People definitely jumped on the hate-bandwagon...but that's what weak-willed people usually do. Now...if you watched it and didn't like it...fair enough...but I'm sure a lot of people were ok with it until they saw a chance to hate. Sad.

The unholy triumvirate:
The Bat, the Trek, the Bond


Amen! to your assessment of the movie. It is well-written and insightful, pointing out things that went completely over my head. I enjoy the movie as pure entertainment every time I see it. Next time I put it in the DVR player, however, I will pay more attention to the underlying themes and conflicts.

Well-written and well said. Thank you.


You know, I like your post because you're not just very observant but you know how to write down and explain what you found as a shortcoming of the show.


ton of super-hero cliches (father issues, Christ symbolism, very formulaic, etc.)

I'll bet we both agree that few of the people who found the movie lacking ever would have come up with these as reasons for why they did, never mind ever thinking of something like:

I found it to be something more than just your standard superhero fare.

Always feel free to attack someone as a substitute for thinking.


My best guess is probably that it isn't all gritty like Nolan's films. Or that it's not John Stewart, too goofy, maybe some people (not in their right minds I'm guessing) don't like Hot Wheels, and people don't like will powered fun.

I liked the movie. I can sort of see why people would be turned off of it though. Coming off the heels of Nolan's kind of (to me) boring Bruce Wayne and hilarious Batman, and Superman's movie was busy being made. It was kind of a lose/lose on which member of Justice League they could choose to show in between. I doubt Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, Hawkman/Hawkgirl, or the Flash could sell as well on their own. I hope I'm wrong and they do wind up making movies with them by themselves.

Yeah... I don't really have any knowledge of the Justice League outside of the cartoon from years ago. So, the four I listed may not be the one's that others would list as better options for their own lead up movies.

Heads or Tails kitty Cat?


I don't think the movie is all that goofy. There's comedy, but no more than in the Raimi Spider-Man movies or the current MCU movies. It's a very far cry from what would have happened if they made it with Jack Black.


Maybe because it's kinda boring, I'm watching it now for the first time and 40 mins in nothing that thrilling has happened.

ETA: Just finished it. I think it was too childish that was one of the bigger problems. Like fighting fear for God's sake. Haven't heard that since the wizard of oz ''nothing to fear but fear itself'' blah blah blah. It was edited really badly. I mean things just happen out of nowhere, people know things out of nowhere. It seems like they tried to stuff too much into the second half of the film. It was of course to slow too start. None of the way too many supporting actors characters were fleshed out enough. They didn't spend enough time introducing us to Oa, or giving Hal enough time there. His whole reaction to all this new information was none existent. It wasn't very believable that he defeated the two bad guys so easily. Hectors whole story and character were pointless, he shouldn't have been killed off. Him learning a lesson and helping Hal would have been better. It just wasn't very good overall. Ryan Reynolds did an alright job. Actually you know it's bad when Blake Lively is one the best and most believable things in this film. Anyway it was a bit of a waste really. They could have done something better with this story I think.


You don't think "There's nothing to fear but fear itself" is a Wizard of Oz quote, do you?


I didn't say it was a direct quote. It's more the idea of that saying and how it is used in the films.


Heehee. You beat me to it. By two and a half months, but yeah...

It's classic mythology. Bad guys are supposed to die.
