The virtue signaling

The virtue signaling is strong in season one. When you binge watch it really becomes noticeable how they tuck one or two examples in every show to demonstrate left leaning political bona fides in case someone confronts the writers at a celebrity after-party. Sometimes it’s really pathetic. A harmless joke about women loving shoes when delivered by a male character has to be immediately followed with an apology for being sexist; not even a pause for a breath between the two. Many examples come across like some preemptive rebuttal to a millennial’s wounded criticism on twitter


Aw, poor little snowflake.


Just my humble opinion. I don’t feel bad about it. I think the show is very entertaining and am now on season 2. What do you think about the show?


The right is not going to be happy until everyone is miserable, arguing, divided and full of hate as they are. They seem to want to deride and ridicule any thought of being nice, considerate, thoughtful, an actual good citizen? If it were not for the good-citizenship of Americans this country would not have lasted ... and that seems to suit the Right just fine. Look at everything the Right has done since Reagan ... it's all been negative, and now they want to go through another round of this budget BS that last time hurt the whole country by lowering our credit rating. The Right hates America and wants it to fall apart, because apparently they think they will fare better under a repressive Nazi regime than under the Constitution lived up to in America?


The right is not going to be happy until everyone is miserable, arguing, divided and full of hate as they are. They seem to want to deride and ridicule any thought of being nice, considerate, thoughtful, an actual good citizen? If it were not for the good-citizenship of Americans this country would not have lasted ... and that seems to suit the Right just fine. Look at everything the Right has done since Reagan ... it's all been negative, and now they want to go through another round of this budget BS that last time hurt the whole country by lowering our credit rating. The Right hates America and wants it to fall apart, because apparently they think they will fare better under a repressive Nazi regime than under the Constitution lived up to in America?

What an embarrassing rant, all because someone questioned something about a TV show. Another hypocritical sheep lost because of the storytellers at CNN. You probably refer to the highly volatile and divisive Antifa/BLM protests as "mostly peaceful". The US has Biden to thank for rising gas prices, empty shelves, open borders during a pandemic, and a colossal screw up in the Middle East. Yeah, orange man bad!


Anybody with a brain would know right off the bat that is BS, and not only that but your Right-wing nuts have a limited number of things to say and more and more you pull them out all the time to the point you sound fake, stiff and mechanical, totally unthinking, even stupid.

Your post is exactly what I am talking about, and you losers are everywhere working to drag everyone down to your level of loserdom.


This statement is laughably the opposite of reality.


Wouldn't be a movie chat without the obligatory soft ass snowflakes crying about "ZOmg tHeRE's sO mUch VIRtuE sIGNALinG".
It's so awful having to watch fictional characters disapproving of shitty behavior. Fucking socialists.


I don’t know. The site has the word “Chat” in it. So I made a point about a contemporary comedy having to be apologetic to ward off the twitter mob. I’m not fired up enough about it to be spitting cuss words and angry polemics. I’m willing to reconsider. What did you think about season 1?


Do you cultists EVER come up with your own insults? Do you even know what the word ORIGINAL means?


only liberals can be snowflakes, and liberals that try to turn the phrase against the people who created the term are the saddest snowflakes out there.


You don't seem to understand freedom, snowflake.


Lol, what does my comment have to do with freedom? Also, thanks for identifying yourself as a sad liberal snowflake.


You're dim and misguided. There is no need to punish you further. Good luck.


Ah yes, straight from the snowflake liberal playbook. When asked a straightforward question that will make you look stupid, just avoid answering and hurl an insult in reply. You do your naive and foolish lefty brethren proud.


LOL ... that was my reaction too ... what loser people with nothing better to do with that worked about a popular TV show. Not my favorite, but I can see some good stuff in it, including a touch of wokeness! LOL


If someone shits all over my living room and I complain about the stench, does that make me a snowflake?
Certainly not. Likewise complaining about the woke degenerate cancer permeating and polluting our culture is perfectly reasonable.
If enough people complain, maybe they will get together and do something about it; Like purging every woke retard from society.
Hopefully this will happen sooner rather than later.

Terminating woke retards is not just a job. It's a passion.



Keep yelling "woke" at everything now, nitwit. Soon your cult leaders might command you to be outraged at some new nonsense.


What cult am I supposed to be a part of? Who are my leaders?
Your misguided presumptions about me are unfounded and it's only making you look foolish.

You sound like a simple minded waterhead and your contribution to this discussion is exactly zero. It seems to me like you are out of your depth. Perhaps these conversations aren't for you.

Run along now fool.


LOL. Better look in your closet, there might be some "woke" in there.

Fucking clown.


This is what you come back with? Really? Wow, we got a real intellectual heavyweight here.
How are you not embarrassed?
You have disgraced yourself, your family, and this fine forum and lowered the collective IQ of your fellow humans.
Live shamed, Die empty.


LOL. Pure entertainment listening to morons like you being proud of your own stupidity. Keep it coming, please.


You're still here? Didn't I tell you to run along fool?
Shoo! Go away! Go on, git git!


No, I have wokeness to spread.

Or is it CRT? Or "Open borders"? What is it you've been ordered to get your ignorant little panties in a twist over this week?

Poor little snowflake. LOL.


More vapid nonsense from an insipid feeble-minded cretinous dunce...
I don't know who you think you are talking to, but you seem to be under the impression that I am a right winger and/or a republican. I am not. I am a far left wing socialist, I just happen to have a disdain for overzealous woke retards who sound like they are in a cult. I don't appreciate these subhumans inserting their deranged ideology into my entertainment. I think the best course of action is to round them up and confine them in gulags where they will receive one bowl of gruel per day.

And CRT is not the same as wokeness you dummy. Wokeness is all the wacky ideas about race and gender that are being imposed on children in grade schools and high schools. CRT is just a concept in law that acknowledges that racism is not just perpetuated by individual prejudices but is systemic, something that should be obvious to everyone.

Think before you speak retard, and spread your vacuous bullshit somewhere else.




Why do you say so? What specifically don't you like?
I mean, I know we have divergent views when it comes to wokeness, and I respect your position, but you know how I feel when it comes to this subject.


If enough people complain, maybe they will get together and do something about it; Like purging every woke retard from society.

Terminating woke retards is not just a job. It's a passion.



I like to add a little spice to everything I say, unless I'm talking about a serious matter. I have a love for language, and my favorite way of expressing myself in writing is to say something witty and acerbic using formal eloquent language while inserting vulgar juvenile jabs. I love the juxtaposition. It's akin to using an amalgam of low brow and high brow humor. There is just something about it that is wickedly delightful.

I know it's not your thing, and I respect that, but you know, different strokes and all that jazz.
I no longer give you shit for you caps lock, in fact, it kind of grew on me. You are unique and it's a good thing.
I hope that despite our differing sensibilities, our friendship shall remain unaffected.


Why do you call being tolerant and thoughtful virtue signaling in some kind of pejorative way?
Is it because you are always provoking hate and division with nothing useful to offer?
But, I'd really love to hear more examples of what offends you so deeply?


Tolerant and thoughtful are of course fine. (Not always great comedy but that’s beside the point). I don’t know what you’re on about me “always provoking hate and division.” I don’t think I’ve ever had a past exchange with you let alone some body of communications that would allow you state what I “always” do. Sounds like you came to this thread with guns blazing about something else. The Nigerian player and the gift of the toy soldier was another example. It didn’t make sense where he rejects it because of “American imperialism in Nigeria.” The gift was from a little boy who meant it as a gesture that the player was being protected. And, there is zero history of U.S. military intervention in Nigeria. It was clearly the writers needing to shoehorn some American self-flagellation because they feared the twitter reaction to a character from Kansas giving a toy soldier to a character from Nigeria. Like I said, perhaps binge watching overemphasized these these things but, there were several eye-rolling examples like this




Great contribution to the discussion.


I thought it was a pretty good contribution.

An appropiate response to yet another (presumably right wing) whine about some perceived "social justice" or PC-ness in a show , if a little curt.

although not as comprehensive and insightful as your own contributions, which I also enjoyed.

and lets not forget spiffys initial "Aw, poor little snowflake. "
a lovely multi-layered comment , hinting at the more in depth analysis in your comments , whilst mixing in and toning down the "Shithead!" in kowalski's contribution and at the same time correctly labelleing the OP as snowflake, despite being a right wing blowhard who moans about "snowlakes" and "woke" etc , little realising that they are the snowflakes as they are the ones constantly "offended" despite their stance being
"we want to be racist and sexist and are never offended"


> I thought

Kind of a contradiction in terms there bucko.


I was going to add something about its nice to see all the posters replying to the OP's "ridicule any thought of being nice" agreeing with each other , but it seems my wholehearted agreement with your posts has still managed to produce animosity from you , for some reason, so fuck you



To which I replied sarcastically ... "Great contribution to the discussion."

To which you replied

> I thought it was a pretty good contribution.

How do I not interpret that as supporting "LMAO...KEEP EYE ROLLING,SHITHEAD" ?

Is that not what you meant or did I miss something. I did miss "although not as comprehensive and insightful as your own contributions, which I also enjoyed." because I stopped reading.


I don't have time for the nasty comments some people make here ... and there is something with a very similar name to yours that is always nasty.


I know a lot of the typical Lefties are giving you grief here for your opinion, but I'm thankful for it because now I know to steer clear of this show. It's so sad to me how infected much of today's media is, to the point where average people can no longer just enjoy things for the sake of enjoying it.


Bye felicia. Enjoy the fairy tales from your weekly world news.


You are missing the funny by trying to find the woke.


I am hypersensitive to overt virtue signaling, and nothing about Ted Lasso really set me off. In fact, I consider it one of the best shows I have seen in the last few years.


Wow, you got the progressive nut jobs on this site all fired up! They’re really coming after you. Gotta be careful poking at the liberal beehive. They can be illogical, vicious assholes in defense of their supposedly cherished (but not really) values of “kindness”, “tolerance”, and “acceptance”. 🤣


Thanks for letting me know! Yeah it's been very hard to find recent shows that don't preach left wing bs that makes it seem like everyone is just insane as those people and the twitter clowns. I was going to start watching this show because it actually did seem decent but I can't in all honesty support this insane behavior.



It's a tax.

Movie and TV makers have paid it since the beginning.

Go watch some OLD TV shows. It's there.
The tax has changed a bit but
