MovieChat Forums > Brent212
Brent212 (63)
Been awhile since I've seen a plot point this dumb
Ha ha, Jamie Kennedy looks like Danny McBride in Tremors 6
Ha ha, Jamie Kennedy looks like Danny McBride
How is Morgan alive...
Did anyone else think that when the girl came over this might take a crazy turn?
*spoiler*Question about Brady's motive for attacking someone in the last episode
Doppelganger for the Dumb and Dumber haircut chick from Walking Dead
Looks like Maggie Gyllenhaal, at least in It.
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lol, boomer snowflakes never stop being offended. What the fuck is this gender plot you're crying about? Is the gender plot in the room with us right now?
Oh right, if there's a female character in a movie, it becomes a movie about gender. ThE WoKe aGeNdA!!1! Got it.
lol, this sure didn't age well
yeah, not bummed it's cancelled because I had no intention of watching any more. can't stand when shows just end a season on a cliffhanger like it's just another episode, and it was clear this shit was just going to continue aimlessly, pileing on questions from a bottomless supply, with no intention of answering anything, and the story would just meander with nothing resembling even a minor conclusion, like a combination of lost and walking dead.
Care to name one? But here's the stipulation that'll get you -- one that doesn't warrant anger/offense.
Pretty much 100% of the countless shit soft white boomer/wannabe-boomer uptight snowflakes cry about nonstop, e.g., "WaH!!! aLl bAd gUyS ArE WhItE MeN NoWaDaYs, EvErYtHiNg's wOoOoOkE!!!!", is them just being pussies who get triggered by all change that happens in their fragile little existence.
Shit the "other side" gets upset/offended about... not so much.
to be fair, it's not as bad as when churches do it. the number of people worshipping these will be lower
Fucking HATE "finales" that conclude nothing and could literally be an episode anywhere in the season and no one would think anything of it. So it's just one never-ending movie that we're watching here, apparently.
Literally everything you wrote here is backwards. This level of delusion is actually impressive as fuck.
Yeah the girl who had an abortion -- who all the radical religious retards are yelling about -- is the "republican" figure. What flat planet are you living on?
ha ha, exactly. It is amusing, at least, the way pubs never get that everyone's laughing at them, not with them
although slow as sloths, they are finally starting to catch on. Not completely, but still, it's progress. Can't expect the delusional sheep to ever fully wake up to reality.
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