The virtue signaling

The virtue signaling is strong in season one. When you binge watch it really becomes noticeable how they tuck one or two examples in every show to demonstrate left leaning political bona fides in case someone confronts the writers at a celebrity after-party. Sometimes it’s really pathetic. A harmless joke about women loving shoes when delivered by a male character has to be immediately followed with an apology for being sexist; not even a pause for a breath between the two. Many examples come across like some preemptive rebuttal to a millennial’s wounded criticism on twitter


You and other Right wingers toss that phrase around a lot. Please define it for it, as opposed to being nice, civil, polite and tolerant, and how do you tell the difference? Seems like the difference is all about you on the Right hearing about it and thinking you can annoy people and troll the Libtards.

So, to me that is the opposite of virtue signalling, it is advertizing your hate for equality, justice, and fairness. Give me virtue signalling any day.


"...being nice, civil, polite and tolerant..."

Yeah, that's what leftists are so well known for.


Yeah, we are. We were until you frickin' Republicans began using Libtard in very sentence back in the late 90's. After 20+ years or escalting a-h-iness I couldn't possibly case less what you want to say about Leftists ... because I've never heard a speck of truth in any of it.


It's virtue signaling when it's performative and hyper-moralizing. This is what woke zealots do.
