MovieChat Forums > She-Hulk: Attorney at Law (2022) Discussion > What are the opinions on Daredevil?

What are the opinions on Daredevil?

I expected this board to be full of posts bitching about his portrayal. Where are you all?


The CGI flipping and jumping around felt out of character if not unrealistic. But that is basically how it is with Marvel these days.

They ruined it at the end with the "walk of shame" thing.


What was the whole "walk of shame" thing about?


Walk of shame "refers to a phenomenon in which a person must walk past strangers or peers alone for an embarrassing reason before reaching a place of privacy."

Basically their way of humiliating Daredevil.


Traditionally done with the carrying of heels that the woman was wearing the night before. In this case, they had Daredevil carrying his boots in such manner for absolutely no reason but said humiliation. That was the deal breaker for me. One woman making a "walk of shame" joke to another after getting laid is a good joke. But to actually show him doing the literal walk of shame is to make the character a joke to us, the viewer. And that's the exact sort of line the writers trampled over all season.


If Daredevil was more like Spiderman it would have been a funny joke. But he's not. He's darker and more serious. So yeah didn't work for Daredevil and the whole 4th wall thing went WAY to far and pretty much ruined the entire MCU for me...


He was alright actually, better than I expected.


The episode has only been out a few hours. Give it some time.

-They went old-skool, but I'd rather see DD in all red.
-The writers have made Jen a big-ass hootchie-mama. Action over her damn sex life.
-At least we FINALLY got a little action. She-Hulk should be a little bulkier. She looks almost anorexic.
-I'm sorta shocked that she'd tear up the area since she's a lawyer. She needs to hire Damage Control to fix things up.


I guess people just stopped watching at this point. Daredevil is finally here, and no one cares anymore. It doesn't sound like they missed much anyway.


It's not the way they wanted to see Daredevil portrayed. The show was the stupidest, silliest thing Marvel has produced thus far and some moron decided to put one of the Darkest most serious realistic Characters from the MCU into it and make a joke out of him.


I thought he was great. His costume is a nice twist on the original, and Cox always delivers the goods, both as Matt and Daredevil. Of course, the two heroes had to fight upon meeting-- a superhero tradition that must never be broken-- and then team up, and all went according to plan. I also liked the unexpected romance between Matt and Jen. All in all, it was great to see the character again, and I'm looking forward to whatever role he is to play in the MCU.


Some people on Twitter did not like the walk of shame scene and seeing him in other funny context


didn't bother me in the context of this show. I just hope his own show is more like the Netflix series in tone.


Still love Charlie Cox's portrayal but the character deserved way better treatment. Taking a character from one of Marvels best tv shows and relocating him into one that's Not even in Daredevil's league made no sense.
