MovieChat Forums > The Matrix Resurrections (2021) Discussion > Where do you rank this among the sequels...

Where do you rank this among the sequels?

I haven't seen this and will probably hold off for a while, so please no spoilers.


it's the best matrix sequel, imho, but that doesn't say much, does it?


Depends. Is there enough action to avoid me being bored?


Just watched it, was going to make a post about it.

I... actually didn't hate it.

That comes as no small surprise to me, let me assure you; but then again, perhaps my abysmally low expectations have something to do with it.

I will say I think there was a potentially amazing film in there, if they'd made it all about what seems to be going on with Neo when we first see him, but realistically speaking, that wasn't ever going to happen, and it's probably just my personal tastes and biases talking, anyway.

I think it could probably respect the intelligence of audiences a little more than to cut to a literal flashback every time a reference drops, and it could probably do with a fair bit less of nostalgia for its own sake, but all in all, I thought it was actually okay.

In relation to the original trilogy, I guess I'd have to place it a little below Revolutions, only because, for all of that film's problems, it was a piece of a larger story, while this... isn't, really.

But then, I'm probably the single person on the face of the planet who thought Reloaded was better than the original, so maybe everyone should take my opinions on the subject of The Matrix with a grain of salt.


Yeah, I heard that this film was extremely meta. I also heard that the literal flashbacks remind people of how much those other films are better than this one. I'm not expecting this to be good, but I have no idea what to expect for where this ranks among the sequels.


But then, I'm probably the single person on the face of the planet who thought Reloaded was better than the original, so maybe everyone should take my opinions on the subject of The Matrix with a grain of salt.

Your opinions seem to mirror my own. I really LOVED Reloaded, and I thought overall it was a far more intense film than the original.

Whenever people complain about the sequels they never really pinpoint what they dislike so much about Matrix: Reloaded other than that it's "not as good as the original", which isn't really fair criticism at all.

Your criticisms of Matrix: Resurrection seem fair, though, and seems to mirror what a lot of other non-brainwashed people have been able to deduce after having seen it.


Reloaded is awesome, they really expand the world and lore a lot in that movie. I also really like Revolutions and it's an epic war movie that provides a good enough closure to the story.

The Wachowskis said in an interview back in 2003 that the first film is about birth, the second film about life and the third film about death. That makes sense to me, the first film Neo is 'born' into the real world and discovers his purpose. Reloaded is a lot more about Neo having to make choices, something that we do all the time in life. Lastly Revolutions deals with death and Neo dealing with losing someone he loves as well as losing his own life.

Now we just have this silly fourth film 18 years later that deals with resurrection and it just feels a bit tacked on after the themes of the trilogy.


This film is worse than all 3 of them. Worse than Revolutions even


I'm a fan of the trilogy, Reloaded and Revolutions are both flawed but I enjoyed them for the most part.

I didn't like this at all. My biggest criticism is that there's not much story here at all. The villain's motivations are just confusing and we don't get any real idea why they're doing what they're doing.

Also it starts out far too meta and at times it feels like watching a cheesy romantic comedy. There's nothing in this film that's anywhere near as memorable as anything from the trilogy, no big memorable Matrixesque fight sequences and the pacing was all over the place. It took ages to get going and then it all felt very rushed in the second and third act. Such a letdown and easily the worst in the franchise for me.


I've heard a lot of what you're saying from other people as well. You would think after 18 years, they would have an interesting story to tell that could expand the world. Instead it's a whole lotta nothing.


I was invested in the story of the first 2 sequels because they increased the scope of the original. I couldn't find myself caring about anything that happened in this movie. I put it dead last.


From the trailer, this just looks like an add-on with an attempt to bring back nostalgia.


1. Reloaded
2. Matrix
3. Revolutions
4. Resurrections


I kinda feel like this was "The Matrix Reloaded" for the new trilogy... But I don't REALLY mean that in a bad way... When Reloaded came out, everyone said it was a letdown, BUT... Reloaded was a necessary evil in order to bring the story to a close. In a similar way, Resurrections is the necessary evil in order to (I assume) make the next couple of films. And in that sense, yes, I think they did a decent job setting up a couple more films. I suspect that, as opposed to the original trilogy, there will be no need for "part 2" (which is essentially part 5 overall) of this new trilogy to be as clunky and full of exposition. Thus, I think part 2 and part 3 (aka parts 5 and 6 overall) of this new trilogy will be just as action packed and amazing as part 1 and 3 were in the original trilogy. The setup was taken care of in part 4, so there won't be nearly as much exposition driving the story in parts 5 and 6.
I think the best is yet to come for this reboot. The whole movie screamed "You ain't seen nothin' yet" to me. :-)


I hope this movie is a flop so we never see part 5 and 6. I didn't even want part 4 to exist.


*sigh* I wish the IMDB trolls hadn't followed us here...


Story I think is better than Revolutions, but the action is about the same. Nothing else comes close to the script of the first one, but I thought the action in Reloaded was on par with the first movie, and Reloaded had the best costumes.


There was no story in Revolutions. I made a post on those boards where I said all it was was just shooting. I would hope after 18 years, this film would have a better story than part 3.


As we know the passage of time is no indication that story lines will improve. Even when they bring back the original directing team, in most cases things get worse. Look at Star Wars, or Prometheus/Alien: Covenant, which took me beyond disappointment to anger.
