MovieChat Forums > The Matrix Resurrections (2021) Discussion > Reason for reviving Neo/Trinty + only on...

Reason for reviving Neo/Trinty + only one Wachowski

Apparently, creating The Matrix Resurrections was a way for Lana to cope with the loss of her parents and a close friend.

Lilly wished to process her grief differently.

Oh boy...

I don't know how I feel about this. I mean, it's sweet and meaningful. But like my first reaction was that the grief explanation was largely bullshit. But then it ties into why Lilly isn't involved. So now it seems significant. This isn't just some tribute to the matrix, some long-forseen followup.

It's a passion project that reflects a pivotal time in the writer's life.

I guess that could be good but all bets are off for sure now, I think.


Have to wait and see.


Lana has always been the main force behind the matrix films, especially when it comes to the philosophy and ideas that are key to to whole film series.

These sequels, and prequels i believe, would have been written a long time ago too. What do u mean about neo and trinity?


Not the worst reason for a piece of storytelling I've heard, to be sure, but I'm afraid I still don't see how you can justify this film's existence.

Matrix in general, sure, I suppose you could still explore that world after the events of the third film; but Neo, Trinity and Morpheus? Their stories reached their logical conclusions and ended - and Lord knows that's something we get precious little of, these days.


I'm $ure that there wa$ an excellent rea$on for thi$ movie being made at a time when the no$talgia train i$ running at full $team. I ju$t can't put my finger on it. . .


Exactly. Let's call it like it is - Lana likely couldn't get anything greenlit anymore and the only thing left in the well that could convince a studio to give money was Matrix. Frankly, after those atrocious sequels I'm surprised even that happened.


I love it... it took me a second time to read your sentence but I must say, well done!


Yep. About all that needs to be said. From what we've seen so far this looks to be yet another nostalgia bait, cash grab, woke(r) recontextualization of a franchise made good by a previous, better movie.

The trailer makes it look like most likely just a retelling of the first movie, only with, surprise, Trinity replacing Neo.

Think I'll be passing just like on Terminator 6 etc. I wish everyone would stop supporting this crap so Hollywood would stop making it already.


"The trailer makes it look like most likely just a retelling of the first movie, only with, surprise, Trinity replacing Neo."

Neo is literally the focus of the trailer.

I would love to hear how it's woke too.


The Trinity thing was from rumors / trailer analyses, not the trailer itself, my error.

Anyway, replacing the male main character with a woman. That's how.


How many movies, books, songs, etc. are inspired by something that happened to the writer in real life? This is not a new or foreign concept, my man.


Many movies, books, songs, etc.

But when that inspiration is used to revive a decades-old, decades-complete story, then it's a little bit suspect, and comes off as a lazy cash grab in order to take advantage of the source material.


Sorry her parents and friend didn't die sooner.
