MovieChat Forums > Quarantine (2008) Discussion > Americans can't read ?

Americans can't read ?

I'm sorry but I got to ask this question... why was This movie remade in an American version (Quarantine) ? What? Are Americans to lazy to go to a movie which they have to read? Or is "Hollywood" to scared to acknowledge that there was a great movie made outside of the United States ? Because I have to say , I lived in America for 4 years and you people really *beep* on foreign films

Say yes to whim ! Say yes to chance ! Say yes to Chaos !


Whats with the hang-ups of so many Europeans, etc. regarding Americans?
Seriously, I rarely hear complaints from Americans directed at other countries.
Is it an inferiority complex?
Such pre-occupation with a country that is supposedly so dumb.
To the OP, why are you living amongst us retards?
Go back to what ever third-world or socialist *beep* from whence you came.


"Is it an inferiority complex? "

Hahaha, that question (or assumption, rather) is the main reason several of my friends are not too fond of the US (they're not from any third-world or socialist *beep* though) :) Who cares...


Movies are remade because studios want to make money, so they tend to copy a storyline that has had proven success instead of taking a risk and being creative and unique. It isn't because Americans are lazy too lazy to read subtitles. It is about making money, and studios will always go with the safest route whether it is producing a sequel, adapting comic books, or focusing on getting big name actors and explosions over developing plot lines. Hollywood doesn't care where they get their ideas for a movie or how good it is. If it seems like it can be profitable it will be given a green light.



It's really ironic that someone would talk about a remake of a Spanish movie necessarily pointing to American illiteracy. Hell, Spanish people are NOTORIOUS for dubbing films! I live in Spain and everything is dubbed. EVERYTHING. On a similar note, Spain is actually one of the European countries with the lowest levels of English.

This is in sharp contrast to Mexico, for example, that more often that not has subtitles instead of dubbing.

Just found that funny.


i like watching foreign films with subtitles and am normally a proponent of watching the original foreign versions, but on a film like this, where the footage is portrayed as live, real footage, subtitles really takes you out of the experience, because it adds this additional layer on top that reminds you that it is not real. no, of course we're not dumb enough to think that it actually is real, but having that constant reminder floating on top of the image really takes away from immersion.

example: some friends and i watched paranormal activity on halloween. there were some other people in an adjoining room talking so we turned on subtitles so we could understand the dialog. totally took us out of the experience and removed any feeling of fear and tension.


I agree with you OP. I have read subtitles my whole life because I watch a lot of foreign films. But never have the subtitles distracted me. I think people that can't focus on the screen and read the subtitles at the same time have multi-tasking issues. Perhaps they aren't very good readers.

It really amazes me that Americans feel the need to re-make pretty much any foreign film that has gained some sort of international recognition and drawn a lot of audiences. And nope, it doesn't just apply to horror films.


this is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Do you know how terrible a HORROR movie would be to read. I'm fine with reading other genres, but this is just dumb. Next time you want to just diss on America, find another topic.

