Season 3

They are talking about doing a season 3. Anyone care to predict how they start it off to get back into game mode?


The Joker hinted at that but it’s not a good idea, imho, to have a third season. Story is done and the mystery explained …


I agree with the ending being there. The joker is a great place to start, but how does joker draw them into game mode?
Who was your favorite person? Or who did you connect with most?

And who is Alice? Lol


"And who is Alice? Lol" - I hope that's a joke. lol.

The movie has STRONG references to Alice in Wonderland books. The cards (The Queen of Hearts is the main antagonist in both and she is playing ... cricket in both).

The names of the characters:

Usagi: translates to rabbit in Japanese
Chishiya: references the Cheshire Cat
Mira: means “queen of”
Hatter: the Mad hatter
Even Arisu is close to how Japanese would pronounce Alice


"I agree with the ending being there. The joker is a great place to start, but how does joker draw them into game mode?"

The joker might simply symbolize that the game is not over yet ... and that they are not out.
Specially since all the cards are blown by the wind and the joker stays like glued.


It's weird somebody didn't catch that.


I immediately thought "off with her head" when I saw the game of Cricket. But honestly I didn't realize the names of the people. I saw many qualities that I loved in most of the characters but it was their hearts I was truly watching. Thanks for the info and the insight. I wish I could say I was joking but... I wasn't. Thanks

Who was your favorite if it is possible to pin one down?


Usagi, of course :)

Arisu is too weak and pussyfied. And wasn't that smart either. Chishiya was interesting but too much self centered and of an asshole.


Interesting, I fell in love with
Chishiya after I found out he was a pediatric doctor and why he emotionally shut down. Honorey, yes... but still had a great heart. I also liked Aguni after he fell in love


Aguni was a bad@ss for sure. And when we first are introduced to him and he lets his Beach team player partner die in order to catch the Horse-Headed anTAGonist (ha) off guard and fight him...well he looks like the bad guy. But when we discover that in reality he is actually trying to appear tough to keep the militant beach group in check, makes you wonder if the guy he sacrificed was one of the scummiest members of the militant group yet we are never privy to that information.

Aguni and Akane was very sweet together. I was moved when Akane crawled all the way to Aguni in order to hold him. Absolutely perfect moment in cinema, and quite surprising after all they been through.


I agree!


I doubt there will be a 3rd. The end wrapped everything up pretty well


I agree


I agree! It's a strong ending , despite the very good twist right at the end !


If you made a season 3... what would you implement?


Someone regrets their decision to come back? A loved one is tragically hurt and a main character starts having flash backs of the game? The current world is still a simulation of the real world?

Just a few guesses. I'm actually with some other people on not doing a 3rd season. Its rare to get a pretty solid ending anymore.


Those would be interesting takes. I agree there should not be a third season


New type of games (Maybe Uno now) and new characters I guess with a few cameos.


Why not Uno? Lol. They did mahjong.


when they showed the joker card at the end makes me think this whole meteor story is fake and its just another illusion. or maybe to us viewers. we think its over but we really didn't find out the truth about the games and why they took place. they just showed them going back to their real life. i mean how did they get pulled into borderland?


I like the way you think!


I saw Borderland as being a kind of purgatory, thats why some made it and others didnt. The reveal was great. I enjoyed that Mira gave them a few scenarios at first to mess with them and us the audience.


I think the Joker card was a subtle allusion to the supernatural and also to be careful that we do not take life as a joke. We need to take life more seriously. This is the lesson all of them in Borderland (Purgatory) needed to learn, as they werent living life the right way. All of them knew it. With each character having different demons in their life they needed to purge. Also keep in mind that japanese culture has many monsters described as demons. Its quite possible this joker card with a demented face on it was the demon of borderland (purgatory) that challenged the players to face their own demons and overcome them. Also its wonderful that we got an actual ending, yet still just a little bit of mystery left. Its great when shows dont drag it out and then end it poorly (the show Lost is known for this and im happy I never watched Lost myself). Alice in Borderland gave us enough thrill, yet also concluded before it wore out its welcome or mystery. I applaud it.


I get what you're saying although I am not catholic I believe I understand your definition of purgatory. They don't have an end date on IMDB so I believe a 3rd season will be coming. I loved Lost. The ending to me wasn't so bad but I also think a lit differently than most people. I've been watching some great new Indian movies lately also. Have you ever seen any of those? Most are RomCom's but not sappy enough to rule men out from watching. Watch this one and tell me what you think
IMDb: : Badla


Don't believe everything you read, losts ending was really quite good (compare it to game of thrones which dropped the ball in many ways)
The problem with lost was the writing got a bit sloppy before the end and they didn't tie up everything. The ending itself works though


I love this take on the ending. It's not about hinting at a new challenge, it's about representing the themes of the show and the struggles the characters went through. This is a really sharp, satisfying take on that closing shot.


Thank you for your appreciation. It felt like the show had a complete story and it ended with everyone realizing that they werent happy with how they lived their life. The themes were meaningful and relatable, It was a surprisingly happy ending. The final shot of slowly moving toward the joker card, with no character in the show looking upon it, that card was meant to look at us like a question to the Audience. Are we are taking our own lives seriously? Very good show and wonderful conclusion.


Yes, indeed, it was a very satisfying conclusion. I assumed that the final shot was an allusion to a "maybe they're still playing," kind of tease ending which might or might not hold the promise of "season four," but to be honest, I prefer your interpretation that it's a challenge and a final punctuation. I'm not a big fan of those teaser endings after everything's concluded, so your version keeps the button on the show's story line and adds a clever wink to the audience and underlining of the main theme of the show.


Season 3 and the Joker will just be a warm-up. What I'm really looking forward to is Season 4, where they confront the ultimate card: that spare card that everybody throws away when they open the deck.


You truly are looking ahead! I like that.
