The only thing I kept thinking through the entire movie was "Reese is too old to play this part and she's doing it without any real chemistry between her and Pattinson." So, I guess, my two cents is that I agree with the majority here.
For all those saying they loved the movie I would allow that I, too, liked it. And don't get me wrong - I like both of the lead actors. The part that made me the most emotional, though, had nothing to do with Witherspoon and Pattinson. It was Hal Holbrook's understated performance that elicited the true emotion. Tears shed on that one.
If you think Pattinson and Witherspoon were brilliant in this, consider if their roles had been played instead by Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams (yes, I know, but they smoldered and exploded in "The Notebook" together. Talk about chemistry...). And while I think Christoph Waltz's edgy performance was adequate as August, how much better and more subltly menacing would that character have been with Danny Huston playing him?