MovieChat Forums > Water for Elephants (2011) Discussion > Anyone else feel this film was... Lackin...

Anyone else feel this film was... Lacking?

Now, don't get me wrong, there were many things I enjoyed about this movie, and I think all 3 of the main actors did very well. The thing I was not FEELING was the chemistry between Marlena and Jacob. I know I am likely to get ripped apart by all the die-hards on this board, but for a movie that was hyped as a story of "star-crossed romance", I did not feel that kind of love between them. Did anyone else feel the same way?


i felt the exact same way after reading the book and watching this movie. I think robert pattinson did surprisingly well as jacob, but i don't think reese witherspoon really worked as marlena; together, they definitely had nothing going on. They were suppose to be really passionate and totally in love but they sort of seemed like they were being pushed into liking each other. I was kind of disappointed because other than that, it was a good movie.


Yes! I really didn't feel that Reese was the right woman for the part. Don't get me wrong, I think she's a great actress but IDK, maybe she was a little too old or just not delicate enough. I can't really put my finger on it.


Wasn't quite up to the Jack and Rose love story from Titanic(1997)? lol

Yea, but you have to remember that Marlena was married to a madman and she lived in constant fear of him and Jacob was a young man who was really a greenhorn at life and love so he wasn't all gangbusters, ya know?

I think it was perfect the way there affection and love grew until in the end there was no way they could be apart!

The scene where she took his hand and jumped the train was as powerful in my mind and really put a lump in my throat. It made me realize I have never felt a moment in my life like that. I guess that is why they make movies!


I'm so glad there are people who thought the movie was lacking. Besides no chemistry, I felt that the movie was just a vehicle for Robert Pattinson close-ups. Don't get me wrong. Love Pattinson. Am a huge Twilight Saga fan. But the movie failed to capture charm of the book. The part about Rosie was to me glossed over. Jacob didn't have the same relationship with Rosie that he had in the book. They focused more on August's cruelty to Rosie. I thought Reese was totally miscast and did not seem to understand her role. There was no chemistry between Reese and Robert. Not sure if Pattinson understood Jacob either. Waltz kept August too one-note. I thought August was a bit more complicated than what he portrayed. To me, this points to the director. Not impressed with the job the director did at all. And the beginning and end with the old man, all the charm of that was lost. What a waste of a great actor like Holbrook.

Very disappointing adaptation. More than usual.



Excellent observation. I blame the acting (I haven't read the book). Christoph was outstanding, but his character was rather one-dimensional. He got to be the King of his little world and abused people accordingly, including his prize possession: his wife. Witherspoon was OK, but not great. I never saw any true feelings for Jacob, but she was convincing as the wife of an abuser. Maybe the character was designed that way. I thought Pattinson was mis-cast, and his performance was lacking. He had the exact same look on his face when he was supposed to be gazing longingly at Marlene as when he was supposed to be glaring hatefully at August. I haven't seen a much of Pattinson so I don't know if he can't act or if the directing/editing caused the problem.

Overall the movie was OK, but I thought it could have been much better.


I guess different people see different things. I saw a wide range of expressions. coinss-dead


I have not read the book but my impression was that Marlena probably didn't really love Jacob until they jumped the train and then she realised she actually could have a normal good life with Jacob. Up until that point she was a possession of her husbands and knew she would never be free of him and had resigned herself to that role.

What happens in the meadow at dusk? NOTHING!, EVERYTHING!


It was much different in the book. Their relationship developed over time, in the movie it seemed like it almost happened overnight. They spent much more time together and truly feel in love. She wasn't just with him to escape her husband. I wish they could have showed more of that in the film.


Yes. I won't lie.

First off let me say that I really liked the movie and I think all three leads gave very good performances. However, I was aware of the lack of chemistry between Reese and Robert as I was watching the movie. (It distracted me from the story infact!)I found myself wondering if anyone else felt the same that so I came on here and looks like I'm not alone!
I kept picturing Scarlett Johannsen as Marlena. I think she would've fit the role better visually speaking. Whether she could've done the role justice I'm not sure. I think Reese is too "girl next door" for this role. I agree with one poster who said the role called for a more sexy and smouldering actress. Reese is cute but not sexy (in my humble opinion). I think this movie could have been great instead of just really good if cast differently.


I agree, the chemistry between them was very lacking...

"Hey guys! Whoa, Big Gulps huh? All right! Well, see ya later!" Dumb & Dumber


The only thing I kept thinking through the entire movie was "Reese is too old to play this part and she's doing it without any real chemistry between her and Pattinson." So, I guess, my two cents is that I agree with the majority here.

For all those saying they loved the movie I would allow that I, too, liked it. And don't get me wrong - I like both of the lead actors. The part that made me the most emotional, though, had nothing to do with Witherspoon and Pattinson. It was Hal Holbrook's understated performance that elicited the true emotion. Tears shed on that one.

If you think Pattinson and Witherspoon were brilliant in this, consider if their roles had been played instead by Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams (yes, I know, but they smoldered and exploded in "The Notebook" together. Talk about chemistry...). And while I think Christoph Waltz's edgy performance was adequate as August, how much better and more subltly menacing would that character have been with Danny Huston playing him?
