AQ, you and I seem to be the few that liked the movie and the chemistry. I think sometimes, when some people are acquainted with an actor, they look at the movie with those eyes. They need to watch the story for what it's worth, instead of thinking, "oh, this is Reese Witherspoon from Home to Alabama" or whatever. "Wow, she's not acting like she was in that show. Oh, she's terrible in this", or "Wow, Robert is looking just like he does in Twilight, and I hated Twilight. Gosh, he's acting terribly."
I think that's what goes on, but when I'm watching a movie, I try to forget all that and follow the story line and enjoy the movie for what it's worth. If I don't like the movie, it's usually for other reasons, not because I think someone else could have acted in it better. I wish people would grow up and stop being so nitpicking. Sometimes I really feel to stop reading these posts, but then I'm drawn back to see others' opinions, to my utter chagrin. LOL
This is my signature and I'm sticking to it. lol