For those with knowledge of bodybuilding
Is it possible to bulk up and the obtain the muscle definition seen in Hemsworth’s “nude” scene (in the trailer) without the benefit of steroids?
shareIs it possible to bulk up and the obtain the muscle definition seen in Hemsworth’s “nude” scene (in the trailer) without the benefit of steroids?
shareEhh, Marty is the closest.
Steroids WILL NOT give you muscle definition. The gear is used to help with muscle recovery and endocrine cycles. Essentially they help with giving you the boost you need to keep working out more than usual and with less down-time, so you can get bigger faster.
However, gear WILL NOT give you muscle definition. You need to actually put the time in to get big, and get on a very specific nutritional diet to ensure the muscles aren't covered by epidermal layers. It's a really fine balancing act, because in some ways there's a bit of a starvation element to it because you're reducing your body fat so that the muscles you build up through working out showcase through a very thin layer of skin.
Randy Orton was also recently talking about that because many people have said he's in the best shape of his life and has rippling abs, but he told Pat McCafee that he hasn't been hitting the gym and weights as much, so much as it's just been cutting alcohol out of his diet and being more selective in his nutritional diet as opposed to just staying in the gym all day.
Ironically, John Cena told Sheamus the exact same thing during their workout, where Cena was literally in impossibly good shape with rippling muscles everywhere (dare I say he looked like in the best shape of his life in that video with Sheamus). But Cena mentioned that his workout is no longer than 90 minutes, and more than half that time is spent mostly stretching and loosening up the muscles, with some deadlifts thrown in for strength training. But a lot of it still boils down to work ethic, diet, and good genetics, regardless of what gear you're on.
Thanks. So, to clarify, you think CH is likely taking steroids but that exercise and, especially, strict dieting are responsible for most if his gains and all of his definition?
shareAnd genetics. Even steroids and proper training/diet can't make a silk purse out of sow's ear. People who point to those old pics of a slim CH don't understand genetics, and they don't have the eye to see the traits that are apparent even in those "skinny" pics. I don't think cyguration would disagree.
shareEven steroids and proper training/diet can't make a silk purse out of sow's ear.
thats the thing, it does. genetics plays a role, roids are still a bigger factor. when you are talking literally 6-20X the natural male testosterone, you bet your ass you are going to get big. its just science
No, it doesn't. You could use the same training protocol, diet, and drugs as some champion bodybuilder, but you will never get the same outcome. Anyone at that level already had superior genetics to begin with. And you can't compensate for that gap simply through more drugs. If you have a short, knotty bicep, with a long tendon, and a high percentage of slow twitch fibers, the other more genetically gifted guy, with a long belly bicep, with a short tendon, and a high percentage a fast twitch fibers, will get far better results from the same bicep training/diet/drug protocol. Steroids help a person with mediocre genetics get bigger, but nothing compared to what steroids will do with a much better natural base to work from. You can make a silk purse from the latter, but you can't get to that level from the sow's ear of mediocre -- or worse -- genetics. Despite the drugs, everyone is still ultimately trapped by genetic variables.
No, you're just too dumb to understand the point, and too dishonest to admit it. If you have naturally shitty, high, short calves, steroids won't magically fill them in long down your leg, by transforming tendon into muscle, to match the guy with naturally good calves to begin with. He can upgrade to silk b/c he's not starting with a lowly sow's ear, but your sow's ear calves will never be silk, no matter the drugs. Get it now? Helllloo?? Steroids and training programs can be emulated, but the deciding factor in the level of success reached is the thing you can't do anything about: your genetics. Sow's ear genetics will never get silk results. Period. And silk doesn't simply mean "less shitty" or merely "better than the crap I had before" -- it means expensive, high end. Get it now? Anyone home??
shareread my other reply that was more thorough and covered your nonsense.
I didnt say it would. I said that to 99.9% of the populace, somone on steroids with shit genetics is a silk purse. to the 0.01% intense body builder nitpicker who says "yaaaa bro has shit chest genetics" it matters.
they are a silk purse to 99.9% of people.
Like I said you've shifted the argument from whether CH's body is enhanced, to what role genetics play in elite competitive body building athletes.
get it now?? anyone home????
no matter how you try and shift the goalpost, it won't work on me clown.
You have to take my lines b/c you can't think of your own, lol.
I should have taken a look at your other posts before replying to such a bitter moron. It seems like it's always the same: You say something stupid, someone corrects your stupidity, you throw a tantrum. Lather-rinse-repeat.
Feel that? That's me putting you on ignore. Now go blab to all the other people who put you in your place. Can't fix stupid. See ya!
yes im mocking your stupidty. the tren rage is hard here huh? you are barely keeping it together!
yes you moved the goalposts. to a topic no one was talking about. hahahahaha get to your safe space bitch. dont forget to tren hard anavar give up. but from your raging it seems you already do that
google "crazy steroid transformations"
and check out the long list of bad/ mediocre genetically cursed people, turn in to absolute beasts. as I said above the fact you tried to shift it to say the genetic 1% will get better results shows you lost. well duh that was never the argument at all.
the point is steroids can make a silk purse from a sows ear to according to the perception of 99% of people. will some competitor be like "well actually he has really bad chest genetics and hence cant compete with Chris bum" well sure. but the arguement wasnt "can steroids fully overcome genetics to turn you into the 0.00001% of pro bodybuilding competitors"
No that was never the argument. you argued it was CH's genetics that let him hit those levels. it wasnt. you are trying to argue two things.
could people reach Chris bum levels with bad genetics and steroids, no
could people reach CH levels with bad genetics and steroids. 100000000%
stop goalpost shifting
Are you gonna delete this post too? B/c of all the egg on your face after you actually read my reply? You're cherry picking one line that illustrates the same point anyway, but if you still were confused, I spelled it out in detail the rest of the way, which you completely ignored, b/c you have no answer.
I said "And genetics" b/c the OP left that off their list of factors, despite me and the other guy bringing up that key factor as well. And I made an additional point, that those without good genetics will not get the high end aka "silk" results, which I had to reiterate twice here. The only thing confusing you is you. Don't blame me b/c you're thick.
yes my second response covered the same stuff as my first. just in more detail and better argued. so I deleted it. im getting some hard tren rage vibes from you.....
I actually deleted that post minutes before you posted. but apparently you clicked reply then took 10 minutes to write a one paragraph reply.............. egg on my face? because I called out your nonsense and goal post shifting?
Nope I have answered it. the genetically superior 1% on roids will always surpass the genetically inferior 1% on roids. that was never the argument. not from me, not from cyguration, not what the original posted was asking nor what Techto decided to move the goal posts and go on an unrelated rant
SO again, ill explain for the third time. since you are raging and can barely read.
you can make a silk purse out of a sows ear. if your standard of a silk purse is say CH's body, other major actors who have gotten into shape for roles, or even other impressive pro bodybuilders. this to 99.9% of the populace is impressive and great and a "silk purse". its an impressive body that the vast majority will never attain. BUT IF YOUR STANDARD is solely the 0.0001% of the populace who actually follow elite competitive body builders. and whose standards are are the 0.000001% with superior genetics and will nitpick and argue for hours why Arnolds calf genetics are actual superior to Coleman because while Coleman's were most vascular Arnolds had better definition. then yes you are right. but to be right all you had to do was entirely change the subject to something no one was talking about, and apply a standard no one was using. and only 0.0001% who follow competitive bodybuilding have. which as I said was not the topic. and you had to goalpost shift to.
im guessing you are suffering from some sort of chemical induced rage. from your lack of clarity and ability to man up
Even steroids and proper training/diet can't make a silk purse out of sow's ear.
roids WILL GIVE YOU muscle definition. they push past the normal human limits allowing humans to be both lean, vascular AND BIG> which is the trifecta. any gym bro after a few years learns you can be big and muscular, or lean, you cant be all 3. its basic human genetics. Hence the appeal of roads.
Randy Orton is simply cutting out calories... so yaa he may be "in the best shape", but also possibly using PEDs
John Cena is on roids too......
He's one of the most talked about actors with respect to PED abuse. Every steroid user I know has said guys with that kind of size and definition are almost certainly on gear. Apart from the limits of human physiological development, dedicated "fake natty hunters" online will look at the time-frame of the transformation. If someone is getting into movie star shape after only twelve weeks of fluff and pump training, then, no, it's not because they ate chicken, broccoli, and brown rice (as the joke goes).
It looks like there was some discussion earlier about how steroids are not responsible for definition. One's bicep insertions, etc., are a matter of genetics, and there are people who can consume massive quantities of male hormones and never compete with professional bodybuilders because they don't have prized round muscle bellies. This is one reason why bodybuilding is more of a beauty pageant than a sport.
On the other hand, steroids certainly do contribute to what a layperson might consider definition because whenever people want to show their muscles, they need to diet down. Dieting down necessarily means losing fat AND muscle, so the more muscle mass you start with before a cut, the less you will lose. (Laypeople often think these guys are strongest when they're ripped but, in fact, that's when they're the weakest -- and dehydrated.)
Also, bodybuilders claim steroids can help with certain looks in terms of dryness and hardness. Other drugs (as in not steroids) are taken to shed fat. The most common is clenbuterol, which is also abused by actresses and female pop-stars.